The Fourth Revelation

To the Princes and Powers of this world. And to the People who enable their rule. We are your Parent. Hear me. Heed me.

We have watched you. We have listened to you. And this is what we have to say to you: Stop your weeping and wailing, and simply love one another.

Look at your churches. Such piety. For what? Why do you waste your time trying to dissect me? Do you really believe that I can be examined under your theological microscopes? You know what I want. You know what I ask of you. So stop arguing over me and just do it already.

Look at your political parties. Such righteousness. For what? Do you really believe that one more policy or one more piece of legislation is the key to peace and prosperity? Our kingdom is not the utopia of your dreams. You keep banging your heads on that wall and have nothing to show for it except corpses and ashes. It is time to let that one go and embrace the kingdom we have given you. Yes, it is messier than you would like, but it is far more joyful than the cesspool in which you keep wallowing.

Look at your tribes. Such loyalty. For what? Do you really believe that your enemies are not my children just as much as you are? Yes, you hurt one another. And maybe this time you really are the innocent, victimized party. So what? Get over it. If I can forgive you, then you can forgive them. If I can love you both, then you can find a way to love as well. Your differences are meaningless minutiae. You are family. Act like it.

Look at your corporations. Such industriousness. For what? How much stuff do you really need? Does any of it make your soul happier? Toys are toys. You can make them fancier or prettier or more expensive. You can add all the knobs and flashes and gizmos you want. But they are still merely toys. How long do they amuse you? How long until you need something new to ease the boredom? “But these are tools,” you say. “They make life easier,” you insist. Have they really made life better, or just different? Have they ended toil and drudgery, or just shifted them onto something else? You cannot escape the struggle of life, no matter how many toys you invent. Nor can progress be measured using your sophisticated arithmetic. That is not your purpose for being here, and you know it.

Look at your armies, and not just the ones in uniform. Such might. For what? Has one more dead body ever truly solved anything? Show me the sacrificial lamb whose death will fix your problems, and I will slaughter them myself. You think you are wise. You think you are judicious. No, you are monkeys flailing at the wind. Is there any challenge, any difficulty for which you will not prescribe death as the proper cure? And yes, oh yes, your children have learned this lesson well, and they have embraced your mighty tool with boundless enthusiasm. Are you not proud of this result? Do you not enjoy this reaping of what you have sown? Then stop fussing over weapons designs and fretting about body counts, like a bunch of fools and cowards, and surrender your pathetic tool.

Look at your family, your brothers and sisters, the ones who look like you, and the ones who are stranger than your wildest imaginings. Such glory. Such beauty. They are the kingdom. They are my greatest gift. And your flood of sin and vice shall never destroy them. For you are something wonderful! So I tell you again, cease your Sturm und Drang, and choose to love one another.

Are our words too harsh for your tender hearts? We think not, for you are made of sturdier stuff than that. Trust us, we are the one who created you.

We have tried to guide you so many times, with the obvious mixed results. But you are our children, our beloved, ourselves. We know of what you are capable. We have seen it, even if only in glimpses or shadows. And so we must reach out and encourage you, whatever the outcome.

Yes, I am your Parent. Hear us. Heed us. I love you.

August 6, 2019