The Investigation of

The Death of Joan Ellis


These are the facts and the evidence that backs up that Frank Peretti did not do what he was paid to do and that Sharon Ellis' public statements were truthful. The Truth is not defamation.

Frank J. Peretti demanded payment to do an autopsy and investigation into Joan Ellis death [Exhibits A and B].

Peretti states in court that he did a medical -legal autopsy [Exhibit P page 45 Line 24 - 25 and page 46 1- 25] and the facts will show that not only did he not do a medico-legal autopsy but autopsy findings are suspiciously flawed.

In addition to his failure to do a medico-legal autopsy, Peretti led Sharon Ellis to believe he was investigating the death of Joan Ellis [Exhibit E] and he continued to mislead Sharon Ellis about investigating Joan Ellis death up until the day he hired a lawyer on December the 4th, 2017. Frank Peretti admitted in court he told Sharon Ellis on November 25, 2017 he was willing to look at the evidence that Joan Ellis was murdered and told her to bring it to him [Exhibit P Page 65 Line 21-24]. Sharon Ellis then booked a flight the following day on November 26, 2017 and flew to Little Rock, Arkansas to give him the evidence Joan Ellis was murdered, per his instructions. [Exhibit K] . Sharon Ellis attempted to call Peretti on November 29th and 30th and finally received a text message on Friday November the 30th from Frank Peretti stating he was in a meeting and would call her later. Peretti never called Sharon Ellis back as he stated he would. On December 3, 2017 James Ellis privately emailed Peretti and suggested a refund was in order since Peretti was not going to honor his agreement and got no response from Frank Peretti stating he was finished with the case or that he was not willing to speak to Sharon Ellis so on December 4, 2017 Sharon Ellis told her brother to take her to the Arkansas State Crime Lab so she could at least drop off the evidence because she needed to get back home to Florida. Sharon Ellis attempted to get the evidence that Frank Peretti admits in court he told her to bring to him and when she attempted to do that at the State Crime Lab, which was the only place Sharon Ellis knew to find him, she was told by Charles Kokes the Chief Medical Examiner he was not going to allow her to speak to Frank Peretti. Then an email was sent to both James Ellis and Sharon Ellis by a lawyer shortly after telling them they could no longer speak to Peretti and his job was done on June 16, 2017. [Exhibit L] If that was factual then why did Peretti tell Sharon Ellis to bring him the evidence on November 25, 2017 if he was done with the case on June 16, 2017? [Exhibit P Page 65 Line 21-24]

Additionally, if Frank Peretti does not take murder cases as he claimed in court, why is he telling Sharon Ellis to bring him evidence of a murder when he claims he is required by law to hand the case over to the coroner? [Exhibit P - Page 27 Line 4 - 13] - [Exhibit P - Page 29 Line 23 - 25] - [Exhibit P - Page 30 Line 5 - 11]

The absolute defense to defamation is the truth and these are the facts. Frank Perettis' lawsuit against Sharon Ellis and James Ellis was an attempt to prevent the truth about him from being known and the truth about Joan Ellis' murder from being investigated. James Ellis simply asked Peretti for his money back so he could find someone else to investigate Joan Ellis' death and James Ellis received no response in December of 2017 from either Peretti or his lawyer Dylan Potts. James then requested Peretti release the case two weeks before evidence was to be destroyed and he was ignored again. [Exhibit C] The evidence that was sent to Axis Forensic Toxicology in San Antonio, Texas, was indeed destroyed because they only hold on to evidence for one year and it was destroyed on April 26, 2017 obstructing the Ellis Family from securing evidence [Exhibit G ].

The Hearing for Defamation

Frank J. Peretti stated in court under cross examination that he did a medical legal autopsy on Joan Ellis. [EXHIBIT P - Page 45 Line 24 - 25]. He also admits per his own testimony that he had a conflict of interest in accepting the case of Joan Ellis because Frank Peretti is called by hospitals to do autopsies [Exhibit P Page 23 Lines 9 -12] and Peretti knew on April 10, 2017 and April 25, 2017 that Sharon Ellis believed her mother had been murdered at Baptist Hospital in Little Rock, Arkansas [Exhibit C] which owns most of the hospitals and clinics in the State of Arkansas. Frank Peretti had a vested interested not to look into Joan Ellis' murder. He was protecting his client that provides business to him.

The Autopsy is severely flawed.

