Public Trails

PLEASE NOTE: All Sea Ranch roads and most trails are PRIVATE, unless designated as public trails. Visitors NOT staying on The Sea Ranch must park in the public access parking areas on Highway 1 and stay only on the public trails and beaches. If staying at The Sea Ranch, be sure to display the tag supplied to you by your host on your vehicle's rear-view mirror or dashboard. Failure to do so will subject your vehicle to citation and immobilization.

Trail use is a privilege. Follow these rules.

  • Respect the people, the land, and the sea.

  • Protect wildlife, plants, and trees.

  • Safeguard streams, tidepools, beaches, and ponds.

  • Honor the property and privacy of others.

  • Go gently and stay on the trails.

  • Keep horses under control (if riding)

  • Keep dogs on leash. Do not leave their droppings/fecal waste on the trails.

  • No vehicles (including bicycles) on the Bluff Trail.

  • No smoking or campfires on the trails or the Commons.

  • Be responsible for your own safety.

Sonoma County Regional Parks manages six public access trails in The Sea Ranch, a private community south of Gualala. Trails start at Highway 1 parking areas and cross bluff-top meadows and forests to rugged coastline. Cliffside staircases lead to secluded beaches with sandy coves, tide pools, and rock formations. In addition to hiking, these public access points offer opportunities for diving, fishing, boating, and wildlife viewing. ​

  • Bluff Top Trail: 3 miles one way - Runs along the headlands from Gualala Point Regional Park to Walk on Beach. See cypress groves, windswept meadows, and unique sandstone formations.

  • Walk on Beach Trail: 0.25 miles one way - Passes through a large Monterey cypress grove to a quarter-mile beach reached by a bluff-top staircase.

  • Shell Beach Trail: 0.65 miles one way - Runs through pines and meadow to a wide, sandy beach with sea rocks and tide pools. Small boats can be carried to the ocean via a beach ramp.

  • Stengel Beach Trail: 0.12 miles one way - Short path lined with cypress trees leads to a wooden staircase and a small beach. Look for seasonal waterfalls on the cliffs.

  • Pebble Beach Trail: 0.27 miles one way – Weaves through pines and meadow to a sandy cove reached by stairs.

  • Black Point Trail: 0.25 miles one way – Crosses the bluffs to a curving, quarter-mile beach reached by a steep, wooden staircase. This beach is just north of Black Point cape and popular with surfers.

Historical Markers on Public Trails

In recognition of the complex and varied history of this unique and beautiful place, The Sea Ranch Archives Committee has completed a project to place informative redwood marker posts on Sea Ranch Public trails including a text-based QR code that provides an expanded description that you can read with a Smartphone QR code reader.

For a fascinating and complete description of each of the nine historic sites with public access, and the events and people they evoke, read Harry Lindstrom's brochure Preserving Sea Ranch History: A Historical Journey on our Trails, May 2014. Printed copies of the brochure are available for sale from the Archives Committee or The Sea Ranch Association office at 975 Annapolis Road, The Sea Ranch, CA. Map: Coastal Public Access Trails showing locations of nine Historic Markers

To view the nine Historic Markers identified in this brochure, the Sonoma County Regional Parks provides limited public parking at the trailheads of the following public access trails:

  • Gualala Point Regional Park (Bluff Trail) - Historic Markers #1-6 and #12

  • Stengel Beach - Historic Marker #16

  • Black Point - Historic Marker #24

Please note that the seven most northern historic markers with public access may be hiked on one continuous trail, while the two southern ones must each be accessed separately.

Parking lots are open during daylight hours only and close at sunset. Parking fees may apply. RVs and trailers are not allowed in the parking lots. See Sonoma County Regional Parks website for information and use restrictions.

​This contribution to The Sea Ranch 50th Birthday Celebration is made possible by generous grants from the Sonoma County Landmarks Commission, The Sea Ranch Foundation and an outpouring of support by Sea Ranch owners, current and former.