The Investigation into

The Murder of Joan Ellis


What Happen to Joan Esther Ellis ?

Joan Ellis was a medical professional all of her life. She was a mother of 5 children and was beloved by her family, friends and co-workers. The following is the True Story of what happened to Joan Ellis and her children and is supported by her medical records, audios, videos, pictures and eye witness testimony. Including what happen to her youngest son, Mark Ellis, a National ATV Champion, who died 75 days after the death of his mother Joan Ellis. Two deaths that no one has yet to investigate except Joans' children who have tried repeatedly to get the law enforcement to investigate. The information provided by the investigation into Joan Ellis and Mark Ellis' death by her children is based upon the facts of the case(s) and will be supported by the evidence that has been collected between February of 2017 to present demanded by Joan Ellis herself while she was still alive.

Before the entire story can be told let's fast forward to 2017 when Dr. Blake Phillips, Neurosurgeon discovered Joan Ellis' had an issue with aspirin and it was causing her platelets not to function. He specifically wrote she was having an aspirin-like drug effect.

Joan Ellis should have never taken another aspirin her entire life once her allergy to aspirin was identified by Dr. Blake Phillips, per Harvard Medical School literature that states the only treatment for a person who has allergic reactions to aspirin is to avoid it all together. That is not what they did when they discovered what was truly wrong with Joan Ellis. That is not what they did !!

True Events supported by Medical Records, Photos, Audios, Videos, Eye Witness Testimony.

At the end of each section of events I will do a recap on the evidence provided for each section.

February 7, 2017

Dr. Willis at Jefferson Regional Medical Center in Pine Bluff, Arkansas told Joan Ellis she needed to have heart surgery so she was checked into Baptist Health Medical Center in Little Rock Arkansas on February 7, The surgery was to be performed by Dr. John Robert Busby. It was scheduled for the following day. Joan never had heart surgery performed. Keep in mind Joan is having an allergic reaction to aspirin when she gets check in and is discovered on February 11, 2017

When Joan was admitted to baptist it is charted that Joan had a stent in her kidney and that was not true. [Page 20].

It is charted that Joan has a rash all over her body. [Page 20].

It is also charted on [Page 20] that Joan is allergic to Latex, that was correct, but then it was changed on the following page to say Joan denied an allergy to Latex. [page 21]


Joan was put on a latex catheter when her brain hemorrhaged on February 11. Joan was indeed allergic to latex and they documented the latex catheter was removed 4 days later because the patient has a latex allergy. [Page 2707 ]


Latex Catheter Inserted into Joan Ellis when she was allergic to it.

Joan was asked if she wanted the Flu shot and she refused it and then they gave it to her anyway. [Page 815]

The following day on February 8 it is charted that she now appears ill which was not noted the day she got there. [Page 24]


On February 8, Joan was prescribed aspirin and famotidine.

[Page 25]

Per their own literature it says you do not take aspirin with famotidine !! [Page 4285]


Use the arrows to scroll through three photos of the rash Joan had been suffering from since 2012 and had gone undiagnosed after she repeatedly attempted to get help. Instead of study her records, complaints and symptoms of an allergy, which was obvious to even the untrained eye, they just kept referring her for surgeries claiming she had something else wrong with her. I will get to her other records later that shows the failure to diagnosis but this is what Joans' body looked like when she presented to Baptist. The leisions you see are from her scratching . The itch was so intense she just clawed herself raw ! The worst of the images is from 2012, the photo of her neck is from 2016, and the photo of her leg that is just beginning to break out is from 2017 just a week before Joan was killed. The rash would disappear as soon as she was taken off of the aspirin and return when she was given aspirin.

On February 7, It is charted that Joans' right carotid artery was blocked 90 %, and "confirmed" by an ultra sound verbal call in - per Brooke Fogel, APN, who was Dr. Busbys' Nurse. [Page 20]



90% blockage

Page 20

Heart surgery is canceled and right carotid endarterectomy is scheduled.

On February 8, Joan Ellis was taken to have right carotid endarterectomy surgery without investigating the rash that was all over her body [Page 21 ] .


Rash to lower extremities (LE), upper back and shoulders

Page 21

Joan was taken to surgery at 5:59 am and taken out at 10:14 am. The surgery lasted 4 hours which should have taken 1.5 hours for right endarterectomy

[ Page 509 ].


