July Edition 2018

Meadowsweet Organic Farm

We discovered that nestling beside Dalgan Park is a wonderful family run Organic Farm. You might have caught brief glimpses of their poly tunnels as you walk through the woodland of Dalgan Park and we investigate what is inside.

Attached to their home the small farm incorporated into their large garden so it has a real family feel to it and it receives a lot of time, love and attention.

Niamh and Dennis have backgrounds in horticulture and previously held a nursery for trees and plants. They decided to what they love most and grow wholesome organic crops.

After 5 years without using pesticides on the land and 2 years of inspections by the IOA Organic Food and Farming Standards the Farm received Organic Farm Accreditation in 2017.

Organic Farming is very similar to how food use to be grown. It's a traditional process without the need for artificial chemicals or hydroponics to produce wholesome, tasty and healthy crops.

Fresh cucumbers actually have a real noticeable taste.

Strawberries aren't simply full of water.

Peas fresh from the pod really have a sweet taste.

Salads's in winter have more taste.

High on their list of popular produce are wheatgrass either to press yourself or as a juice, flower petals and microgreens.

We sampled the micro sunflowers which were succulent and fresh, the nasturtium petals had a real peppery kick to them.

With these mixed into your salad you really have no need for salad dressings to spice them up

Most of their customers come via word of mouth which is the best reference any producer can gain.

Many phone in orders which are picked fresh the morning of collection day.

All crops are seasonal but either phone or drop in to see what's fresh.


All farms depend on a ready supply of water and they are fortunate to have their own water well for use on delicate salads.

They also harvest rain water from the greenhouse roof for use on the hardier vegetables.


086 165 5656

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