Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Justice

Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Justice (DEIJ) Initiatives Department and Program Reports

Every other year, the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences (GSAS) requires a DEIJ report from all graduate programs in support of anti-racism and anti-oppression efforts described in the 2021 A&S DEIJ Strategic Plan.

This form is used to facilitate tracking of current DEIJ efforts and support constructive conversations between GSAS and the Director of Graduate Studies (DGS): DEIJ Department and Program Report

DEIJ Community Dialogues

Join us for the monthly DEIJ Community Dialogue sessions. Please check the Graduate Student Events Calendar for upcoming dialogues. The Zoom link and the topic of each month’s conversation will be sent out in the GSAS Weekly Announcements. 

Host an Undergraduate Student Through the VERSE Program

Consider hosting an undergraduate student for a summer research experience through the VERSE program

Initiatives and Programs

The Graduate Leadership in Inclusion, Diversity, and Equity (GLIDE) program is designed to give graduate students the knowledge and practical tools to become effective change agents for diversity, equity, and inclusion in the workplace.

The Community Fellows have the mission to develop community within the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences specifically for underrepresented students. 

VERSE creates a cohort of students through focused, culturally-competent mentoring. These students participate in a 10-week summer research immersion experience.