February 8 Surgery

5:59 - 10:14

Page 509

Her records state there is no consent documents on file for the right carotid endarterecomy surgery

[ Page 4186 ]

Page 4186_Disc1.pdf

John Busby electronically signs Joans' records for verbal consent for surgery AFTER the surgery occurred at 4:19 pm. [Page 242]


The day after the "surgery", Dr. John Robert Busby changed the blockage percentage from 90% PRE-OP to 95% PRE-OP @ 4:51 pm on February 9 roughly 31 hours after the event.

[Page 4265]



95% blockage

Page 4265

Interesting, her autopsy states her carotid artery is still 90% blocked, she has a 4 inch surgical scar on the right side of her neck and but he does not document the actual scar on her left side of the neck. The truth is there was no scar on the right side of Joans neck five days before she was killed. [ see photo April 5, 2017 ] There was a hole in her neck though and it was not documented in the autopsy either. In addition, the autopsy fails to document the scar on her left side of her neck.

Just 2.5 months prior, on November 16, 2016, before Joans' admission to Drew Memorial Hospital, Jefferson Regional Medical Center and Baptist Health Medical Center in 2017 , several photos were taken of Joans Rash by her daughter Amber Ellis. Sharon Ellis retrieved the images from Joans' i-pad that shows the rash she had the day she checked into Baptist. It also shows the scar on the left side of her neck that was not documented in the autopsy. There are other problems with the autopsy and what is documented in Joan Ellis' medical records and photos we have of Joan Ellis.

AR026-17 report & tox.pdf

Autopsy Report

Photo April 5, 2017, 5 Days before Joan is Killed. No Scar on the right side of her neck. But there is a hole and its infected in Baptist Health Medical Center in Little Rock Arkansas, Corporate Headquarters.

Rash , and The Scar on the left side of her neck that was not documented on her autopsy.


Another VERY Interesting note in Joan Ellis' records at Baptist Health in Little Rock Arkansas is the other surgeon Dr. Robert T. Buchannan who does not have privileges to work at Baptist Hospital in Little Rock, Arkansas per his office manager in Magnolia, Arkansas whom Sharon Ellis spoke to inquiring why Buchanan was in Joans Medical Records.

After Joan Ellis is out of surgery at 10:14 am on February 8, 2017 and in the SICU with her son James Ellis present, the EICU Nurse charts the date of service for Joans right carotid artery surgery occurred at 10:41 am ? Page 24

(EICU = electronic icu where they watch you from cameras)


We don't know what happened during surgery but we do know what happened after Joan was taken to ICU for recovery.

On February 8, 1.5 hours after surgery Joan begins having vision problems on the right side. [Page 818 ] .

On February 9, Joan is moved to a private room on the 9th floor, RM #0946 while after neurological problems. [page 509]

On February 10 Joan begins having hearing problems on the right side [Page 818 ] .

Also on February 10th Joan Ellis designates her son James Ellis as her Power of Attorney. [Page 7]

*we think she knew she was in trouble

They also changed Joan Ellis' wishes regarding who her pharmacy of choice would be. Joans' preferred pharmacy is City Drug [Page 6] and they change it on [Page 7] to say her preferred pharmacy was Baptist. Joan lived two hours away and would have never chosen Baptist as her preferred pharmacy.


Vision Problems

Page 818


Joans preferred Pharmacy noted was City Drug

This is True

Page 6


moved to a private room @ 4:02 pm after Joan starts having Vision problems

Page 509


Joans Preferred Pharmacy is changed to Baptist Pharmacy

Page 7 - Not true


Hearing Problems

Page 818


Page 7

James Ellis

Designated Power of Attorney

While we are on the subject of Pharmacies lets take a look at aspirin and famotidine which was prescribed to Joan at Baptist. [Page 25]

It clearly states in their own medical literature regarding Famotidine "DO NOT TAKE WITH ASPIRIN" BECAUSE IT CAN MAKE YOUR CONDITION WORSE. [Page 4285] Whether or not the aspirin and famotidine was a serious issue is not the point. The point is the people at this hospital ignored what Joan told them, ignored their own medical literature, falsified records and ultimately injured Joan and continue to do it until she was dead. There was malice going on and it continued to occur even after Sharon Ellis and James Ellis went to the Chief of the Hospital and reported their concerns. The hospital Chief of Clinical Affairs Dr. Frederick Anthony Bennett attacked Sharon when she expressed her concerns, ignored Joan Ellis' wishes, refused to give her water, ignored our complaints and allowed the doctors and nurses in that ICU unit to kill Joan Ellis which was captured on tape the day she was killed on April 10, 2017. We will get to that soon enough.

