The Investigation into

The Murder of Joan Ellis



THERE ARE SERIOUS PROBLEMS WITH THE AUTOPSY OF JOAN ELLIS conducted by Frank J. Peretti, an Arkansas State Medical examiner and he filed a defamation lawsuit against two of Joan Ellis' children because one of her children, Sharon Ellis, openly complained that he did not do what he was paid to do. Peretti had been communicating with Sharon Ellis via email. James Ellis simply funded the autopsy. [Exhibit A] [Exhibit B]

It is noteworthy to mention that two months before Frank J. Peretti filed this frivolous lawsuit against the Ellis' a motion was filed by Dr. O. Atiq, seconded by Dr. S. Simon, of the Arkansas Medical Board, who voted unanimously to issue an Order and Notice of Hearing involving the medical examiner / physician Frank J. Peretti. The result of the Arkansas Medical Board hearing required Frank J. Peretti, who says he has a been a medical examiner for 27 years, to complete 45 hours of continuing medical education per year for three years, with five hours per year for Medical Professional Responsibility with an emphasis on Ethics and he must submit to an audit every year for the next three years. [Exhibit 1] [Exhibit 2]

One would think having been a medical examiner for 27 years that Frank J. Peretti would be an expert in matters such as professional responsibility and ethics but clearly Frank J. Peretti does not seem to grasp that concept even after being ordered to re-learn what it means to be professionally responsible and ethical. Two months after he is order to attend ethics classes, Frank J. Peretti allows evidence to be destroyed, continues to withhold autopsy photos from the Ellis' family that was paid for, files a frivolous lawsuit against the very people he demanded payment from for services, fails to provide those services and then lies in court and is now harassing James Ellis and his sister Sharon Ellis attempting to get Sharon Ellis to be quiet about his unprofessional, unethical and criminal actions as well as attempting to get Sharon Ellis to be quiet about the murder of her mother Joan Ellis.

Evidence is destroyed

Before any emails are referenced as evidence in this report, it is imperative you understand that Frank J. Peretti stated in court under oath that all communications between his assistant Michelle Hardy and Sharon Ellis via his google email account was being relayed to him by Michelle Hardy and he was the one providing the responses to be sent to Sharon Ellis. Frank J. Peretti cannot claim plausible deniability in regards to the the email communications between his assistant and Sharon Ellis. [Exhibit P - Page 59 Line 16 - 22 ].

Sharon Ellis needed testing conducted on physical evidence she was in possession of as well as additional testing conducted on Joan Ellis' vitreous sample that was sent to the Lab and because of Frank J. Perettis' actions, who told Sharon Ellis to bring the evidence she had to him via a telephone conversation on November 25, 2017 [Exhibit P - Page 65 Line 21-24] and because he then hired a lawyer 10 days later on December 5 ,2017 [Exhibit L] after Sharon Ellis flew to Arkansas to give it to him [Exhibit K], Frank Peretti prevented Sharon Ellis from giving him the evidence of the murder of Joan Ellis and then prevented additional testing being conducted on Joan Ellis' vitreous fluid. It was obvious to the Ellis' they were not going to be able to get that testing conducted by the person who was paid and whom held authority over the case, which was Frank J. Peretti , who was now hostile to the Ellis family. Perhaps because that autopsy has some serious problems with it and he knew it and was trying to avoid being sued and exposed for what he has done. Sharon Ellis believed Frank J. Peretti was willing to help her and then something or someone changed his mind and if that is not the case then Frank J. Peretti is a fraud, a thief and a liar.

After Peretti hired a lawyer and became hostile with The Ellis Family, they needed Peretti to release himself from the case so they could get that testing conducted to secure more evidence in the murder of their mother Joan Ellis. Sharon Ellis had already attempted to get the autopsy photos from Peretti prior to him hiring a lawyer and he wanted her to agree not to sue him first by signing a "Hold No Harmless Agreement" [Exhibit J] which Sharon Ellis refused to sign. Sharon Ellis had sent an email to Peretti and his attorney, Dylan Potts, as well as to state and county officials demanding a copy of the autopsy photos while trying to preserve the chain of evidence. She only requested a copy of the photos. The deadline to get Joan Ellis' vitreous fluid tested was rapidly approaching because the lab only holds on to the samples for 1 year [Exhibit G] . James Ellis who funded the autopsy then got involved and sent an email to Peretti and his lawyer Dylan Potts requesting Peretti release himself from the case so that Sharon Ellis could get that testing conducted independently. This communication occurred two weeks before everything was to be destroyed on April 12, 2018 [Exhibit 2] .

James Ellis was within his legal rights to make that request which was a legitimate request since Peretti had decided he was no longer going to do the job he was paid to do, which was to investigate Joan Ellis' death. There was no logical reason for Peretti to hold on to authority over the evidence. Neither Peretti or his attorney responded to James Ellis' request. Instead of releasing the case , he filed a lawsuit against Sharon Ellis and James Ellis in an attempt to silence Sharon Ellis ,who is very outspoken, from speaking about what he had done while he still had authority over Joan Ellis' case and refused to release the case or the autopsy photos.

Instead of providing the services Frank J. Peretti demanded payment for and he clearly says he is willing to investigate Joan Ellis' death in an email sent to Sharon Ellis on April 27, 2017, [Exhibit D] Quote: "Please send any documents or material you want Dr. Peretti to review prior to finalizing his report to his home address (4719 Sugar Maple Lane, Little Rock, AR 72212). There is no certain amount of time this needs to be completed in." and it is relayed to Sharon Ellis he actually looked forward to working with her in this matter, Quote: "Thank you and we look forward to working with you in this matter." AND he was aware additional testing was desired [Exhibit E] and [Exhibit Z-A], instead of honoring his own words he hired a lawyer, refused to speak to the Ellis', allowed evidence to be destroyed, stole money from them and then filed a lawsuit against them claiming they had defamed him [Exhibit Z-C] This was Frank J. Perettis' attempt to cover up what he has done by playing victim and as a result of his actions the evidence was destroyed on April 26, 2018. Evidence that would have proven Joan Ellis was being starved to death at Baptist Health Medical Center in Little Rock Arkansas just prior to her death. If acetone is detected in the eye fluid, which is known as vitreous and is separate from the rest of the body fluid, it would have supported the fact that Joan Ellis was being starved prior to her death. That fluid was sent to the lab but Peretti never ordered it to be tested yet he claims in court he did a medical legal autopsy on Joan Ellis. [Exhibit P page 45 Line 24 - 25; page 46 1 - 25]. Because of Frank J. Perettis' unprofessional, unethical and deliberate actions, he allowed evidence to be destroyed and he did this 19 days after being sanctioned by the Arkansas Medical Board on April the 5th, 2018 , that ordered him to re-learn what it means to be professionally responsible with an emphasis on ethics. While that may be a consolation to some that is by no means a remedy for his inexcusable gross negligence and willful ignorance in the case of Joan Ellis.

James Ellis filed a lawsuit to get his money back.

James Ellis' filed a lawsuit in small claims Case # LRSC-18-41 - JAMES M ELLIS V FRANK J PERETTI, M.D.and it was moved to Pulaski County District Court in Judge Wayne Grubbers Court Case # PCV-18-1229. James Ellis and Sharon Ellis appeared before Judge Wayne Grubbers district court regarding the case against Frank Peretti and Peretti did not even show up. Instead he sent his lawyer Dylan Potts, who also represented Peretti in front of the Arkansas Medical Board and was aware of Perettis order to learn how to be professionally responsible, and Potts requested that the small claims case against Peretti be merged into Judge Christopher Piazzas' Circuit Court with his frivolous defamation lawsuit against Sharon Ellis. James Ellis objected to this request and Sharon Ellis was told by Judge Wayne Grubber she would not get to say anything because she was not part of the small claims case. Then Grubber allowed the case to be moved to Piazzas court [Exhibit 3] audio of court proceedings

Ellis v Peretti Audio Case PCCV 18 1229.mp3

[Exhibit 3] audio of court proceedings

Sharon Ellis was the key witness in the case. Judge Wayne Grubber ignored James Ellis' objection and agreed to send the case to Piazzas court. Then a hearing was held in Piazzas court regarding defamation and when Sharon Ellis mentioned James Ellis' case needed to be heard first, he refused to allow it to be merged and that case has yet to be heard.

The Hearing for defamation

James Ellis did nothing to be sued and Sharon Ellis was within her rights to publicly complained Peretti did not do what he was paid to do after he refused to give her the autopsy photos, hired a lawyer and the evidence was about to be destroyed, which was the truth. That is not defamation, those are Facts. Frank J. Peretti was paid to conduct a full autopsy and to investigate Joan Ellis' death and he did not do it. Sharon Ellis and James Ellis were served with a summons regarding Perettis' lawsuit against them and both responded in writing to the summons with facts and truths and then was not given due process at the hearing to even submit any documents or ask any direct questions of Frank J. Peretti. In fact Peretti did not meet the burden of proof that his reputation was harmed in any way. He only made allegations that his reputation was harmed. Frank J. Perettis' reputation was already under some question in February of 2018 when the Medical Board ordered him to appear and was ordered to return to school.

Sharon Ellis was only allowed to cross examine Frank Peretti after he got on the stand and lied. James Ellis who was named in this lawsuit was never given the chance to directly examine Peretti or cross examine him and his lawsuit was sent to this court room upon the request of Perettis' lawyer. Sharon Ellis was not allowed to directly examine Frank J. Peretti either. Nor were the Ellis' allowed to testify at the hearing. Sharon Ellis was only allowed to ask questions that related to his attorneys questions.

During direct examination by his lawyer Dylan Potts and cross examination by Sharon Ellis, Frank Peretti perjured himself and because he was doing so badly his attorney jumped up during cross and yelled he had to leave because his son had to go to a ball game which ended the hearing and the Ellis were never given the chance to testify, present any evidence or directly question Frank Peretti regarding his allegations the Ellis' defamed him.

In an effort to help Frank Peretti undo some of the damage he did to himself under cross examination the court transcript was altered by Judge Piazzas' court transcriptionist Debra Westmoreland and that will be addressed further down in this report. [Exhibit P]


These are the facts and the evidence that backs up that Frank Peretti did not do what he was paid to do and that Sharon Ellis' public statements were truthful. The Truth is not defamation.

Peretti demanded payment to do an autopsy and investigation into Joan Ellis death and he did not investigate her death and his autopsy findings are missing scars, documented scars that Joan did not have, omitted injuries and did not test Joan Ellis vitreous humor. Peretti also led Sharon Ellis to believe he was investigating the death of Joan Ellis and he continued to mislead her up until the day he hired a lawyer on December the 4th, 2017 after he cost Sharon Ellis money telling her a lie about his willingness to look at the evidence Joan Ellis was killed and she went to Arkansas to give it to him per his instructions and then he hired a lawyer and told Sharon Ellis she could not speak to him anymore.

The TRUTH is the absolute defense to defamation and therefore his lawsuit against Sharon Ellis and James Ellis was an attempt to prevent the Truth about him from being known and the truth about Joan Ellis' murder from being investigated. James Ellis simply asked Peretti for his money back, so he could find someone else to investigate Joans death and got no response in December of 2017 and then he requested Peretti release the case two weeks before evidence was to be destroyed and was ignored and the evidence was indeed destroyed.


