Who are we?

We present you ,,The Magateen'', a new concept of magazine made by teens, for teens. We can proudly affirm that we are the first trilingual (still) magazine in Romania. Why ,,still trilingual''? Soon, we will launch articles in German and other languages, so stay tuned!

What do we plan to do?

In addition to the fact that we aim to deliver

you daily content that perfectly combines

the useful with the pleasant, we want to

launch this autumn the first print of

this beloved magazine.

Sneak Peek in our Shelf of Articles

Not all men, but every single women

Addiction to social


Pollution effects on the enviroment

Lucid dreams

Sleep paralysis

The Déjà vu


Silicon Valley:

dream or nightmare?

The music's influence

exercised on us

The mysterious death of

actress Thelma Alice Todd

Skinqueen's rules

for glowy skin

The Thumbnail


What's the deal

with TikTok?

80s music is back


What's up with Too

Hot To Handle?

The nazis and


Do you want to tell us/propose us something? Here you are!

Don't forget to follow us on instagram! @themagateen

Have a nice day! ;)