Skinqueen's rules

for glowy skin

What you think about when you hear ,,skincare’’? Those funny videos on Instagram that are made by the so-called "skincare gurus" or that boring routine that you depend on every day, but still some products do not work for your skin. There are 6 skin types: sensitive skin, normal skin, dry skin, combination skin, oily skin, mature skin (for people after 30 years). Each skin type has its preferences. In today's article we will talk about ,, how we determine the type of skin ”, some basic rules of the routine, as well as beneficial ingredients for your skin.

  • How do we determine our skin type

If you don't want to go to a dermatologist in the next few months or years, here's a trick to find out your skin type. Wash your face with water and a simple face wash lotion and wait an hour, if your skin shows signs of shine, in the sense that you feel that you have an oily coating on your face, then you have oily skin. If you feel your skin tightening as if it needs hydration, you have dry skin; however, if you do not feel absolutely anything related to your skin, it does not need hydration or is oily, congratulations you have normal skin. Sensitive skin never comes alone but accompanied by the above skin types, if after washing your face you notice redness on the skin surface, you have a sensitive skin, and if you find yourself in 2 categories above, you have mixed skin, means that you have certain parts of the face, oily/ dry/ normal and vice versa.

Basic rules in skincare

There are rules everywhere, even in skincare, if you want your products to work and not age prematurely, then read on:

1. There are rules everywhere, even in skincare, if you want your products to work and not age prematurely, then read on:

2. Apply a sunscreen with spf between 30 and spf 50 and reapply somewhere 2-3 times a day or somewhere around 3-4 hours.

3. Create a well-defined routine, for morning and evening, this should involve a minimum number of steps, don’t overdo the steps.

4. Do not change your dermato-cosmetic products often

5. When wiping your face with a towel, be sure to TAP the excess water, without aggressing the skin.

6. Apply the serums on a damp, not dry skin for a better absorption of the beneficial ingredients and do a small facial massage with the phalanges (joints) of the fingers.

7. Always use a face cream suitable for your skin type.

8. Use a liquid exfoliant (peel), not a physical one (scrub).

9. Find dermato-cosmetic products without perfume or essential oils, because it sensitizes your protective skin barrier.

10. Don't break your pimples, all you do is spread the bacteria to other areas of your face.

  • Beneficial ingredients for your skin condition

In this section, we will talk about the beneficial ingredients for your skin condition. Depending on your skin, here you will find a small selection of ingredients that can help you in your routine:

1. Good ingredients for sensitive skin:

Centella asiatica - the first thing we notice when we use a cream with Centella asiatica extract on the skin is that the skin calms down miraculously, whether we are talking about irritations, redness or even post-acne marks with a tendency to redness. they come from the chemical composition of the plant: it is very rich in amino acids, beta-carotene, fatty acids, vitamins C, A, B1 and B2. All these stimulate collagen production, provide the skin with powerful antioxidants, have an anti-microbial effect and immediately reduce inflammation.

Oats- you heard right, oats used as a cosmetic treatment, especially in the form of flour or as a colloidal oats in dermato-cosmetic preparations, oats are beneficial for a variety of sensitive and dry skin conditions. With a high concentration of starch and beta-glucan, a polysaccharide, oats provide the skin with a protective film that allows water to be stored in the tissues. The presence of different types of phenols confers antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activity, some of which have a role in the absorption of ultraviolet rays. The activity of cleaning oats is mainly due to saponins, which work like a natural soap.

Aloe Vera- although the plant resembles a cactus, it belongs to the bat family and has no connection with cacti. Approximately 220 active substances such as vitamins, enzymes, minerals, amino acids and polysaccharides have been found in the leaves. Substances in polysaccharides help strengthen the immune system. There are substances in polysaccharides that are also produced by the human body until the beginning of puberty.

Squalane oil - one such moisturizer that has been attracting attention lately is Squalane. It perfectly copies the natural oils of the skin which makes it an exceptional emollient. It is also a natural antioxidant and has antitumor properties protecting your skin from the carcinogenic effects of external factors. Squalane antioxidants successfully fight skin damage as well as free radicals, both common causes of skin aging. It can also have a strong detoxifying effect on the skin. Regular use can help the body's production of collagen, which, of course, means firmer skin.