Frank J. Peretti stated in court under cross examination that he did a medical legal autopsy on Joan Ellis. [EXHIBIT P - Page 45 Line 24 - 25]. The autopsy findings regarding scars on Joan Ellis body are wrong and do not match the medical records, or the photographs that were taken of Joan Ellis by her children prior to her death or the photos taken of her that are in her medical records and there are other problems with his autopsy listed below:

  • Peretti states Joan Ellis has an 11 inch scar on her abdomen. She did not have an 11 inch scar on her abdomen prior to going to Baptist Health Medical Center in Little Rock, Arkansas and she was not at Baptist to have any type of abdominal surgery. [Exhibit ]
  • Peretti states Joan Ellis' has a 4 inch healing scar on her head and that does not match the photo of Joan Ellis' scar on her head taken by her daughter Sharon Ellis prior to her death. [Exhibit ]
  • Peretti states Joan Ellis' has a 4 inch scar on the right side of her neck. Another photo taken by Sharon Ellis of Joan Ellis 5 days before she is killed proves there is no scar on the right side of her neck. [Exhibit ]
  • Peretti does not document the 8 inch scar on the left side of Joans neck seen in a photo taken by Joan Ellis' daughter Amber Ellis that is quite visible and is a 20 year old scar. [Exhibit ]
  • Peretti does not document the hole in Joan Ellis' nostril that was caused by the ICU Staff seen in yet another photo taken from a video Sharon Ellis took of her mother while in the hospital. [Exhibit ]
  • Peretti does not document the hole in the side of Joan Ellis' neck that was present 5 days before she was killed. [Exhibit ]
  • Peretti does not document the scar near Joan's groin which is documented in her Medical Records when she had surgery on her right leg. [Exhibit ]
  • Peretti does not document she has a stent in her right leg. [Exhibit ]
  • Peretti does not document the plates and screws on Joans skull that were placed after a crainotmy while she was in the hospital. [Exhibit ]
  • Peretti does not document the blood that was coming out of Joans' mouth and trache seen in the photo taken by Sharon Ellis just after she was "pronounced" at the hospital. [Exhibit ]
  • Peretti does not document that Joan Ellis' fingers had already turned blue, confirmed by Elizabeth Phillips, ICU RN, an hour or more before she was pronounced dead that was captured on tape the day Joan Ellis was killed . [Exhibit ]
  • Peretti documented that Joan Ellis' central nervous system / Circle of Willis and related vessels showed signs of moderate to severe calcific atherosclerosis but that does not match the CT angiogram conducted by Dr. Craig Steeds just two months earlier that says her brain findings are unremarkable. [Exhibit ]
  • Peretti does not document Joan Ellis' hammer toes.
  • Peretti did not have Joan Ellis' vitreous humor tested for acetone that would have provided evidence in how Joan Ellis died [Exhibit ]
  • Peretti did not determine Joan Ellis' time of death. [Exhibit ]
  • Peretti did not document that Joan Ellis' tonsils had been removed [Exhibit ]
  • Peretti documents the swelling on Joan Ellis legs and feet but fails to document that her entire body was swollen which is why she weighed 262 pounds at death. She entered that hospital weighing 200 pounds and the records were altered to claim she weighed 243 pounds and it is the opinion of Sharon Ellis the people involved in Joan Ellis medical attention were already attempting to justify why she would weigh 262 pounds when she died. There is no legit medical reason for Joan Ellis to have gained 62 pounds while being starved. [Exhibit ] [Exhibit ] [Exhibit ] [Exhibit ] [Exhibit ] [Exhibit ] [Exhibit ] [Exhibit ]
  • Peretti never got Joan Ellis' medical records and reviewed them which is part of the procedures when doing a medico-legal autopsy. [Exhibit ]
  • Frank Peretti acknowledges via email communications he was having with Sharon Ellis he is aware she wants additional testing conducted and he was in receipt of an email that stated do not to waste anymore of the body fluids he took from Joan Ellis' body that was sent to the Lab in San Antonio, Texas until Sharon Ellis could tell him what she needed tested and then he prevented the Ellis' from getting that testing done by hiring a lawyer. [Exhibit ] [Exhibit ] [Exhibit ]
  • When Sharon Ellis asked for the autopsy photos that were paid for as part of the autopsy, Peretti wanted Sharon Ellis to agree not to sue him first and The Ellis Family still does not have their property so they can identify their mothers body as being the correct body that was picked up at the hospital, as well as being able to confirm what Peretti claims he is seeing is actually there. [Exhibit ]
  • Peretti states in court that there was no foul play in the death of Joan Ellis and when confronted with questions regarding why her toxicology report came back negative for any drugs he states, "that's not right" [Exhibit ]
  • Frank J. Peretti broke the state law, per his own statements in court, he is required by law to report to law enforcement when a family believes their loved one was murdered and / or they suspect foul play or believe a cover up occurred. Peretti knew Sharon Ellis believed there was foul play and he never contacted law enforcement and proceeded to to issue a death certificate. [Exhibit ]
  • Frank Peretti allowed evidence to be destroyed after a request was made to him and his lawyer to release the case so the family could have additional testing conducted. [Exhibit ] [Exhibit ]
  • Frank J. Peretti did not order a comprehensive panel on her blood [Exhibit ]
  • Frank J. Peretti never spoke to any of the witnesses in depth about what they witnessed which is required when doing a medico-legal autopsy he claims he did in court. [Exhibit ]
  • Peretti admits in court that he told Sharon Ellis to bring him the evidence she had days before he hired an attorney and then prevented her from giving it to him.
  • Peretti wanted the Ellis family to agree not to sue him before he would give them their property and when they would not sign it and complained he sued them for defamation.

[EXHIBIT J] Hold No Harmless Agreement

He also admits in court that he told me to bring him my evidence to him days before he hired an attorney.

[EXHIBIT P] Court Transcript

I flew to Arkansas to give him my evidence and then he hired a lawyer who sent me an email telling me I was not allowed to speak to Frank Peretti or even contact the State Crime Lab which is where he is employed. As a result of Frank Perettis actions, I was not able to have additional testing perform and that evidence was destroyed on April 25, 2018 before I could have it done and secure additional evidence that proves my mother Joan Ellis was murdered.

[EXHIBIT L] Peretti Hires Lawyer Email

I was then sued because I openly complained AFTER he hired a lawyer and I pointed out Frank Perrettis' utter failure to do what he was paid to do. The absolute defense to defamation is the truth. Then I was tricked into a court room in which they had no jurisdiction, and I proved in court the man was a liar and the Judge ignored it. The Judge then asked the liar, Frank Peretti, what he wanted me, Sharon Ellis, to do and Frank Perettis' attorney said he wanted me to remove everything I have stated about my mothers death offline, including things that have nothing to do with Frank Peretti. They want me to shut up about Joan Ellis' murder and prevent me from finding help to hold the doctors, hospital and nurses responsible for my mothers murder. A hospital that is one of Frank Peretti's clients?

I was not afforded my rights to due process in this court hearing to testify, to provide proof of my statements as fact and was interrupted multiple times by Frank Perettis' attorney as well as Judge Christopher Piazza while I was cross examining Frank Peretti, this after Peretti lied under oath during direct examination. I have documents to prove what I stated openly about Frank Peretti is the absolute truth and now a court transcript that proves the man is a liar. Therefore the lawsuit and judgement against me is frivolous and should have never occurred let alone any judgement issued against me. The Judge in that case ignored perjury, began testifying for Frank Peretti and the Judge also lied which is in the court transcript as well.

B. Frank Peretti is a Known Perjurer

Frank Peretti claims that I, a single individual who lives in Florida, has harmed his reputation in Arkansas because I complained online about his failure to do what he was paid to do. Frank Peretti has harmed his own reputation because he is a liar and a thief. Frank Peretti has been accused of perjury by an attorney in another very famous case which was national news in 1993.

- Will Carter Reporter - Perjury

Tuesday Afternoon Update -

"... He also struck out fiercely at former state medical examiner, Dr. Frank Peretti saying, "I made a mistake by thinking Dr. Peretti was an unbiased witness." He said from Misskelley's trial to that of Echols and Baldwin, Dr. Peretti's testimony was "so dramatically different, it had to be perjury."

C. Frank Perettis Integrity Called Into Question by Top Pathologist in the Country

Frank Perettis' work was called into question by a Top pathologist in the country and there are articles written about this man which are easily accessible online by the people of Arkansas and everyone around the country; Articles written by the local Arkansas newspapers and others, whom have called into question this mans work regarding a Nationally advertised case that the entire country was watching in 1993. If that didn't harm his reputation my personal post on Facebook, which is the truth, would not have any impact on this mans ability to continue to get work directly for the state of Arkansas as well as the state of Louisiana he does autopsies for and has been during for decades.

The state of Arkansas and Louisiana allowed Frank Peretti to continued to do private autopsies for their states even after the National Case highlighted his incompetence and his willingness to lie under oath. Which he is doing again in the case of Joan Ellis.

I have not harmed Frank Perettis reputation but he has certainly harmed my reputation by hauling me into court and then lying about our communications and what he was paid to do. Then a newspaper article was written about myself defaming my name and my brothers. He has also harmed my case against the people who murdered my mother by allowing evidence to be destroyed, lying to officials and he continues to harm me by lying to Judges in order to get them to order me to pay him money and not talk about the crimes he has committed against my family and the crimes committed against my mother Joan Ellis.

The National case in which I am referring to is the West Memphis Three Case that involved 3 little boys who were murdered along side I-40 in West Memphis, Arkansas which borders the state of Tennessee. 3 teenage boys were arrested and sent to prison for 18 years because of Frank Peretti and the Arkansas State Crime Labs' refusal to give evidence to defense counsel that would have exonerated the teenagers. DNA evidence existed that would have exonerated those boys and it was not given to their defense counsel and Frank Peretti was the medical examiner in that case. A Top pathologist in the country stated Frank Peretti was wrong about his findings and the teenage boys have now been released after spending 18 years of their lives in prison. This is outrageous and criminal in my view. This man has blemished the justice system more than once.

- Mara Leveritt Reporter - holding onto evidence

Braga also told the court that he had written to Peretti’s boss, Dr. Charles Kokes, on April 21, 2010, requesting “copies of all autopsy reports, photographs, toxicology reports, written notes (including bench notes), field investigator reports, police reports, phone logs and/or communication sheets in the medical examiner’s office file(s) from May 1993 to date relating to the ME office’s work on the autopsies of the victims in this case.”

Braga said he would pay the cost of copying and shipping. But eight months passed without a response.

The West Memphis 3 case is is not the first time Frank Peretti has lied in court.

D. Frank Peretti lies in court under Oath in a lawsuit he filed Against Sharon Ellis.

Frank Peretti lied under oath during a hearing in a lawsuit he filed against me because he does not like that I openly complained about him with the truth.

Frank Peretti stated in court under oath he did not know I thought my mother was murdered until after he released the autopsy to me on June 16, 2017. He also admits he has a duty to report to law enforcement once he found out I thought my mother was murdered and he did not do that and broke the law.

Direct Examination of Frank Peretti by his attorney Dylan Potts


Court transcript:

Page 27 Line 4 - 7

Q: "At Any point prior to the rendering of the autopsy for Joan Ellis, did Sharon Ellis tell you that she believes someone had murdered her mother?"

A: "No, that was all after I issued the report. "

Page 27 Line 8 - 13

Q: "Had that occurred, would you have taken this case?"

A: "No because if, if, when I get calls from families and they suspect foul play, there's a murder or someone had done something, I say no, I refer back to the coroner, let him decide if he's going to take jurisdiction of the case or send it to the crime lab. So, I don't do those cases. "

Page 29 Line 23 - 25

Q: " When was it that you first determined that Ms. Ellis was claiming that her mother had been murdered?

A: "After she received the autopsy report."

Page 30 Line 5 - 11

Q: "And once you receive this information, did you have a duty to report that information to anyone?"

A: "Yes. You know, she called me, is insisting that her mother was murdered at Baptist Hospital, doctors murdered her mother, and they're covering it up. So, as soon as she started saying she was murdered, cover up, I'm obligated to notify law enforcement.

I then asked Frank Peretti while he was under oath to read an email I sent him on April 25, 2017, that clearly states I had evidence of wrong doing and potentially intentional death and I believed my mother was intentionally killed, I also mention premeditated acts occured. My email to him was sent 53 days before he released the autopsy but he claims he was not aware of my belief until after he released the autopsy on June 16, 2017. This is an absolute lie by Frank Peretti.

