July Edition 2018

Graffiti or Art

What's the difference? Could it be a combination of personal taste and whether or not permission was given? Then why does Johnstown bear signs of graffiti acceptance?

Many people will have seen very creative graffiti with some artists having been commissioned to create huge designs as murals for public spaces, clubs and bars.

How many have heard of Banksy and some will now have purchased copies of this anonymous artists work to hang on their own walls.

A Copyright free 'Banksy' interpretation.

Graffiti can have it's place and purpose but we only see the worst of it with unsightly 'Tags' scrawled on local walls.

Quick to apply, with often no meaning, are they meant to convey skill, art or ownership? Sprayed on Pebble dashed walls they're certainly not easy to remove and often too quick to return.

Johnstown Tidy Towns has a suggestion.

Rather than chase their tails trying to get rid of Graffiti perhaps there are some locations where they can remove the 'artists' canvas.

Those graffiti walls that happen to have soil next to them are places to plant large shrubs or climbers which in time will cover the canvas. Alternatively spiky bushes like roses or raspberry provide a natural deterrent.

Where there is a hard surface like a pavement it might be possible to remove a strip of concrete path or put in raised planter boxes.

We need to stop tolerating graffiti.

First we need your help.

If you see graffiti then take a photo, say where it is and send it to the Johnstown Tidy Towns team for them to evaluate the options.


Click on an icon to see what's there and email or messenger the location of what you discover with a photo to Johnstown Tidy Towns.

We've recently heard of a new Eco Friendly product which we'll investigate to see if we can use it in the removal process potentially in August.


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