July Edition 2018

Blackwater Park

Blackwater Park is not only our nearest public park but with 66 acres between the Windtown Road and the River Blackwater it's one of the biggest town parks in the country and it packs in an awful lot.

10 minutes by car to the far side of Navan the park is a prominent feature on the map. It should become a breathing space in urban planning and the future expansion of Navan.

There's quite a lot packed into this park.

Unlike our reviews of Balrath Woods, Dalgan Park or the Ramparts this isn't a mature woodland park. It does however combine many of their features with historic remnants, riverside areas, hard and rough walking paths, sweeping grassed areas with wildflowers, a large playground and 3 playing pitches.

Future Access

If the new bridge and NW Link road proceeds access to the park might improve for many more but at the expense of loosing park land in return for a major road. Alternatively a pedestrian bridge over the Blackwater straight into the town centre would be a significant benefit.

Viewed from the street

€1m has been spent to access the area, provide undergrounding services, surfaced walkways, car park and the pitches.

The arrival entry gate is very distinct and a tree lined guard of honour entry road is also lined by 12 trees planted by the children of the town's national schools.

It's now 14 years since the council acquired the land from Tara Mines and was only opened to the public in June 2015 and in that time it's attracted a regular flow of visitors and clubs using the area daily.

Being a Public Park it really does cater to their differing needs: Walkers of all abilities and those with dogs, joggers, cyclists and those needing wider space for sports or even kite flying.

Pet, Cycle and or on Foot this a family friendly venue.

The entrance car park is conveniently close to the children's playground which for many is the main attraction together with the 1.5km circular walkway and the 3 Playing pitches.

All weather and all ability paths

Planning for path lighting was recently submitted and would further enhance the walking route in winter months.

No excuses for not cleaning up after your dog.

Rough paths to explore

Wild sweeping grass paths

Sculptures of remembrance

Riverside view of the sawmill ruins on the Mollies, destroyed by fire in 2007.

Occasional things for children to spot.

Encouraging wildflowers

3 much needed facilities are however missing from this park which significantly limits family time at the venue and opportunities to use the pitches for significant events.

There are NO toilets, NO changing rooms and NO cafe.


You'll find regular activities organised by Meath Local Sports Partnership, Park Run and now Athlumney FC.

See more in the series of 360 PhotoSpheres


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