I have an email that was sent to me by Frank Peretti on June 16, 2017 with the autopsy attached and an email sent to me by his attorney Dylan Potts on December 4, 2017 stating I received the Autopsy on June 16, 2017. We all have the April 25, 2017 email where I state I believe my mother Joan Ellis was intentionally killed proving Frank Peretti and his lawyers knew 53 days before that autopsy was given to me and before they filed a lawsuit against me I believe my mother was murdered, killed intentionally.

[EXHIBIT F] - Autopsy released on June 16, 2017

[EXHIBIT L] - Dylan Potts email stating autopsy given on June 16, 2017

[EXHIBIT C] - April 25, 2017 email informing Peretti Joan Ellis was intentionally killed

Additionally, during this hearing in Piazzas' courtroom, Dylan Potts complained about my four page single space typed April 25, 2017 email I sent to his client and Potts complained his client was going to have to read it out loud. Frank Peretti knew about that email 53 days before the release of that autopsy, it was submitted in a small claims case they requested be merged with this defamation case.

Dylan Potts and his client, Frank Peretti, then knowingly and willfully lied to the court stating Frank Peretti did not know I thought my mother had been murdered. These agents who want the public to believe they are educated and have the capacity to investigate and tell others what is and is not factual or credible evidence seems to have a comprehension issue when reading statements being made and complaining they do not understand what a person is saying when she says intentional death, is a ridiculous argument. I made Frank Peretti read just the first couple of paragraphs of that email.

Cross Examination by Sharon Ellis Pro Se


Court transcript:

Page 54 Line 8 - 11

Q: "Now, this is dated April twenty-fifth. You said that the first time you learned that I thought my mother was murdered was after you did the autopsy. Let's read that out loud"

Page 54 Line 24 - 25

Frank Peretti - reading email

A: "All right.

Dear Dr. Peretti: My name is Sharon Ellis, and I employ you to conduct a full autopsy of my mother, Joan Ellis. She died in the Baptist Medical Center on April the tenth, 2017

What the email actually says is

"All right. Dear Dr. Peretti: My name is Sharon Ellis, and I employed you to conduct a full autopsy of my mother, Joan Ellis. She died at Baptist Health Medical Center on April the tenth, 2017.

He continues reading the April 25th email

Page 55 Line 4 - 9

A: "... I wanted to touch base with you and let you know that I have evidence or wrongdoing and intentional death"

What the email actually says is

"... I wanted to touch base with you to let you know that I have evidence or wrong doing and potentially intentional death"

Frank Peretti continues reading...

A: "I just returned home. I live in Florida, and I need to get my notes and evidence together."

Q: "You can stop right there Dr. Peretti"

A: "Well, it doesn't say a homicide"

Page 55 Line 18 - 23

Q: " Dr. Perretti, what does potential, what does intentional death mean to you?"

A: "Well, you can look at it, wrongdoings as a result of medical malpractice from the doctors, that's wrongdoings, and that they intentionally did it. But, it does not say anything in there about a murder, that your mother, that these doctors at Baptist Hospital and nurses intentionally murdered your mother. Nowhere does it say that."

Below are excerpts from the rest of my email that Frank Peretti and his attorney were in possession of and it was submitted in a small claims case filed by my brother James Ellis to get his money back from Frank Peretti.

Judge Piazza refused to hear the case that Frank Peretti and his attorney requested be merged with this defamation case and then they never objected when Piazza said he was not going to hear the small claims case. It is in the court transcript [Exhibit P]

Nevertheless, Frank Peretti and his attorney Dylan Potts knew this email existed and they both knowingly and willfully lied to the court stating Frank Peretti had no idea I thought my mother was murdered until after he released the autopsy on June 16, 2017 when he was put on notice on April 25, 2017 via my first email to him. Also, via his own testimony , Frank Peretti states that intentional death means someone did something intentional as noted above. We all know, even children know, if you do something to harm a person and it was intentional harm and they died because of the intentional harm , That is murder.

Excerpts from Sharon Ellis' April 25, 2017 Email to Frank Peretti, stating she believes her mother was intentionally killed.


Page 1 of 4: Paragraph 2

1st sentence

"I wanted to touch base with you to let you know that I have evidence of wrongdoing and potentially intentional death."

Page 2 of 4: Paragraph 4

Last two sentences

"In my opinion there is no need to be lying about anything and why the hospital kept lying causes me great concern. There is only one reason to lie and that is if you are trying to hide something or cover up something."

Page 2 of 4: Paragraph 5

First Sentence

"After mom was discharged to rehab with aspirin daily - which I believe was intentional to kill my mother ..."

Clearly, my email that Frank Peretti was in receipt of on April 25, 2017, and his attorney had it as well, lied to this court. Lied under oath and they should be prosecuted for this outrageous injustice and intentional harm they are causing me. Dylan Potts should be disbarred for what he has done.

In addition to this obvious lie told to the court by the plaintiff Frank Peretti and his attorney Dylan Potts and the Judge ignored perjury; there are problems with the autopsy findings. Peretti states Joan Ellis has scars that she does not have, He does not document injuries and scars that she does have and he measured scars she did have wrong. All of which I can prove with my own photos I took of my mother just prior to her death. I was also not allowed to submit any of this evidence to the Judge to prove my statements were not defamatory and would prevent further problems for myself and family. I was not allowed to your honor. They just stopped court because Frank Peretti was not doing to good. If I am going to be sued I should be given the opportunity to defend myself and I was not.

Cross Examination by Sharon Ellis Pro Se continues...


Court Transcript

Page 45 Line 24 - 25

Q: "What kind of autopsy did I ask you to perform, Dr. Peretti?"

Page 46 Line 1 - 25

A: "Complete autopsy with toxicology"

Q: "A complete autopsy"

A: "With toxicology"

Q: "Is that the formal, is that the formal terminology that one uses - how many kind of autopsies are there, sir?"

A: " There are complete autopsies, and there are limited autopsies, and that are partial autopsies"

Q: "Okay. Do you happen to know what a medical, what's it called?" (Looking at her brother James Ellis)

James Ellis tells his sister: "Medio-legal"

Q: "Medio-legal autopsy"

A: "Yeah, medical legal, that's the same thing. We did a medical legal - "

Q: "On my mother?"

A: "Yes, complete autopsy"

Court Transcript

Page 66 Line 2 - 9

Q: "Okay, Dr. Peretti, let me ask you this question. What time did my mother die?"

A: "I don't have that in front of me. I don't have the death certificate"

Q: "You don't have the death certificate?"

A: "No, I don't have it here."

Q: "I do, okay. But, did you determine the time of death?"

A: "No"

Frank Peretti states in court he did a medical-legal autopsy on Joan Ellis and he did not determine her time of death. It is common knowledge that the time of death is determined independently by the doctor performing the autopsy and especially when performing a medico-legal autopsy. See literature provided below from the National Institute of Medicine regarding some of the basic information gathered when performing a medico-legal autopsy. It clearly states time of death is to be determined independently of any other time given. I was not asking Frank Peretti to guess or to rely on someone else to tell him what time Joan Ellis was killed. Frank Peretti has clearly lied again about what kind of autopsy he conducted.

- What is a medico-legal autopsy?

Medico-legal (ML) autopsy is performed with the aim of providing answers to questions about the identity, cause of death, time of death, circumstances of death, etc, thus helping the law enforcing agencies to solve the crime.

Frank Peretti now wants the good people of Pinellas County, via our court system, to help him get away with this nonsense by using our court system to enforce an order from a Judge in Arkansas who also lied during this hearing about him not speaking with his wife, which was a possible conflict of interest, and his lack of knowledge about what PTSD means when he interrupted me to inquire had I sought counseling. I was in the middle of a legal proceeding and responded, "You mean legal counseling"? He waves his hands at me and I said, you mean like PTSD? The court reporter inserted "psychological" and that was not what he said. My response to his inquiry of "Have you sought counseling" was appropriate to the question asked. This court and the attorney and the plaintiff are playing games your honor.

This judge initiated this conversation with me and I was simply responding to him as he played stupid. He then tells me he doesn't know what PTSD means. I almost fell out of my shoes when I heard that your honor. I then had to educate the Judge about what PTSD means, when his wife is a personal injury attorney ?

PTSD is the most common term used regarding our wonderful military VETS who are suffering from this post war illness. Of course your honor knows this but Judge Piazza pretends he doesn't so that he can keep this conversation going and completely interupted my cross examination of Frank Peretti, when Peretti wasn't doing so good making things as hard on me as possible to help the liar Frank Peretti who has been protected his entire career by their Judicial system ignoring his bad behavior and perjury. I wonder how many other families this man misled with his deceit and blatant willingness to lie to families and to the courts.

Discussion between Judge Christopher Piazza and Sharon Ellis Pro Se and the proof this Judge is not telling the truth either per his own statements.

Court Transcript [ EXHIBIT P]

First Occurrence of Judge Lying

Page 2 Line 1 - 9

By The Court - Christopher Piazza

"That's the squeaky wheels of justice, that door. Before we get started, Ms. Ellis, one thing I need to tell you, and I'll let you decide. The, apparently, some lawyer in Florida called my spouse who is also a lawyer to represent, possibly represent you in some matter, and I don't know what it was. And she had conversations with you, and then she declined to take that case, and I think what she told me, she sent a letter to that lawyer and to you. "

Page 5 Line 5 - 7

By The Court - Christopher Piazza

"And I don't have any problem with it. I've never known, I didn't know anything about my wife and her discussions. She has a lot of people that come in and try to hire her for medical mal cases. She's very selective. "

Second Occurrence of Judge Lying

Page 78 Line 11 - 16

Sharon Ellis Pro Se to the Court

"You mean for PTSD?

By The Court

"I don't know what that is, but - "

Sharon Ellis Pro Se to the Court

" That's post traumatic stress disorder"

This conversation was initiated by Judge Piazza while I am crossing examining the plaintiff and as a result of this interruption and discussion regarding "counseling" a newspaper reporter wrote a hit piece on me the following day and plastered it all over the front page of the newspaper claiming the judge called into question my mental health in order to defame my good name to any potential jurors had I found an attorney to help me sue that hospital for intentionally killing my mother.

It is quite clear to me that these people are engaged in helping cover up the murder of Joan Ellis which I have documented via audio tapes, videos, pictures and multiple eye witnesses to what happened and the local law enforcement refuses to even look at. I am more than willing to take a polygraph test to prove that I am indeed telling the truth.

Please keep in mind the transcript has been altered, and things were added, removed and mixed around to add to the efforts made by Little Rock Insiders to cover up this horrific crime and make it difficult for me. A Crime that even our own, Distinguished Mr. Jay Wolfson who is the Vice President of the University of South Florida Health School and oversees health law, public safety, medicine and pharmacology also believes occurred and Mr. Wolfson told me via email to call the police in regards to a criminal matter.


from: Wolfson, Jay <>

to: "Sharon L. Ellis" <>

cc: "Havel, Diane" <>

date: Mar 1, 2019, 8:39 AM

subject: Re: Joan Ellis



security: Standard encryption (TLS) Learn more

: Important mainly because it was sent directly to you.

Ms. Ellis – I have been and will remain out of town for a bit.

From what my assistant, Diane, has shared with me – accompanied by the information you have provided below, it would seem, at first, that you would want to contact the police or the State Attorney regarding a criminal matter. Have you done this?

Jay Wolfson, DrPH, JD

Distinguished Service Professor

Public Health, Medicine and Pharmacy

Senior Associate Dean

Morsani College of Medicine

Associate Vice President, USF Health

University of South Florida


F. Frank Perettis Signatures Do NOT Match & Proof the Transcript has been altered

During court I question Frank Peretti about his signatures listed on the autopsy report that he sent me and the affidavit he submitted under oath to the court to file this lawsuit against me.

I asked him if they were both his signatures and he responded yes. I attempted to give the documents to the Judge who then asked me what I wanted him to do with them. I was attempting to show the Judge the signatures were not the same and the Judge replies: "He says they are" and I responded "Well you can clearly see they are not"

The Judges court reporter Debra Westmoreland alters Frank Perettis' testimony about his signatures. She wrote Frank Peretti said his attorney signed the affidavit for him but she forgot to change the Judges comments that prove he did acknowledge they were indeed both his signatures. The Judge responded to me "He says they are" and I responded "you can clearly see they are not."

