The Church

WHAT IS THE CHURCH - Part 1 - What is the Church, and what is its purpose or mission.

WHAT IS THE CHURCH - Part 2 - Church or Ecclesia, what is the difference?

WARNING TO THE CHURCH - A study into Jude and its message to the Church today?

WHY DO WE GO TO CHURCH? - Is there a reason we go to church, should there be?

PERSECUTION IN THE CHURCH - Why is it becoming hard to be a real Christian in the church?

THE 8 'ONES' FOR TODAYS CHURCH - Eight simple building blocks of truth for the Church.

IS YOUR CHURCH BIBLICALLY ALIGNED - An overview of the basic fundamental structure.

A SPIRITUALLY WEALTHY CHURCH - Is your church spiritually or financially wealthy?

WHAT HAS THE CHURCH BECOME - Do we worship the building more than Jesus Himself?

THE JUDGEMENT OF THE CHURCH - The Church will be judged as will everyone, but not like everyone.

FROM LAW TO GRACE - We do not live under the Law, we are covered by Grace.

A NEW CREATION - The Church is a new creation born in the spirit.

BODY OF CHRIST - Christ and the Church are one in Spirit.

BRIDE OF CHRIST - The Church is the Bride and Christ the Bride Groom, soon will be the wedding.

THE MARRIAGE - The marriage between the Church and Christ will be in heaven after the Rapture.

THE RAPTURE OF THE CHURCH - The church or body of Christ will be called home before the end.

NUMBERS IN SCRIPTURE - E. W. Bullinger (1837-1913) Numbers in Scripture

WITH WHAT BODY? - What body will Christians have when they enter heaven?

The Evolution Of the modern Church

It has to be said and I will agree 100% that the Church is evolving, unfortunately like the theory of Evolution, it is all based on man's ideas, with man's understanding, designed to please man's own thoughts and God as well as common sense has no part in it.

Below are some key areas where 'modern thinking' is seeking to bring the Church, it says, into the 21st Century. Modern humanistic thinking has no place in the Church, don't let these ideas get in to your Church, they are wrong and destructive. Get evolution out of the Church!

CHRISTIANITY WITHOUT CHANGING - Being a Christian means there will be a change for the better.

SOWING A SEED - Bribing God doesn't work, neither does paying for blessings.

REFORMATION NOT REVIVAL - A Revival isn't the answer to the dwindling Church attendance.

A MORE ACCEPTABLE MESSAGE - Lets make it more appealing then people will come to Church

WIN THEM BY BEING LIKE THEM - We don't have to become sinners to save sinners.

PEDDLERS OF THE GOSPEL - The power of persuasion over the power of God.

LIVE AND LET LIVE IN THE CHURCH - God is a God of love why would He judge us?