The autopsy findings regarding scars on Joan Ellis body are wrong and do not match the medical records, or the photographs that were taken of Joan Ellis by her children prior to her death or the photos taken of her that are in her medical records and there are other problems with his autopsy findings listed below that demonstrate Frank Peretti did not do a medico-legal autopsy and his findings are suspicious and falsified , if in fact Baptist Hospital gave him the body of Joan Ellis.

  • Peretti states Joan Ellis has an 11 inch scar on her abdomen. [Exhibit ] She did not have an 11 inch scar on her abdomen prior to going to Baptist Health Medical Center in Little Rock, Arkansas [Exhibit Autopsy 11 inch scar] [Exhibit Photo of Joans Abdomen] [Exhibit No Scar on Abdomen] and she was not at Baptist to have any type of abdominal surgery. However, per her records at Baptist it states Joan Ellis was taken to the operating room a third time for some type of gastroenterology and the family was not aware she was taken for a third surgery. [Exhibit P509_D1]
  • Peretti states Joan Ellis' has a 4 inch healing scar on her head [Exhibit Autopsy 4 inch head scar] and that does not match the photo of Joan Ellis' scar on her head taken by her daughter Sharon Ellis prior to her death. [Exhibit Photo Joans Head Incision]
  • Peretti states Joan Ellis' has a 4 inch scar on the right side of her neck. [Exhibit Autopsy Neck 4 inch scar] Photos taken by Sharon Ellis of Joan Ellis 5 days before she is killed proves there is no scar on the right side of her neck. [Exhibit April 5_534_1] [Exhibit April 5_534]
  • Peretti does not document the 8 inch scar on the left side of Joans neck [Exhibit Autopsy page 4 of 7] seen in a photo taken by Joan Ellis' daughter Amber Ellis that is quite visible and is a 20 year old scar. [Exhibit Photo Joans Scar Left Side of Neck and Rash]
  • Peretti does not document the hole in Joan Ellis' nostril that was caused by the ICU Staff seen in yet another photo taken from a video Sharon Ellis took of her mother while in the hospital. [Exhibit Mommas Nostril has hole in it April 3]
  • Peretti does not document the hole in the side of Joan Ellis' neck that was present 5 days before she was killed. [Exhibit April 5_534_1] [Exhibit April 5_534]
  • Peretti does not document the scar near Joan's groin which is documented in her Medical Records when she had surgery on her right leg. [Exhibit ]
  • Peretti does not document she has a stent in her right leg. [Exhibit ]
  • Peretti does not document the plates and screws on Joans skull that were placed after a crainotmy while she was in the hospital. [Exhibit ]
  • Peretti does not document the blood that was coming out of Joans' mouth and trache seen in the photo taken by Sharon Ellis just after she was "pronounced" at the hospital. [Exhibit Photo April 10 8:29] [Exhibit Photo April 10 8:32]
  • Peretti does not document that Joan Ellis' fingers had already turned blue, confirmed by Elizabeth Phillips, ICU RN, an hour or more before she was pronounced dead that was captured on tape the day Joan Ellis was killed . [Exhibit Audio / Transcript April 10 Part 1]
  • Peretti documented that Joan Ellis' central nervous system / Circle of Willis and related vessels showed signs of moderate to severe calcific atherosclerosis but that does not match the CT angiogram conducted by Dr. Craig Steeds just two months earlier that says her brain findings are unremarkable. [Exhibit Autopsy page 7 of 7] - [Exhibit P364_D1] - [Exhibit P365_D1]
  • Peretti does not document Joan Ellis' hammer toes. [Waiting on Document]
  • Peretti did not have Joan Ellis' vitreous humor tested for acetone that would have provided evidence in how Joan Ellis died [Exhibit G]
  • Peretti did not determine Joan Ellis' time of death. [Exhibit P ]
  • Peretti did not document that Joan Ellis' tonsils had been removed [Exhibit Autopsy page ] [Exhibit Med Record ]
  • Peretti documents the swelling on Joan Ellis legs and feet but fails to document that her entire body was swollen which is why she weighed 262 pounds at death. She entered that hospital weighing 200 pounds and the records were altered to claim she weighed 243 pounds and it is the opinion of Sharon Ellis the people involved in Joan Ellis medical attention were already attempting to justify why she would weigh 262 pounds when she died. There is no legit medical reason for Joan Ellis to have gained 62 pounds while being starved. [Exhibit ] [Exhibit ] [Exhibit ] [Exhibit ] [Exhibit ] [Exhibit ] [Exhibit ] [Exhibit ]
  • Peretti never got Joan Ellis' medical records or reviewed them which is part of the procedures when doing a medico-legal autopsy. He relied on what the hospital gave him in a summary [Exhibit Email with summary] [Exhibit autopsy procedures]