[EXHIBIT N] Affidavit Signature

[EXHIBIT O] Autopsy Signature

[EXHIBIT P] Pages 72, 73, 74


I am going to show you what they wrote and then I am going to tell you what was actually said and then prove it was * added and not part of the actual testimony.


Page 72 Line 6 - 14

Line 9 - 14 has been * added and was not stated in court.

I am questioning Peretti about his signatures.

Line 6: Q: Dr. Peretti, who signed my mother's autopsy report?

Line 7: A: I did.

Line 8: Q: Who signed the summons, I mean the affidavit?

* Line 9: A: What affidavit?

* Line 10: Q: The one that you had to sign in order to file a lawsuit?

* Line 11: A: I think my attorney signed it.

* Line 12: Q: Your attorney signed your name?

* Line 13: A: I don't know. I don't know what you're talking about.

* Line 14: Q: Okay


Page 73 Line 8 - 25

They removed my question on Page 73 Line 8 and it makes no sense that I would just stop talking.

* Line 8: Q: Dr. -

Line 9: A: Yes, on the autopsy report.

* Line 10: Q: Okay, is that your signature?

Line 11: A: Yes

Line 12: Q: Okay

What was actually said and they removed it was:

Line 8 : "Dr. Peretti , did you sign my mother's autopsy report?"

Line 9 "Yes, on the autopsy report"

Line 10 "Is that your signature on the affidavit?

Line 11: "Yes"

I then try to show the Judge the documents on Line 14 - 22 on page 73

Line 14: "Can I show this to you, Judge?"

Line 16: "Why, why would you show it me?"

Line 18: "Because they're not the same signatures"

Line 20: "Well, he says it is.

Line 22: "Well, you can see it's not.

If Frank Perettis' testimony is accurate in the transcript where it is written on Page 72 Line 11 that his attorney signed his name on the affidavit, then why is the Judge stating on Line 20 of Page 73 that the witness Frank Peretti has testified that they are the same? The reason the Judge said "He says they are" is because he testified under oath they were both his signatures and then the court added testimony.

Frank Peretti then attempts to elaborate on why the signatures ARE the same on Page 73 Line 23 - 25 and continues to Page 74 Line 1.

Line 23: "Can I answer that question?"

Line 24: "Sure, sir"

Line 25: "Sometimes I write fast. And on a legal document, I made nice and clear. That is my signature.

The signature that is clear is indeed the one on the Affidavit and the one on the Autopsy is a very sloppy signature see exhibits N and O. So they are indeed, according to Peretti, his signatures but the court altered the testimony, your honor.

[EXHIBIT N] Affidavit Signature

[EXHIBIT O] Autopsy Signature

They also altered the word legal . What he said was official. I then repeated the word official and finally asked him if I paid for an unofficial autopsy. That part of the transcript has also been altered your honor. I really do not know why they felt the need to alter the word official unless it has some legal implications that I am just not aware of that could be used in an argument. I would assume it does since they felt the need to alter it.

G. Altered Transcript Discussion with Debra Westmoreland, Court Staff Member

I spoke to the court transcriptionist about the transcript being altered and demanded it be fixed. She then sends me a letter on the judges letterhead and a few pages of what she was willing to correct proving that when she put her stamp and seal on the transcript that it was not accurate. In fact, your honor, it was intentionally altered and she did not actually fix anything that was important. I have contacted the FBI and reported this felony and they took names of the people involved. I certainly hope they are looking into this nonsense but they will not tell me if they are looking into anything. Therefore I continue to try to find someone to help me investigate what I have discovered.

When Debra Westmoreland sent me the letter on Chris Piazzas' letterhead with some corrections, on September 25, 2017, she states that she has reviewed the 93 page transcript from the proceeding on November 11, 2017. The hearing was on September 11, 2017. Not November.

The letter was written on September 25 ,2017 so how is she reviewing something from November when November had not even arrived? Clearly, your honor this is outrageous. Please restore my faith in our judicial system and issue a cease and desist order and set aside this erroneous judgement against me with prejudice, please.

[Exhibit Q] - Judges Letterhead

Also Judge Piazzas' staff intentionally changed peoples names. They listed the State Police Internal Affairs Captain as Collette Ward. Her name is Paulette Ward. They list the Pulaski County Coroners name as Jerome Hobbs and his name is Gerone Hobbs. This transcript is stamped with a seal on the back page implying it is truthful and accurate and it is not and stole $380 dollars from James Ellis for this altered transcript. Below are links to who these people are and proof the transcript is inaccurate thus my testimony is credible when I say they alter testimony in an attempt to help Frank Peretti undo the damage he has done to himself as well as his Attorneys from Gill, Ragon and Owen Lawfirm located at 425 West Capital Ave, in Little Rock, Arkansas who employs Dylan Potts and Aaron Heffington who were part of this fiasco.

Office of Professional Standards - Captain Paulette Ward / 501-618-8929

Pulaski County Coroner | Pulaski County Arkansas

Coroner's Office Staff. Pulaski County Coroner Gerone Q. Hobbs D-ABMDI. Chief Deputy Coroner Julie V. Voegele D-ABMDI. Senior Deputy Zach Warren.

G. Frank Peretti Lies Again under oath

Frank Peretti states in court that I contacted him on a private basis for an autopsy. He also states in court that he doesn't advertise. How in the world could I have contacted Frank Peretti in a private capacity when there is no way I could have found him without being pointed to him by the Pulaski County Coroner Gerone Hobbs, in Little Rock Arkansas? Frank Peretti stated he does not advertise his services.

[EXHIBIT P] Page 23 Line 9 - 14

Q: "Do doctors from time to time hire you to provide autopsies?

A: "Yes, the hospitals do. A lot of the hospitals don't perform autopsies, and I do their autopsies for them."

Q: "And how do you get your private referrals, Dr. Peretti?"

A: "Well, I don't advertise at all. It's all word of mouth."

[EXHIBIT P] Page 25 Line 14 - 17

Q: "And if you can explain to the Court how you are familiar with Ms. Ellis."

A: "Ms. Ellis contracted me to do a private autopsy on her mother"

Via his own testimony above, Frank Peretti is being called by hospitals to do autopsies. This is a MAJOR CONFLICT OF INTEREST when accepting any autopsies from citizens who may have a case against a hospital, and he was aware my case was against Baptist Health Medical Center in Little Rock, Arkansas per my phone call to him on April 10, 2017 and in writing on April 25, 2017 via my email to him. The hospitals provide work to him, in his private capacity. The hospital may have his private not advertised phone number and pager but I did not and I did not contact Frank Peretti on a private basis while in front of the Little Rock Police Department on April 10, 2017 after having reported attempted murder and then murder. It turned into a private autopsy because Peretti demanded payment to do the autopsy.

This is just another example of how unethical Frank Peretti is and how he lies and is protected by Judges who are willing to over look his criminal activity and rule against innocent people to help cover up murder and illegally taking peoples tissues to be donated for profit by the medical industry and his own greed. Frank Peretti is helping protect the hospital who calls him for autopsies that killed Joan Ellis.

[Exhibit P] - court transcript private no advertising

[Exhibit F] - autopsy states tissues donations

H. Modified and Altered Police Report

I was given Frank Perettis' pager number by the Arkansas Pulaski County Coroner Gerone Hobbs who told me to contact the Medical Examiner, not a private pathologist. I did what I was instructed to do by the coroner while I was in front of the Little Rock police department at 700 West Markham street in Little Rock, Arkansas on April 10, 2017. I was not seeking a private autopsy but Frank Peretti made our family pay him to do an autopsy when I had just reported murder to the police and that was the second time I had been to the police.

On April 7, 2017 three days before my mother was killed I reported she was being killed to the Little Rock Police at 700 West Markham Street and they did nothing to help me. I returned on April 10, 2017 and reported she was now dead and I needed it to be investigated. I was then referred to the State Crime Lab whom I phoned and they told me to contact the coroner and he gave me Perettis pager number. I have proof of this via my phone records and can provide those if necessary.

An incident report was generated by someone at the Little Rock Police Department and then modified and altered 18 days later on April 25th, 2017, the same day I wrote my first email to Frank Peretti stating I had evidence of wrong doing and intentional death against Baptist Health Medical Center Hospital at 9601 Baptist Health Drive in Little Rock, Arkansas and believed my mother Joan Ellis was intentionally killed.

[Exhibit D] - Altered Police Incident Report

The top right corner of the incident report states it was modified on April 25, 2017, and the narrative is wrong and the incident date is wrong but the call date is correct. I have attempted to get the police to fix it and they refuse to do it.

The police report states the incident date was February 7, 2017 and the call date was April 7, 2017. The incident date was April 7, 2017 and the call date was April 7, 2017. The Little Rock Police department continue to refuse to accept my evidence and they kept pointing me to the medical examiner that took money per his demand to investigate Joan Ellis' death, stating they cannot investigate Joan Ellis' death without the Medical Examiner telling them too and Frank Peretti refuses to accept my evidence after admitting in court that he told me to bring it to him.

[Exhibit C] Email April 25

[Exhibit D] Altered and Modified Police Report

[Exhibit P]

Page 65 Line 21-24

Q: "Dr. Peretti, did you tell me on November the twenty-fifth to bring my evidence to you and that we would sit down and talk about it? Did you or did you not?

A: "I said the evidence for murder, yes."

According to Pulaski County Coroner Gerone Hobbs, the police cannot refuse to investigate a reported homicide. But that is exactly what is going on your honor. The Little Rock Police refused to investigate and I believe it is because they failed to act when I reported to them on April 7, 2017 and as a result of their failure to act, Joan Ellis was killed. They refuse to even look at the overwhelming evidence that I have and I had 3 witnesses with me, Beverly Ellis, Amber Ellis and Skylar Ellis, when I attempted to give the evidence to the Little Rock Police and to the LRPD Internal Affairs. They refused it.

I. Frank Peretti agrees to accept my evidence and then hires a lawyer

On November 25, 2017, I reached back out to Frank Peretti per the police instructions and he agreed to look at my evidence so I borrowed money to go to Little Rock so I could give it to him. When I arrived in Little Rock, I attempted to give the evidence to Frank Peretti and I was told by the Chief Medical Examiner Charles Kokes he wasn't going to allow me to speak to Peretti. Shortly there after a lawyer by the name of Dylan Potts told me, via email, I could not speak to him anymore. Now Frank Peretti has cost me money having to fly up there based upon his statements which was a lie. This man is a habitual liar.

[Exhibit P]

Page 65 Line 21-24

Q: "Dr. Peretti, did you tell me on November the twenty-fifth to bring my evidence to you and that we would sit down and talk about it? Did you or did you not?

A: "I said the evidence for murder, yes."

[Exhibit L] Email from his lawyer telling me I can't talk to him on Dec 4th, 2017

[Exhibit K] Plane Tickets

Why is he hiring a lawyer? Why is he preventing me from giving him my evidence? Why can I no longer speak to the man who demanded payment for services and now refuses to provide those services to me? Why is he refusing to give me the autopsy photos that were paid for per his demand? This is very concerning and I openly complained to the State Police and publicly about what he has done. I do not think anyone would want to hire a person like this who takes peoples money and then lies to them and then won't give them their property unless they agree not to sue him first.

[EXHIBIT M] - Communications via email with State Police Major Mark Hollingsworth Commander Major Crimes.

If indeed Frank Peretti is being given all "private autopsies" by the state of Arkansas and Louisiana and is hired by hospitals to do private autopsies I think people need to be warned about Frank Perettis habitual lying.

[Exhibit P] Page 22 Lines 22-24

Q: "Thank you, And the general nature of your private autopsy business is what, sir?"

A: "My general nature is, and I perform autopsies on the, private autopsies on the citizens of Arkansas who, cases that, that don't come to the crime lab.