2. Good ingredients for dry skin:

Hyaluronic acid - also known as hyaluronate or hyaluronan, was first discovered in 1934. Chemically, hyaluronic acid is a molecule composed mostly of sugars (polysaccharide), which is normally found in tissue. connective tissue of the body and in the skin. Basically, hyaluronic acid keeps tissues hydrated. One gram of hyaluronic acid can hold about six liters of water.

Ceramides - make up 50% of the lipid layer and form the skin's protective barrier, maintaining hydration. The lipid layer is organized in a dense structure in the form of lamellae and is composed of: ceramides, cholesterol and fatty acids. penetrates, leading to dry and irritated skin.

Glycerin - Its glycerol called Glycerin is a trihydroxyl alcohol with moisturizing properties, it blocks hydration in the skin, and it’s hygroscopic. It does not have a single benefit. In addition to its incredible moisturizing properties, it also has multiple other benefits for the skin. For those who are worried about the marks left on their faces by pimples, it is good to know that Glycerin can fight them.

Goat's milk- you can't believe, but this ingredient is absolutely fantastic, it contains a lot of minerals, fats and vitamins that are miraculous for the skin of the human body and are very well absorbed and tolerated by the body. In addition, goat's milk is very easy to use and is a versatile product that adapts to a wide range of cosmetics.

3. Good ingredients for oily skin

Niacinamide - is a water-soluble vitamin, also known as nicotinic amide, an amide compound of vitamin B3. It is a natural ingredient found in foods such as meat, nuts and mushrooms.

Salicylic acid - the acid separates the cells that stick to each other, which leads to a brighter and healthier skin and gets rid of blackheads, whiteheads and other imperfections. The reason why salicylic acid is so strong is that it can penetrate deep into the pores, which means that it can have an exfoliating action both inside the pores and on the surface of the skin. The anti-irritant qualities of salicylic acid and the anti-inflammatory qualities make it an active ingredient in soothing the skin, as well as in soothing the skin with imperfections. In essence, it treats acne skin problems.

Vitamin C- Our skin is subject to the action of many harmful factors from the external environment. These factors attack the skin of our face, which is why wrinkles do not take long to appear. Also, under their action, the skin becomes dull and devoid of vitality. Vitamin C fights all these effects, especially due to its antioxidant properties. Specifically, vitamin C stimulates collagen synthesis, contributing to skin rejuvenation. The main cause of skin aging is the harmful action of ultraviolet rays, which promote unwanted cellular changes. Due to the fact that vitamin C neutralizes the effects of free radicals and enhances the defense mechanisms of the epidermis, premature aging of the skin is prevented. In addition, it helps with the small signs left by acne.

Kaolin - this clay is ideal for reducing sebum, deep cleansing the skin and preventing acne, while smoothing pores and giving a uniform, velvety appearance. It has amazing absorbent properties, but is softer than other types of clay, which means that it is ideal for absorbing excess sebum and impurities from any skin type, even sensitive skin.

4. Good ingredients for normal skin:

Normal skin is in a continuously latent state, without becoming drier or fatter, which means that you can take some risks, trying more ingredients, because your skin will not decrease the production of sebum, so follow the ingredients I can recommend.

Vitamin C - how can you use it for oily skin, you can also use it on this type of skin because it is a very good antioxidant in combination with spf.

Hyaluronic Acid - is an anionic, unsulfated glycosaminoglycan, which retains and attracts hydration to the skin just like trihydroxyl alcohol, glycerin.

Green tea - not only for dry skin, this antioxidant relieves redness and protects the skin from the harmful actions of free radicals

Fulvic acid - helps in every stage of cell rejuvenation. Helps neutralize toxins and transport nutrients to skin cells. It is also a powerful antioxidant, so it is helpful for sun-damaged skin and for aging. The natural content of electrolytes helps to energize and restore the skin.

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editorial: Bianca Ioniță and Corina Dumitru

graphic design:

translation: Bianca Ioniță

DP (desktop publishing): Mihaela Filipescu