Not all men, but every

single woman

Nowadays, more and more women are victims of abuse and despite that, the society is treating this subject still like it is taboo. Being a women, I have experienced on my own skin a bunch of attacks from men. We are living in the 21st century and not even know through millions of protests, we were not able to get our rights back. I am quite concerned about the fact that in those times, said as ,,developed’’, people of both sexes this that are men are superior to women. A completely wrong mentality!

The phrase "Not all men, but every single women" highlights the difference between men’s experience and women’s, when it comes to abuse or harassment. Therefore, even though not every men it is an aggressor, the reality shows that every women goes trough a traumatic experience, being abused physically or sexually. In the same time, women are afraid to walk alone home no matter the time of the day, without having with the an object with which they can auto defense in front of the oposite gender.

Did you know that 97% of women in UK were sexually assaulted? That means that 4 out of 5 women were constrained and left with pshicological damages. Those numbers are immense and that is why everyone should be aware of the situation. We can imagine the terrible number in Romania where sex education never existed. No wonder we are among the first in Europe for toxic thinking to promote such cases (see the picture). In conclusion, everyone should be informed and cautious about this.

When we say ,,Not all men’’ we approach the trauma that women have suffered and without trying to find solutions and help them feel safe , we are focusing on men who are feeling uncomfortable to talk about this subject.

Moreover ,,every single women’’ it is the victim of the abuse , but in the most cases she will not tell about what happened to her , because she is either afraid or shy. So, that is why it is important to educate both men and women about this, therefore we will create a safer place for everyone.

,,The predators’’ of the oposite sex say that the principal cause of rape is the women’ s clothing. The way we dress in a way that represents ourselves and makes as happy is not something you can blame in this situation. Instead of protecting every single girl , we better do a change and try to educate our boys to respect women in their whole beauty.

Don't forget to follow us on instagram at @the.magateen! :)

editorial: Thea Vochita, Oana Luca

graphic design: Bianca Constantin,

Anastasia Chivu

translation: Thea Vochita

DP (desktop publishing): Andreea Seba