[Exhibit P] Page 23 Lines 1 - 4

A: "... Some Medical malpractice cases which I no longer do. I also do the autopsies for the northern Louisiana Parishes for the State of Louisiana, and I've been doing that for over fifteen, fourteen years. "

[Exhibit P] Page 23 Lines 9 -12

Q: "Do doctors from time to time hire you to provide autopsies?"

A: Yes, the hospitals do. A lot of the hospitals don't perform autopsies, and I do their autopsies for them."

So I openly complained after he hired a lawyer, allowed evidence to be destroyed, refuses to provide the services he demand payment for and cost me money buying plane tickets to go to Little Rock to give him the evidence which he admits in court he told me to bring to him.

Frank Peretti knew I wanted additional testing run and four months before everything was to be destroyed he hired a lawyer so that I could not have that testing conducted.

[Exhibit E] Email acknowledging I want additional testing

[Exhibit Z-A] Email Peretti told do not waste her blood

[Exhibit G] Lab Report holds samples 1 year / Page 2

All of the Lab samples have now been destroyed. Frank Peretti via his own actions is Obstructing Justice and my ability to secure evidence and to have my mothers murder investigated. And the final insult and injury to myself, my mother and her children, as a result of Frank Perettis actions by filing a frivolous lawsuit against me and demanding I shut up about my mothers murder caused an interruption in my ability to find an attorney to sue the hospital for their wrong doings and killing my mother Joan Ellis and the statute to do that has expired because of Frank Peretti filing this lawsuit against me which caused me to turn my focus to this frivolous lawsuit and deal with this nonsense he has caused by his habitual lying to me and everyone else.

J. No Drugs in Joan Ellis' Body - Screams Foul Play

Regarding the lab work that Peretti sent to me via email attached with the autopsy findings, it states that my mother Joan Ellis had zero drugs in her body after being in a hospital for two months on major drugs keeping Joan Ellis in a MEDICALLY induced coma, also known as Chemically restraining a person.

This is known to be going on and people are convicted of this: The case below are victims who were chemically restrained using seizure medications. Dr. Richard G. Pellegrino, Dr. Robert Mason Searcy and his wife Dr. Mary J. Searcy were the primary doctors on Joan Ellis' case and they had her on 8350 mgs of seizure meds daily for a woman who was not having seizures, your honor. I have the evidence to back up my statements. I sir, am not a liar.

3 Nursing Home Patients Killed by 'Chemical Restraints'

By JOHN HENDREN Jan. 5, 2010

Phyllis Peters' mother Fannie Mae Brinkley was a feisty 97-year-old who suddenly lost energy. "I'd say, 'I can't get my mom awake,'" Peters remembers. "She just won't rouse, she's lethargic."

No one told Peters that her mother had been given a powerful anti-seizure drug that prosecutors say killed her.

Archived here:

In addition to the overdosing on seizure medications, I have Joan Ellis' medical records and physical evidence of an iv bag I dug out of the trash after the nurse was caught hiding it on video and which was captured by Joan Ellis' granddaughter, Marisa Ellis Alexander and her mother Beverly Ellis that shows the drugs they were giving Joan Ellis that would cause heart failure if given together as well as many other drugs and her lab comes back showing no drugs in her body?

Also noteworthy is the date April 25, 2017, the date Axis Toxicology out of San Antonio, Texas, received samples of Joan Ellis' blood and vitreous humor (eye fluid) which is the same day I initially wrote to Peretti via email and the same day the police report was altered.

Not only was there foulplay going on at the hospital I suggest to you, your honor, there is a lot of foul play going on afterwards too with this medical examiner and the police. There is no reason not to look at the overwhelming evidence that I have to prove my mother Joan Ellis was murdered if you are indeed trying to help protect the rights of citizens and prevent criminals from escaping justice.

[Exhibit G] Lab Toxicology Report

[Exhbit C] April 25th, Email to Peretti putting him on notice of murder

[Exhbit D] Police report altered

Lab Report No Drugs

The reason the lab work shows Joan Ellis has no drugs in her body is because the day she is killed the nurses were flushing the drugs out of Joan Ellis' body using sodium bicarbonates. They did this over and over right in front of me, when Joan Ellis was already dead and I captured that on tape your honor ; which is just part of the evidence I have that Frank Peretti and the Little Rock Police department refuse to investigate and prosecute.

[EXHIBIT W] Transcript of audio from April 10, 2017 "We don't have to make contact today we know what we're going to do" Katherine Carpenter, Baptist ICU Nurse

[EXHIBIT X] Transcript of audio from April 3, 2017. Rehab Administrator Vicki Donaldson talking to Sharon Ellis about Baptist holding onto bodies for 48 hours.

When I questioned Frank Peretti in court about the lab work, I asked him. "Do you think its odd that a woman who had been in the hospital for two months has no drugs in her body?" his response in the transcript is: "Well that's not right"

[Exhibit P] Page 75 Lines 18-25

Q: "Uh-hum. Well, do you find it, I don't know, and you'll have to give me your expert opinion. Do you find it odd that she tested negative for every single one these drugs that your're saying that there are sublevels underneath that? Do you find that odd?

A: "No, what I said you have benzodiazepines and you have multiple drugs that go under, maybe twenty different classes of drugs.

[Exhibit P] Page 76 Lines 1-3

Q: "Sure, and she's negative for all of them after being in the hospital for two months."

A: "Well, that's not right"

See Exhibit G - Lab work

Of course that is not right and it screams foulplay yet Frank Peretti states under oath there was no foulplay in Joan Ellis' death. Frank Peretti is not only lying, his behavior should be investigated.

[Exhibit P]

Page 29 Lines 20 - 22

Q: "Was there any evidence of foul play determined by your autopsy, Dr. Peretti?"

A: "Not at all, no foul play"

K. Obstruction of Justice

Yes there is foulplay and I have the evidence of it but Frank Peretti is preventing my ability to have it investigated because he is telling everyone, according to his testimony my mother was not murdered.

[Exhibit P] Page 33 Line 15-18

A: "They were asking me about a murder, if there was a murder committed by physicians at Baptist Hospital. And if I knew anything about it, can I give them any insights. No, there's no homicide."

He also states under oath that he doesn't take murder cases, nor does he take medical malpractice cases. Then he contradicts himself under direct examination stating he does do medical malpractice cases. If you refer to [EXHIBIT E] which is an email from Frank Peretti discussing, wrongful death and the statute to file it and his willingness to work with me in this matter, then why is Frank Peretti lying in court stating he does not do medical malpractice cases? Frank Peretti is a liar and I have proven that with just this little bit of evidence I have presented to you sir.

[Exhibit P] Page 27 Line 9-13

A: "No because if, if when I get calls from families and they suspect foul play, there's a murder or someone has done something, I say no, I refer back to the coroner, let him decide if he's going to take jurisdiction of the case or send it to the crime lab. So, I don't do those cases"

[Exhibit P] Page 23 Line 1 -2

A: ".... Some medical malpractice cases which I no longer do.

[Exhibit P] Page 23 Line 21-24

Q: "And are you called upon to testify from time to time in that private capacity?"

A: "Yes, I'm, a lot of times on the mesothelioma cases, the medical malpractice cases ..."

[Exhibit E]

Peretti Email To Sharon Ellis on April 27, 2017 BEFORE he released the autopsy, AFTER he was notified via the April 25th, 2017 email, he has Michelle Hardy send me this email:

Ms. Ellis,

I have printed your email to provide to Dr. Peretti. In this email, I will try to address your non-medical questions...

1. Please send any documents or material you want Dr. Peretti to review prior to finalizing his report to his home address (4719 Sugar Maple Lane, Little Rock, AR 72212). There is no certain amount of time this needs to be completed in.

2. Please also send any evidence (like the IV bag) you would like tested and a list setting out the type of testing you would like performed on each item. Please be aware than additional testing will incur additional charges that you will be responsible for paying for up front . We can discuss this further after we have received the evidence and have spoken about what testing you would like have performed.

3. All audiotapes would need to be transcribed. We do not have the resources or the manpower to do this.

4. Have you retained an attorney to look into this matter for you? If so, please provide his contact information for our records.

Thank you and we look forward to working with you in this matter.

Why is Frank Peretti now testifying in court that he doesn't do murder cases or medical malpractice cases after sending me the above email ? Because he is a liar , your honor.

Frank Peretti cannot claim he was not aware of my communications with him because Frank Peretti states in court that all communications I was having with Michelle Hardy, his assistant, via email, he was telling her what to say:

[Exhibit P] Page 59 Line 16 - 22

Q: "Dr. Peretti, did you , is Michelle here today?"

A: "No"

Q: "Okay, She's your assistant, is that correct?"

A: "Yes"

Q: "Okay. She was doing all the communicating for you, is that correct?"

A: "I would tell her what to write on it, and she would send it out."

This man is not telling the truth to me or to the court under oath and he and his attorney(s) and their law firm are harassing me in an attempt to keep me quiet about my own investigation that reveals a lot of foul play by both the hospital, the police and Frank Peretti and the court. There is more in the court transcript that shows the contradictions this man has made but I feel I have provided enough at this point to prove I and my family are the only ones telling the truth and Frank Peretti is an habitual liar and he has broken laws and has caused extreme, extreme damage to myself and my family via his actions. Peretti and his attorneys, Potts and Heffington and their law firm Gill, Ragon and Owen are guilty of defrauding the court willfully and knowing and have also caused extreme damage to the Justice System in Arkansas and now attempting to do so in Florida.

L. Tissue Donations

I would also like to point out another issue with that autopsy I received from Frank Peretti that is missing injuries Joan Ellis suffered while in the hospital, missing scars that she had; recording scars that Joan Ellis did not have, and the scars that she did have are recorded the wrong length by Frank Peretti. The most concerning part is that Frank Peretti states Joan Ellis donated tissues. Tissue Donations. This is extremely concerning because Joan Ellis was not a tissue donor and no tissues were sent to the Lab for testing !!

[EXHBIT F] - Autopsy / Tissue Donations


Below I provide some links to Arkansas non profit who engages in Tissue Donations in which they literally rip the bones, ligaments, veins and skin out of peoples bodies and then sell those body parts to produce medical products such as surgical screws and skin graphs for burn patients. It is a Billion dollar industry. People are making a lot of money and I would suggest to your honor that do not care if they do it legally or not. Please see the literature I have provided for your review regarding this industry.


Archieved here:

Mastermind Of 'Body Stealing' Scheme

July 10, 2013 3:11 PM ET


In 2008, Michael Mastromarino was sentenced in a New York City courtroom for enterprise corruption, body stealing and reckless endangerment.

Mastromarino pleaded guilty to "body stealing." In 2008, he was sentenced to up to 58 years in prison.


Archieved Here:

July 17, 2012 12:48 PM ET


"Tissue donation was totally different, and I knew it going into it," says Truitt, who worked in the tissue-donation industry for several years before quitting. "We're recovering skin, bones, tendons, heart valves, veins, those sorts of things."

Tissue is anything that's not a live organ and can be recovered from a dead body. It can then be turned into scores of medical products. Every year, 1.5 million of these products are given to American patients.

A tendon from a cadaver can be used to repair a torn ACL; veins are used in heart bypass operations. Dental implants can be made from ground-up human bone, turned into a paste. Bone also gets turned into screws and plates that look like something found in hardware stores. Surgeons can use them to repair a broken leg.

"When you die, you don't need your skin anymore. But that 6-year-old burn victim, lying in the hospital, could really use it," says Truitt. "Your heart valves can go to a father of four who's having some serious heart issues and without those valves could die. By giving what you no longer need, you're still helping and in a way, you're kind of still living on."

- ARORA/Donate Life Arkansas Facebook Page

June 18 at 1:01 PM ·

- This is the Governor of Arkansas promoting he wants to become one of the top ten states with the most donors, which is not a bad thing if you volunteer to do it and my mother did not volunteer to donate any part of her body to anyone.

Governor Asa Hutchinson, who oversees or oversaw the State Crime Lab at the time of my mothers murder, gave Arkansas a challenge to move into the top 10 states for organ donation AND tissue donation registration. Have you done your part? Register today!

