Session 5

Session 5: Research and Development

Played on 3-1-22

After returning from Bit by Bit and finding Pierre cowering under a table in his shop, the party immediately began investigating what happened. The party comforted Pierre as he told them about a man ,that fairly closely matched the description you had been given, coming into the store asking about his mom. The man got upset when he couldn't find her, tossed the place looking for answers and stormed out. Eventually Felix found Marie's planner, which reveled that she would be delivering a new device to a Barry B earlier that day.

The party got to Barry's apartment and spoke to a visibly shaken old man. He was wearing a set of verily advanced prosthetics, which appear to have been designed by Marie. He again spoke of a similar man, who came to his place after Marie has been there asking about her. He sent the large man on his way. The party was able to spot the man and his very large, military style vehicle on the complex's security cameras, but after no new leads surfaced they decided to head back to the raven for the night for what was hopefully a long nights rest. Not everyone's rest was as restful as Tundo had several nightmares of his time in captivity, filled with chains and thunder.

The next morning Seere elected to stay behind with Pierre and began a heated game of go fish. Around this time Tundo finally felt it was necessary that he knew the man who they were looking for, that his name was Ash Nightshade, and in addition that he was also affiliated with Axion Inc. This prompted the party to request Tundo to take them back to where he was kept. They arrived at the facility, and found it empty. Any data from the cite had been removed, leaving only some of the "testing" equipment on the lower levels.

With a lack of leads, the party went to the Data Blossom Conservatory, where Peter had been a researcher in the past, to see what new information they could dig up. They found the following:

Ash Nightshade

  • 1st Lieutenant of the 126th Bravo Company, WASP Special Forces. Honorable Discharge approximately 5 years ago

  • Reason for discharge was his sick wife

  • Affiliated with Axion Inc. an R&D company specializing in defense and energy, in an unknown position, likely security

  • Axion Inc. bought the Grimstone mine also about 5 years ago

  • A warehouse in the industrial district is registered to his name

After finding this new information. They decided to check out this new address. They eventually found a warehouse, standard in appearance in the industrial district. From the outside they could see a faint blue glow with a shape occasionally passing in front of it. With some less than stealthy snooping Kewaa eventually decided to enter the building. Inside this space was 14 cots each with a person lying in it lining each wall, a large machine with two basketball sized glowing blue glass orbs mounted into it as well as varies wires and pipes dividing towards each of these beds. Various manor of people lay in the beds from wealthy elven men to burly goliath women, to a white dragonborn women. On the opposite end of the chamber, a hulking figure stepped out of the shadows and into the light of the orbs...

The Data Blossom Conservatory

Barry B.