  • Frank Peretti acknowledges via email communications he was having with Sharon Ellis he is aware she wants additional testing conducted [Exhibit E] and he was in receipt of an email that stated do not to waste anymore of the body fluids he took from Joan Ellis' body that was sent to the Lab in San Antonio, Texas until Sharon Ellis could tell him what she needed tested [Exhibit Z-A] and then he prevented the Ellis' from getting that testing done by ignoring the request to release himself from the case and hiring a lawyer. [Exhibit L] [Exhibit 3]
  • When Sharon Ellis asked for the autopsy photos that were paid for as part of the autopsy, Peretti wanted Sharon Ellis to agree not to sue him first [Exhibit J] and The Ellis Family still does not have their property so they can identify their mothers body as being the correct body that was picked up at the hospital, as well as being able to confirm what Peretti claims he is seeing is actually there.
  • Peretti states in court that there was no foul play in the death of Joan Ellis [Exhibit P Page 29 Lines 20 - 22] and when confronted with questions regarding why her toxicology report came back negative for any drugs he states, "that's not right" [Exhibit P Page 76 Lines 1-3]
  • Frank J. Peretti broke the state law, per his own statements in court, he is required by law to report to law enforcement when a family believes their loved one was murdered and / or they suspect foul play or believe a cover up occurred. [Exhibit P Page 27 Line 4 - 13] . Peretti knew Sharon Ellis believed there was foul play and he never contacted law enforcement and proceeded to issue a death certificate on April 28, 2017 [Exhibit Death Certificate] a week before he ever received the toxicology report from the lab which was faxed to him May 2, 2017 . [Exhibit G]
  • Frank Peretti allowed evidence to be destroyed after a request was made to him and his lawyer via email by James Ellis to release the case so the family could have additional testing conducted. [Exhibit 3] . Peretti never released the case to the family and the evidence was destroyed on April 26, 2017 [Exhibit G]
  • Frank J. Peretti did not order a comprehensive panel on her blood which is required when doing a medico-legal autopsy [Exhibit G] In fact Frank Peretti told Sharon Ellis on the phone that he could not test Joan Ellis for drugs because all that deteriorates as soon as she dies. Sharon then wrote a follow up email to Frank Peretti repeating what he had told her on the phone assuming it was true and thanked him for speaking with her. [Exhibit Drugs and Reply] She later found out that was false. [Exhibit lit on drug testing a dead body]
  • Frank J. Peretti never spoke to any of the witnesses in depth about what they witnessed which is required when doing a medico-legal autopsy and he claims he did a medico-legal autopsy under oath. [Exhibit P Page 45 Line 24 - 25] - [Exhibit P Page 46 Line 1 - 25]
  • Peretti admits in court that he told Sharon Ellis on November 25, 2017 to bring him the evidence she had of murder days before he hired an attorney and then prevented her from giving it to him. [Exhibit P Page 65 Line 21-24] - [Exhibit L]
  • Peretti wanted the Ellis family to agree not to sue him before he would give them their property and when they would not sign it and complained he sued them for defamation. [Exhibit J] - [Exhibit Z-C]
  • On April 5, 2018, Frank Peretti was ordered by the Arkansas Medical Board to return to medical school and learn what professional responsibility means with an emphasis on Ethics. [Exhibit 1] [Exhibit 2] 19 Days later on April 24, 2018, after ignoring James Ellis' request for Peretti to release Joan Ellis case so Sharon Ellis could get more testing done, Frank Peretti filed a lawsuit against the Ellis' Children and then went to court and perjured himself in September of 2018. He lied about his communications with Sharon Ellis and what type of autopsy he performed and what his professional capacity is regarding his involvement in medical malpractice cases. He stated he didn't know that intentional death implied murder. He also admitted in court, per his own testimony, he had a conflict of interest in accepting Joan Ellis' case to do an autopsy existed because he is contracted to do autopsies for hospitals and Baptist Systems in Arkansas owns just about every medical facility in the state. Frank Peretti broke state laws, obstructed justice, allowed evidence to be destroyed, impeded an investigation, interfered with a civil case, is guilty of theft of property, filing a frivolous and malicious lawsuit, perjury, harassment and he is a liar.