Archieved here:


Joan Ellis was discharged from Baptist Hospital on March 1, 2017 weighing 205 pounds on meds they knew she could not have at the dosage they discharged her on, then she was weighed at Drew Memorial Hospital 4 days later at 200 lbs and is returned to Baptist Health Medical Center in Little Rock Arkansas and dies weighing 262 + pounds?

[Exhibit R] Medical Record Weight 205 pounds

[Exhibit S] Medical Record Weight 200 pounds

[Exhibit T] Autopsy Document Weight 262 pounds after tissue donations

[Exhibit Y] Photo of Joan Ellis - Skinny Face on date

[Exhibit Z] Photo of Joan Ellis - After she was pronounced dead

If that doesn't scream foul play to officials then we have a serious issue with incompetent people or people who are ignoring the facts that point to Joan Ellis being intentionally killed. I have much more evidence. Much more and I cannot at this time submit it all for review but I feel I have submitted enough to cause any reasonable, intelligent individual concern about what happened to Joan Ellis who herself was a nurse, O positive blood, never drank, never smoked and never used drugs, your honor. O positive blood types are compatible with anyone. With all the human trafficking and organ harvesting arrests being made around the country sir, I do not feel Joan Ellis' case should be ignored and that is exactly what they are doing in Little Rock, Arkansas.

N. Trojan Horse

I would like to note that Dylan Potts, the attorney for Frank Peretti, is not simply an attorney hired for a civil case of defamation he is in fact an agent for the medical industry. He represents multiple entities in the health care industry which is listed on the Arkansas Secretary of State website.






It is of my belief Dylan Potts is being used as a trojan horse by the hospital to try to silence me from telling my mothers story which I have been told by law enforcement and attorneys I have every right to do. Of course I have a right to do it, it is my personal story and I have the evidence to back up what I say. Just because I have uncovered their crimes and they do not want anyone to know about it is not grounds to rule against me and try to prevent me from seeking criminal justice, unless you are part of that criminal activity. Frank Peretti has interrupted my ability to get civil justice and now he wants to help the hospital by trying to prevent me from telling my own personal horror story and releasing my investigation into my mothers death and those involved covering it up.


As mentioned in the beginning I am not a lawyer. When all this occurred I tried desperately to find help and/or advise and without having the funds to pay an attorney to help defend me against this frivolous lawsuit I am now trying to do something about this on my own. I could not get any advise on what I was suppose to do in response to the nonsense that occurred in Christopher Piazzas' courtroom, that he also engaged in, or to this judgement against me in this obvious and blatant frivolous lawsuit. I am now attempting the best I can to do this alone. I should not have to do this alone your honor. Not in my country.

I still do not know what I am suppose to do other than bring this to your attention and pray that you have the authority as a Judge to not only stop what they are doing to me but perhaps as an officer of the court of Pinellas County, where we respect the laws and the citizens rights to seek justice against perpetrators of crimes against the citizens, request a federal investigation into this horrible matter that I and my family have been living through for two years now with no justice.

As a resident of Pinellas County, Florida - which is a wonderful place to live with wonderful people and wonderful law enforcement officers - I find it outrageous that people in Arkansas think they can not only manipulate their own judicial system but now they are attempting to manipulate ours and hoping that you will help them.

In addition to wasting the Arkansas Tax Payers money in attempt to discredit my good name they have now crossed over into Florida and are wasting the Florida Tax Payers money and your time your honor in our court system continuing to harass me. This in your court room sir and they are attempting to manipulate your courts as well by getting you to enforce a judgement against me that should have never occurred. Can they do that? I don't know your honor, I do not frequent court rooms. I just know that I have been treated so badly by the people in Arkansas and my mother deserves justice. How am I suppose to walk away from what was done to her and to myself and siblings? The Arkansas Judge should have thrown this out immediately when Frank Peretti was proven to be a liar under oath and he did not do it. They simply took advantage of myself who is a victim in this matter manipulating and deceiving and cheating to get their victory.

Please forgive me if I am long winded in my motion to be heard because I am just not sure what is needed to have this fixed by an honest judge who will acknowledge what has happened is clearly not justice.

Rather than dismissing this case when Frank Peretti was caught lying, the Judge in Arkansas began giving testimony for the witness to help Peretti when I was questioning him about what time my mother died. The Judge interrupted me during cross to provide the answer for Frank Peretti. The Judge and the Attorney kept throwing me off by interrupting me when it was difficult enough already. I come from an era where men protect women. Not beat up on them and that is what happened, witnessed by my brother James Ellis.

Additionally, the Judge claims he has no idea what PTSD means and his wife is a personal injury attorney?

Archieved here:

The Judge begins questioning me when I am about to impeach Peretti again, asking if I had sought counseling. I responded, Legal Counseling? I was in a legal proceeding so my response is appropriate to the question asked of me but they inserted something in the transcript that the judge never said which was "have you sought psychological counseling." I am not stupid so when I realized what the judge was trying to imply, who just simply waved his hands at me when I responded Legal Counseling? I responded, "You mean like PTSD?" The Judge says, "I don't know what that is". I then educate him on the topic since he brought it up. I may not be a lawyer or the smartest person in the world but I know when I am being lied too. This Judge knows what PTSD means and he lied. PTSD is a very common problem our fine men and women of the armed forces suffers from and there is an epidemic in our country with these brave people committing suicide as a result of having PTSD and being put on major psychiatric drugs, which I earnestly believe is causing them to commit suicide. Everyone knows what PTSD means and this Judge was playing games with me. This is not justice you honor. This is outright judicial misconduct.

This Judge, Christopher Piazza, also refused to hear my brothers small claims case to get his money back from Frank Peretti who failed to do a medico-legal autopsy he was paid to do. My brother, Jame Ellis' small claims case to get his money back from Frank Peretti was merged with this defamation case at the request of Frank Perettis attorney, Dylan Potts. Judge Piazza says he is not going to allow it to be merged and Perettis attorney makes no objection and he is the one who requested it to be merged. This information is in the court transcript so I won't cite the page numbers because this is getting really long. Jame Ellis' small claims case to get his money back that funded the autopsy and investigation into Joan Ellis' death has yet to be heard and was prevented from being heard by Frank Perettis attorney, Judge Wayne Grubber and Judge Christopher Piazza. Then a newspaper reporter wrote an article and put it on the front page of the Arkansas newspaper stating Judge Piazza called into question my mental health and stated that the Judge did allow the cases to be merged. That is an absolute lie and the court transcript proves that is a lie. The cases were not merge and then the local newspaper smeared my name in the newspaper in an attempt to sway the people of Arkansas not to believe me. You can't make this stuff up your honor. The only people with a mental health issue are those in Little Rock, Arkansas. This has been a living nightmare for our family and instead of Frank Peretti holding accountable the people who murdered my mother, Frank Peretti is helping them get away with it because that is part of his bread and butter. Hospitals call him for their private autopsies. Frank Peretti not only is protecting them but he is now engaged in adding to the suffering our of family on behalf of the hospital.

I was also told in that courtroom by Judge Piazza, that I would have to work out a date with the plaintiffs attorney to have a jury trial and at the same time I was told I can't speak to his attorney. This was, in my opinion, to prevent any jury trial from occurring and the fact that I do not live in Arkansas and cannot afford to go back up there, the fact that I am not an attorney, makes it impossible for any jury trial to occur. Not to mention I am not versed in law or procedures nor do I have any money to hire a lawyer to help me prove Frank Peretti is still a liar. I am being harassed and bullied by this man and his lawyers because he did not do what he was paid to do and got caught. The autopsy findings he sent me are missing things that I can prove with photographs that I took of my mother just before she was killed.

I reserve my right to submit additional evidence that supports my claims my mother Joan Ellis was murdered and that I am being harassed, bullied, and taken advantage of by this Judge in Arkansas and Frank Perettis' attorneys and their law firm. I pray the court of Pinellas County Florida grant my motion for a hearing on this matter and that your honor restores my faith in our JUSTICE system.

As mentioned I do not know the order of things or how it is suppose to be submitted so I am asking you now to Order Frank Peretti to release my property including all documents, photographs etc.. that were produced when he cut my mothers body up and utterly failed to do what he was paid to do. I also respectfully pray that your honor will order Frank Peretti, Dylan Potts and his law firm, Gill, Ragon, Owen Law Firm to pay damages to me and my brother James Ellis in the amount of 5 million dollars for their extreme and outrageous behavior, the intentional emotional infliction of distress he has put on all of us, to cover the costs to have our mothers body exhumed, the expenses they have caused us unnecessarily, my fees and my brother James Ellis' expenses as a pro se litigant(s), and for the services not rendered, for impeding an investigation into Joan Ellis' murder, and Punitive Damages severe enough that they never do this to another human being again. I am also ordering Frank Peretti to release the information that belongs to our family immediately and 10 thousand dollars be added to the order everyday he does not give my property to me or to my brother James Ellis.

What did Frank J. Peretti do and not do?

  • Frank J. Peretti never looked at any of the evidence collected by Joan Ellis' adult children and grandchildren which is required when doing a medico-legal autopsy.
  • Frank J. Peretti document Joan Ellis' scars incorrectly, failed to document scars she did have and documented an 11 inch scar Joan Ellis did not have prior to going to Baptist Health Medical Center in Little Rock, Arkansas. She did not have any surgeries that would have produced such a large scar on her lower right quadrant of her abdomen.
  • Frank J. Peretti did not order a comprehensive panel on her blood, he did not order her vitreous humor to be tested, he did not even look at her medical records.
  • Frank J. Peretti never spoke to any of the witnesses in depth about what they witnessed
  • Frank J. Peretti led Sharon Ellis to believe via email that he was investigating Joan Ellis' death and then sued her when she complained that he did not investigate it.
  • Frank J. Peretti acknowledged Sharon Ellis needed additional testing conducted and prevented her from getting that testing by hiring a lawyer, Dylan Potts from Gill, Ragon and Owens located at 425 West Capitol Ave, The Simmons Bank Building in Little Rock, Arkansas and allowed that evidence to be destroyed, after being asked to release the case by James Ellis so he could have the testing performed. He got no response from either Frank Peretti or his lawyer, Dylan Potts and that evidence has now been destroyed forever.
  • In court Frank J. Peretti acknowledges he told Sharon Ellis to bring the evidence to him and when she got there to do that, she was told she would not be allowed to speak to Frank J. Peretti and then he hired a lawyer.

Let's go over his medico-legal autopsy he claims he did.

































































Joans Weight

The Autopsy states Joan weighed 262 pounds and is morbidly obese. Her stomach is contracted and empty as well as her bladder on April 10, 2017. Foul Play? How can she weigh 262 pounds?

44 days before Joan Ellis is Killed

Joan Ellis was killed on April 10, 2017

The autopsy states Joan Ellis is morbidly obese. She has a contracted and empty stomach and bladder and weighs 262 pounds after tissue donations. Joan was not a tissue donor.

On February 25, 2017, 44 days before Joan is killed, Sharon Ellis took this video of her mother while she was in Baptist Health Medical Center hospital . Sharon and Amber Ellis were playing thumb wars and other games with their mother the day before this video was taken. Then Joan Ellis was drugged to the point she just laid in the bed and was not engaging us at all . Joan had naturally large breasts as you can see in this video and her hands are very thin.

4 days later Joan Ellis is weighed at 204 pounds and then discharged to Belleview Estates Rehab and Care in Monticello, Arkansas on March 1, 2017.


204 Lbs

March 1 @ Baptist Discharge

Page 978


Video of Joan Ellis on February 25, 2017

On March 5, 2017, 4 days later, Joan was rushed to Drew Memorial Hospital and was weighed at 200 pounds. The last entry in her record at Drew Memorial Hospital was made at 2:08. 40 minutes later she weighs 243 pounds when she gets to Baptist Hospital via ambulance at 2:48 pm. ???????


