The Investigation of

The Death of Joan Ellis

Joan Ellis was Allergic to Aspirin

Joan Ellis was suffering from an allergic reaction to aspirin and instead of diagnosing the obvious they sent her to have surgeries. Let's begin understanding what happen to Joan by first knowing and understanding Aspirin. Drug reactions to aspirin can be deadly. An Allergic Reaction to Aspirin can cause brain hemorrhages, gastrointestinal bleeding, seizures, cardiac arrest, swelling, rash, headaches, intense itching, vomiting, blood pressure changes and death.

An allergy to aspirin has very specific symptoms - all of which Joan Ellis exhibited. Based upon Joan Ellis' medical complaints, and her symptoms that progressively got worse, Joan Ellis was suffering from an allergic reaction to aspirin when she was checked into Drew Memorial Hospital in Monticello, Arkansas, Jefferson Regional Medical Center in Pine Bluff, Arkansas and Baptist Health Medical Center in Little Rock, Arkansas between 2009 and 2017

This image is Joan Ellis' leg while she was at Baptist Hospital and her legs begin to break out in a rash after they had administered something to her - which is the same way her rash would begin and progress to the point her legs would begin bleeding.

Aspirin and Allergic reactions

Anaphylaxis is a serious, life-threatening allergic reaction. The most common anaphylactic reactions are to foods, insect stings, medications and latex. If you are allergic to a substance, your immune system overreacts to this allergen by releasing chemicals that cause allergy symptoms.

ASPIRIN is also known as ASA, NSAID, SALICYLATES. When you take aspirin your platelets, which are what causes your blood to clot in order to stop a bleed, is prolonged, even if you are not allergic to it. Your platelets will clot - it just takes a little longer. If, however, you are a person who has an allergy to aspirin your platelets will become dysfunctional and you WILL NOT be able to stop bleeding until the aspirin wears off. The anti-platelet effects of aspirin disappear 96 hours after aspirin withdrawal . Hemorrhaging is not the only serious and deadly side effect of Aspirin.

Joan suffered with this allergy for several years and sought help repeatedly. Her "sensitivity" to ASA / aspirin was finally diagnosed at Baptist Health Medical Center by neurosurgeon, Dr. Blake Phillips in February of 2017 and he documents Joan Ellis was having a aspirin-like drug effect causing her platelets to become dysfunctional. It was at that point aspirin was identified as a major player in her health. Dr. Cidney Hulett, Dr. John Robert Busby and Brooke Fogel, APN at Baptist Health Medical Center in Little Rock, Arkansas put Joan back on aspirin after her brain had hemorrhaged, including Dr. Blake Phillips who okay'd Joan to continue taking the deadly medicine. In fact aspirin can cause blood vessels to rupture and indeed that is what happened to Joan Ellis when she was discharged on Aspirin daily by Dr. John Robert Busby and his nurse Brooke Fogel, APN, after Dr. Blake Phillips said she was okay to take it every 3rd day, when according to all the medical literature cited Joan should have never taken another aspirin in her life.

Joans' Symptoms and Complaints

Nasal Polyps - Loss of Sense of Smell - Abdominal Pain - Rash / Hives - Itching - Prolonged Bleeding - Chest Pain - High PT Test - Fatigue - Sweating - Palpitations - Angina / Tightness in the Chest - Edema / Swelling - Headache - Seizures - Weakness - Dizzy - Shortness of Breath - Belching / Flatuance - Vomiting - Hyponatremia - Epigastric - Nausea - Diarrhea - Wheezing - Joint Pain - Anxiety - Low Blood Pressure - Trachcardia - Skin Flushing, Chronic idiopathic urticaria, Spikes in Blood Pressure

A Brief Discussion on the Effects of Aspirin, Symptoms of Allergic Reactions and The Dangers of This Drug