200 Lbs

March 5 @ Drew Memorial Discharge

DMH Mar5


Departure Time from Drew Memorial on March 5 @ 2:08 pm



Arrival Time to Baptist on March 5 @ 2:48 pm

Joan now weighs 243 pounds


243 pounds

How did she gain 43 pounds in 40 minutes?

Page 12 Disc 2

On April 10, 2017 the day Joan Ellis is killed and now weighs 262 pounds !!

36 days after she left Drew Memorial Hospital, weighing 200 pounds, Joan Ellis weighs 262 pounds with a contracted and empty stomach!

How did Joan Ellis suddenly gain 62 pounds in a hospital and is now "morbidly obese" per the autopsy, yet Frank J. Peretti has testified there is no foul play ?

I don't disagree with the autopsys' weight because she definitely looked like she was morbidly obese from the added 62 pounds of fluid overload which is why she weighed 262 pounds. But according to Frank J. Perettis' testimony in court, there is no foul play in Joan Ellis' death. I adamantly disagree because Frank J. Peretti never looked at any of the evidence, nor at her records, and then hired a lawyer after telling Sharon Ellis to bring the evidence to him on November 25, 2017. When Sharon got to Little Rock, Arkansas to give it to him, he hired a lawyer and refused to look at evidence or to investigate Joan Ellis' death.


262 Pounds

Autopsy says she weighs 262 pounds.



Contracted Empty Stomach

Below are two photos of Joan Ellis that shows her cheeks are sunken in 29 days before she is killed and a photo of her the day she is killed. Stark difference in appearance and in fact the day she is killed she clearly looks like she is being choked to death by the trache strap around her throat and the 62 pounds of fluid that caused her to swell and they never adjusted that strap around her throat. Sharon Ellis was present in the room and is the one who took the photos of Joan Ellis on April 10, 2017


29 Days Before Joan Ellis is Killed

March 12 - Face Sunken In

Joans face is sunken in, they have her in a medically induced coma on Midazolam and also on 3 maximum dose seizure meds when Joan Ellis wasn't having seizures. This is known as chemically restraining a patient. Joans' cheek bones were very defined and her sunken checks are because she is being starved.


The Day Joan Ellis is Killed

April 10 - 262 Pounds

The picture above was taken by Sharon Ellis an hour after Joans' heart had stopped, captured on tape, and it looks like she is being choked to death by that trache strap around her neck and the 62+ pounds of fluid. Joans face is wider than the top of her head and she now weighs 262 pounds per the autopsy.




enter april 10th audio sodium bicarbs, no art line, her arm just raised up, no blood drawn for gasses, no cpr started, eyes leaking, no blood pressure and sodium bicarbs is keeping her alive we gonna give her some more !! NURSE ADMITS IF SHE HAS NO BLOOD PRESSURE HER HEART HAS STOPPED AND THEN THEY SHOULD START CPR !! AND THEY DIDNT !! THIS WAS NOT A CHOICE FOR THEM TO MAKE. IF IT WAS THEN WHY WERE THEY ASKING SHARON IF SHE WANTED TO MAKE JOAN A DNR ?

  • Joan Ellis was also being starved. The autopsy states her stomach is contracted and empty and Baptist Health Medical Center Social Worker / Patient Advocate Marilyn Williams acknowledges on tape she knows they are starving Joan Ellis.
  • In fact she admits, during a meeting with myself and the Chief of the Hospital Frederick Anthony Bennett that Joan Ellis has not had any nutrition since March, aside from the nasal gastric tube which quite often was clogged or empty providing zero nutrition to Joan Ellis, and it was now April.

Conversation with Baptist Hospital Social Worker Marilyn Williams Who Knows The Hospital Doctors and Staff Are Starving Joan Ellis.


Transcript of Conversation with Marilyn Williams on April 6 2017


Not only was the staff and doctors starving Joan Ellis but the chief of the hospital, Frederick Anthony Bennett, refused to give Joan Ellis water on March 29th when approached by both Sharon Ellis and James Ellis. When the Chief asked Sharon Ellis what she wanted their doctors to do Sharon Ellis replied, "give her some water" Bennett said, "You don't want to do that" March 29, 2017 2nd meeting with Bennett.


Transcript of Conversation with F. Anthony Bennett Chief of Baptist Health on March 29, 2017


During the Third meeting with the Chief of the Hospital, 4 days before Joan Ellis is killed, who tells Sharon Ellis and James Ellis in a previous meeting, he over sees quality of care and patient outcomes, Frederick Anthony Bennett he tells Sharon Ellis, "We don't have anything called recovery care."

April 6 Chief of Hospital F. Anthony Bennett


Transcript of Conversation with F. Anthony Bennett Chief of Baptist Health on April 6, 2017


I assure you had Joan Ellis or her family known Baptist "doesn't have anything called recovery care" Joan Ellis would have never stepped foot into that hospital.

The statements from the Hospital employees and the autopsy clearly show Joan was being starved to death and Frank J. Peretti says there was no foul play ? He also stated that intentional death does not imply homicide.

It is in the court transcript - add link here to that testimony


March 20, 2017 James Ellis in ICU having to clean his mother from the NG Tube busted all over her and the nurses are playing with paper airplanes, playing on their cell phones, and watching March Madness. Joan Ellis was left to die by Baptist Hospital and their Staff.


March 20, 2017 Joan Ellis Nasal Gastric Tube is clogged and has busted all over her gown. Sharon and James came in and saw this and had to clean it ourselves. 4 days earlier Sharon Ellis and James Ellis were threatened to be arrested if we interfere or obstructed their care. Interfere with what? This ?


Baptist Health Medical Center Directory of Security Max Savoy Threatens Sharon Ellis and James Ellis to be arrested if we interfere an obstruct care. If the doctors don't want to deal with family we will be told to leave???

What happened to Patient Rights and Family Rights ?

The Autopsy Scars

  • The autopsy does not document the hole in the side of her neck that was present 5 days before she was killed. (see photo April 5, 2017)
  • The autopsy says Joan has a 4 inch scar on the right side of her neck. She did not. ( see photos April 5, 2017)
  • The autopsy does not document the scar on the left side of her neck. ( See Photo and Medical Record )
  • The autopsy says Joan as an 8 inch mid-line scar . Joan did have a vertical c-section visible
  • The autopsy says Joan has an 11 inch scar on her abdomen. She did not have an 11 inch scar prior to going to Baptist.
  • The autopsy says Joan has a 4 inch scar on her head. That scar is much longer than 4 inches. (see photo)
  • Note: None of Joan Ellis' adult children or her younger child Amber Ellis, who was 18 at the time of Joans' death, have ever seen a 5 inch scar on Joans' thigh. No one in the family knows anything about a scar on her upper thigh but it is in Drew Memorial Hospital records as well as vein stripping and we are not aware of that surgery occurring either. It has been discussed with her children and friends close to her. No one is aware of any vein stripping. Someone would have had to take Joan to have that done and there is no records of it nor any family members who drove her to have vein stripping performed. The autopsy does not indicate Joan has a 5 inch scar on her thigh and we are in agreement with that.

No Scar on the right side of her neck. Photo April 5, 2017, 5 Days before Joan is Killed. But there is a hole and its infected in Baptist Health Medical Center in Little Rock Arkansas, Corporate Headquarters ICU unit.

Photo of Joan right side of neck - no scar ! April 5, 2017

The Scar on the left side of her neck that was NOT documented on her autopsy. Joan was having an allergic reaction to aspirin which is what you see in the photo below of her rash, and which is what was wrong with her when she went to the hospital and they ignored it.

mothers allery 2 November 2016 From Moms Ipad.jpg

Joan Ellis' Medical Record that states she has a scar on the left side of her neck and no 11 inch scar on her abdomen is mentioned.


Joans' medical record above is from February 7, 2017 that states Joan Ellis has a scar on the left side of her neck.

How did Frank J. Peretti miss this very obvious scar on the left side of Joan Ellis' Neck and see an 11 inch scar on her abdomen that doesn't exist? Or did it?

Picture of Joan Ellis' Abdomen from medical records @ Drew Memorial Hospital in Monticello, Arkansas, in 2012


You can see there is NO 11 inch scar on her right lower quadrant of her abdomen. and you can see her vertical c-section scar. A 46 year old scar she acquired when she gave birth to her youngest son Mark Ellis.

Where did Joan get an 11 inch scar from ? The autopsy is wrong or there is something nefarious going on which equates to foulplay.

According to the medical records of Joan Ellis she was taken to the Surgical theater 3 Times but Joans' children were only aware of 2 surgeries. What happened the night of February 23rd and the morning of February 24th, 2017? The Surgical Event on February 24, 2017 is charted but they never chart her leaving. The truth is they never took Joan to that OR on February 24, 2017 because Sharon Ellis was at the hospital from 7 am and spent the night with Joan, as well as her daughter Amber Ellis. James Ellis and his wife Beverly Ellis, were there that day as well. Did they take her to the Operating Room at midnight when they moved her and just falsified the records? She certainly did not go to surgery on the 24th and she did not have an 11 inch scar on her abdomen prior to being admitted to Baptist. Whose body is Frank J. Peretti looking at ? He won't give me the autopsy photos so I can look at what he documented. Frank J. Peretti is preventing Joan Ellis' death from being investigated !! That screams foul play too !

February 7, 2017

Baptist Admission No 11 inch Scar on Abdomen


February 24, 2017 Surgical Event Gastroectomy

Page 509


April 10, 2017

11 inch scar on abdomen

The autopsy states that Joan Ellis has a 4 inch healing scar on her head. Does this scar look like 4 inches to you? Her scar on her head is way more than 4 inches. Whose body is Frank J. Peretti looking at or did he even do the autopsy ? This photo was taken of Joan Ellis on February 24, 2017. The same day they charted Joan was taken to the LR Main OR and now she suddenly has an 11 inch scar on her abdomen ?



4 inch Head Scar


Important Note: The day before this photo above was taken, Joan Ellis told her son Mark Ellis, who was found dead 75 days after Joan was killed, and her daughter Sharon Ellis to get her out of Baptist hospital "they are going to kill me" and she instructed her adult children, Sharon Ellis age 52, and Mark Ellis age 46, to start recording everything. Joan Ellis , RN, DON, ASNF over heard the hospital staff in Baptist Health ICU talking about getting rid of her. She also mentioned Ponzi Schemes and insulin.

On this day, the 24th, while in SICU, Joan was no longer as alert as she was on the 23rd when she informed her children of what she heard. She is now lethargic again. Is this the effects of an undisclosed, no consent surgery that produced an 11 inch scar? Perhaps! The fact that Frank J. Peretti is going out of his way to prevent Joan Ellis' children from getting their property and looking at these scars he claims she has and allowing evidence to be destroyed by hiring a lawyer is not only gross negligence, willful ignorance, it is also criminal to help cover up crimes. Was Joan Ellis' kidney taken from her? The meds that were given to Joan prior to 7 am on February 24 eventually wore off and Joan was up playing thumb wars, dice games and playing on her ipad once she was moved to the 9th floor later that day. Sharon Ellis and Amber Ellis were with her all night. The following morning, she was drugged again. See video at top of page. That is February 25, 2017.

While we are on Joans' head lets go over her central nervous system. Frank J. Peretti states in his autopsy findings that Joans Circle of Willis and related blood vessels showed moderate to severe calcific atherosclerosis. Her CT angiogram of her Head and Neck on February 8, 2017 just two months earlier states Brain Findings: Unremarkable . There is collateral flow to the intracranial vasculature through the circle of Willis

  • Anterior cerebral arteries = no occlusion or significant stenosis
  • Middle cerebral arteries = no occlusion or significant stenosis
  • Posterior communicating arteries: Patent
  • Basilar artery: no occlusion or significant stenosis
  • Cerebellar arteries: Unremarkable
  • Posterior cerebral arteries: no occlusion or significant stenosis
  • Venous sinuses unremarkable

Whose body is Frank J. Peretti looking at or did he even do her autopsy?


Frank J. Peretti who wants Sharon Ellis to agree not to sue him states in his Autopsy April 10, 2017

Circle of Willis and related blood vessels showed moderate to severe calcific atherosclerosis.


Page 364

Dr. Craig Steeds, Baptist CT angiogram February 7, 2017 Brain Findings: Unremarkable .

There is collateral flow to the intracranial vasculature ...


Page 365

... through the circle of Willis

Dr. Craig Steeds,

Dr. Craig Steeds Arkansas Medical Board / License Sanctions

Board History

  • There are no No Board Minutes on file for this licensee.
  • There are No Board Orders on file for this licensee.

  • License Number: E-9716
  • Original Issue Date: 04/15/2016
  • Expiration Date:04/30/2020
  • Basis: Exam
  • License Status: Active
  • License Category: Unlimited

Dr. Frank J. Peretti Arkansas Medical Board / License Sanctions

Board History

  • Board Minutes for this licensee are available. View Board Minutes.
  • Board Orders for this licensee are available by request only. Request Board Orders.

  • License Number: R-4341
  • Original Issue Date: 06/12/1992
  • Expiration Date:11/30/2019
  • Basis: Reciprocity
  • License Status: Active
  • License Category: Consent Order - MUST ATTEND ETHICS CLASSES


  • Appearance: No Reason: Board Related Date of Action: 2/1/2018 Minutes: Discussion #18-39. PERETTI, Frank Joseph, M.D. Upon a motion by Dr. O. Atiq, seconded by Dr. S. Simon, the Board voted unanimously to issue an Order and Notice of Hearing involving the physician.
  • Appearance: Yes Reason: Board Related Date of Action: 4/5/2018 Minutes: PERETTI, Frank Joseph, M.D. appeared with his attorney, Dylan Potts, in response to an Order and Notice of Hearing. After discussion and upon a motion by Mrs. M. Holder, seconded by Dr. J. Scribner, the Board voted unanimously to accept Dr. Peretti's offer to complete 45 hours of continuing medical education per year for three years, with five hours per year in the area of Ethics in Professional Responsibility, providing proof of completion of the hours obtained; he will submit to an audit every year for the next three years and pay any costs associated with said audit; and he will pay investigative costs of $100 within seven days of the hearing.
  • Appearance: No Reason: Board Related Date of Action: 12/7/2018 Minutes: Discussion #18-39. PERETTI, Frank Joseph, M.D. Upon a motion by Dr. O. Atiq, seconded by Dr. S. Simon, the Board voted unanimously to approve the proof of completion of the requested continuing medical education hours for 2018 and accepted the matter for information only.

So two months before Frank Peretti filed a frivilous lawsuit against Joan Ellis' children he was sanctioned by the Arkansas Medical Board and ordered to take continuing MEDICAL Education Classes with an emphasis on Ethics in Professional Responsibility and he offers to do this , then goes to court and lies under oath !

Master_DetailedVerif (1).pdf

Frank Peretti Ordered to attend CONTINUING MEDICAL EDUCATION w/ 5 hours in Ethics in Professional Responsibility for 3 years

  • The autopsy does not document a 5 inch scar on her upper thigh, that is charted in her medical records at Drew Memorial Hospital. (See Medical Record)



  • 262 pounds
  • Morbidly Obese


  • Scar on Thigh 5 inches
  • Scar on Left Side of Neck
  • Scar on Abdomen 11 inches
  • Scar on right side
  • Scar on Head
  • Hole in Neck

  • Circle of Willis
  • Tissue Donations
  • No Drugs Found
  • Hole in Nostril
  • Hammer toes
  • Blood
  • Diverturious-DMH records diaganosis
  • Edema to the legs and feet but doesn't document the rest of the body edema
  • Eyes Congested
  • Organs weigh double
  • Sodium Bicarb Overdose


  • No 4 inch Scar on Right Side of Neck Photo
  • No 11 inch Scar on abdomen
  • Circle of Willis Unremarkable
  • Scar on head is longer than 4 inches
  • Proof there should have been Drugs in Joans Body and they flushed them out
  • No tissues sent to lab and Joan was not a tissue donor
  • Not morbidly obese
  • Hole in side of neck missing
  • Hole in nostril missing
  • Blue Fingers not identified
  • Where is all the blood from her trach ?
  • Where is the documented info regarding her brain surgery and the plates used to put her skull back on ?
  • Joan weighed 200 pounds

autopsy procedures:

the body can’t exactly “bleed” when cut: only gravity creates pressure on blood. Using a rib cutter to remove the rib cage, the medical examiner then removes the intestines and the rest of the organs. These organs are often played in formalin for days before dissection, because this keeps them preserved and firms them up — allowing for more precise incisions.

In addition to examining all of the organs, tissue samples and bodily fluids, like blood, urine, bile, or vitreous gel found in the eyes, are also analyzed. This helps the medical examiners determine whether the person had been a drug user or had infections, among other things.

Sodium Bicarbonate (sodium bicarbonate 5% injection) Injection is further indicated in the treatment of certain drug intoxications, including barbiturates, in poisoning by salicylates

For mild acidosis, the usual dosage is 1 to 2 mEq per kg of body weight, administered slowly.

For more severe acidosis, 2 to 5 mEq per kg of body weight may be administered over a 4 to 8 hour period. Subsequent therapy is dependent on the clinical response of the patient.

In emergencies, 300 to 500 mL of the 5% Sodium Bicarbonate (sodium bicarbonate 5% injection) Injection should or administered as rapidly as is possible without overalkalinizing the patient.

Generally, to avoid overalkalinizing a patient whose own body mechanisms for correcting metabolic acidosis may be maximally stimulated, only 1/3 to 1/2 of the calculated dose is administered as rapidly as indicated by the patient's cardiovascular and fluid balance status. The serum pH and bicarbonate concentration should then be redetermined.

Overdose of sodium bicarbonate (sodium bicarbonate 5% injection) may result in a severe degree of alkalosis which may be accompanied by hyperirritability or tetany. Should alkalosis result, the bicarbonate should be stopped and the patient managed according to the degree of alkalosis present. Severe alkalosis may be controlled by parenteral injections of calcium gluconate or an acidifying agent such as ammonium chloride.

Reactions which may occur because of the solution or the technique of administration include febrile response, infection at the site of injection, venous thrombosis or phlebitis extending from the site of injection, extravasation, and hypervolemia.


Rapid administration of sodium salts may precipitate volume overload and acute pulmonary edema. Rapid or excessive administration of Sodium Bicarbonate (sodium bicarbonate 5% injection) Injection may produce tetany due to a decrease in ionized calcium and hypokalemia as potassium reenters the cells.

Sodium containing solutions should be used with great care, if at all, in patients with congestive heart failure, severe renal insufficiency and in clinical states in which there exists edema with sodium retention.

In patients with diminished renal function, administration of solutions containing sodium ions may result in sodium retention.

Excessive or too rapid administration of Sodium Bicarbonate (sodium bicarbonate 5% injection) Injection may produce alkalosis. If evidence of alkalosis develops, symptoms may be readily controlled by rebreathing air from a paper bag or rebreathing mask or, if more severe, by parenteral injections of calcium gluconate. Severe alkalosis, inadvertently produced, can be corrected by intravenous infusion of 2.14% Ammonium Chloride Injection, USP, except in patients with hepatic disease in whom ammonia administration is contraindicated.

This hypertonic solution may cause vein damage.

Do not use this injection if it contains a precipitate.

Intravenous sodium bicarbonate, also known as sodium hydrogen carbonate, is a medication primarily used to treat severe metabolic acidosis.[1] For this purpose it is generally only used when the pH is less than 7.1 and when the underlying cause is either diarrhea, vomiting, or the kidneys.[2] Other uses include high blood potassium, tricyclic antidepressant overdose, and cocaine toxicity as well as a number of other poisonings.[1][3][4] It is given by injection into a vein.[2]

Side effects may include low blood potassium, high blood sodium, and swelling.[1][4]


Overdose of intravenous sodium bicarbonate results in solute and/or fluid overload, potentially leading to edema, including pulmonary edema.[9] Also, it can cause metabolic alkalosis (with signs including muscular twitchings, irritability and tetany).[9] Hypernatremia is also possible.[9] Repeated fractional doses and frequent monitoring by laboratory tests are recommended to minimize the possibility of overdosing.[9]

Rapid administration (equal to or exceeding 10 mL/min) of intravenous sodium bicarbonate into neonates and children under two years of age may produce hypernatremia, resulting in a decrease in cerebrospinal fluid pressure and, possibly, intracranial hemorrhage. Therefore, the rate of administration to such patients should not exceed 8 mEq/kg/day, unless a very strong indication is present.[9]


It is administered as a hypertonic solution of sodium bicarbonate, most commonly in concentrations of 4.2%, 5.0%, 7.5% or 8.4%.[9]

The solutions generally contain no antimicrobial agent or other added buffer.[9]

Mechanism of action[edit]

After injection, intravenous sodium bicarbonate dissociates to provide sodium (Na+) and bicarbonate (HCO3) anions. Bicarbonate anions can consume hydrogen ions (H+) and thereby be converted to carbonic acid (H2CO3), which can subsequently be converted to water (H2O) and carbon dioxide (CO2) which can be excreted by the lungs.[9]

Society and culture[edit]

The Italian physician Tullio Simoncini has claimed that intravenous sodium bicarbonate is an effective cancer therapy. This is rejected by mainstream medicine.[12] Simoncini has been imprisoned twice for culpable manslaughter of people affected by cancer.[13][14]


  1. ^ Jump up to:a b c WHO Model Formulary 2008 (PDF). World Health Organization. 2009. pp. 489–492. ISBN 9789241547659. Archived (PDF) from the original on 13 December 2016. Retrieved 8 January 2017.
  2. ^ Jump up to:a b c British national formulary : BNF 69 (69 ed.). British Medical Association. 2015. p. 684. ISBN 9780857111562.
  3. ^ Bruccoleri, RE; Burns, MM (March 2016). "A Literature Review of the Use of Sodium Bicarbonate for the Treatment of QRS Widening". Journal of Medical Toxicology. 12 (1): 121–9. doi:10.1007/s13181-015-0483-y. PMC 4781799. PMID 26159649.
  4. ^ Jump up to:a b c Dart, Richard C. (2014). Medical Toxicology. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. p. 257. ISBN 9780781728454. Archivedfrom the original on 2017-01-16.
  5. ^ Jump up to:a b c d "Sodium Bicarbonate". The American Society of Health-System Pharmacists. Archived from the original on 18 January 2017. Retrieved 8 January 2017.
  6. ^ Ihde, Aaron J. (1970). The Development of Modern Chemistry. 447: Courier Corporation. ISBN 9780486642352. Archivedfrom the original on 2017-01-16.
  7. ^ "WHO Model List of Essential Medicines (19th List)" (PDF). World Health Organization. April 2015. Archived (PDF) from the original on 13 December 2016. Retrieved 8 December 2016.
  8. ^ "Sodium Bicarbonate". International Drug Price Indicator Guide. Retrieved 8 December 2016.
  9. ^ Jump up to:a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q Sodium Bicarbonate, Dosage Form: injection, solution Archived 2011-03-03 at the Wayback Machine from Revised: 03/2011 by General Injectables & Vaccines, Inc.
  10. ^ Jump up to:a b Tripathi, K.D. (2015). Essentials of Medical Pharmacology (Seventh ed.). New Delhi: Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers (P) Ltd. p. 679. ISBN 978-93-5025-937-5.
  11. ^ Shahidul, Bari Md. (December 2003). "Fluid Resuscitation of Burn Patients in Bangladesh - "Dhaka Fluid Therapy", An Alternative Approach". Annals of Burns and Fire Disaster. 26: 173–181.
  12. ^ "Sodium Bicarbonate". American Cancer Society. Archived from the original on 3 February 2014. Retrieved 20 March2014.
  13. ^ Lavinia, Gianvito (21 May 2006). "Medico condannato: omicidio colposo" [Doctor convicted: manslaughter]. Corriere della Sera (in Italian). Milan.
  14. ^ "Doc gets 5 yrs for treating cancer". 15 January 2018.