Let's recap what we know so far:


RECAP: Joan is sent to Baptist for heart surgery which she never has done. They ignore the rash she has all over her body which is an allergic reaction to "something". They give her a flu shot that she refused prior to taking her to surgery which impairs her immune system, they put her on meds that their literature clearly states you are not suppose to do, they chart Joan has a stent in her kidney which she did not, they change her latex allergy status to indicate she is not allergic to it and then put her on a latex catheter for 4 days compounding her allergic reaction she was already having from the aspirin. Busby changes the percentage of Joans artery blockage after the surgery. Joan then immediately starts having problems after the surgery with her vision, they send her to a private room where she need starts having hearing problems and then they alter Joans preferred pharmacy. There is a doctor by the name of Robert T. Buchanan who does not have privileges at Baptist who is listed in Joans Records as THE Surgeon, and Joan has designated her son, who is a Navy Vet and a member of the National Honor Society, Alpha Chi and Summa Gum Laude as her power of attorney because we believe Joan knew she was in trouble and was going to need someone to make decisions for her that she could trust, which would have been any one of her children. James was there and she designated james Ellis. This becomes an issue later on. And finally, the autopsy report states Joan Ellis has an 8 inch scar on the right side of her neck and she didn't. The findings do not note the hole in her neck or the actual scar that is on the left side of her neck.

If this nonsense doesn't concern you well just keep reading because we are about to get to some very serious problems with these doctors, nurses and this hospital .

The 32 hour Brain Hemorrhage

After Joan was transferred to the 9th floor on February 9, 2017 @ 4:02 pm when the family was not there, while she was having neurological problems with her vision, and they did not call James Ellis to inform him she had been moved, she then begins having issues with her hearing on February 10, 2017. The following day on February 11, 2017, Dr. John Robert Busby comes into the room early that morning and tells Joan to get up and get into the shower. Something happened during that surgery and he already knows it. He leaves. At some point Joan Ellis gets up to get into the shower and that is when her brain hemorrhaged. She told James Ellis she hit the call light button and then made her way back to the bed. The Floor nurse Jerri Sheffield Gonzalez comes to the room and then makes a phone call to Busby per hospital protocol . According to the Chief of the Hospital, Dr. Frederick Anthony Bennett, the nurses are required to contact the "provider" which was Busby. So the floor nurse calls Busby. Bennett also states on tape that the nurse should have managed it up when Busby did not show up. According to the Nurse, she is only allowed to contact the provider which means the hospital is tieing the hands of the nurses and preventing patients from getting help during emergency situations. Busby allowed Joans' brain to hemorrhage for 6 hours before he was force to come because the floor nurse charted she needed a critical test. Let's look at the records !

On February 11, 2017 after Busby came into the room and he told her to get up and get into the shower, Joans' brain hemorrhaged. Joan hits the call light button and makes her way back to the bed.

The floor Nurse caring for Joan that morning had to make three calls to Dr. John Robert Busby, via his nurse Brooke Fogel [Page 3461]

8:30 am - Joan calls the floor nurse for help: 8:30 am (Per the Floor Nurse Jerri Sheffield Gonzalez, BHMC RN)

9:09 am - First Response from Busby's Nurse: 9:09 am - Give her a Xanax [Page 3461]

10:32 am - Second Response from Busby's Nurse:: 10:32 am - Will put the order in; reminded to see patient [Page 3461]


3 calls for help

9:30 am, 10:32 am, 2:30 pm

Page 3461


Note Time This was filed 2:57 pm

After the 3rd call for help

Page 7378


Returned and Patient was sleeping ?

Page 7379

11:50 am - Busbys' Nurse Brooke Fogel begins charting notes: She states she was called to bedside by floor nurse. Patient has expressed ax in her head w/ nausea. Patient is alert and oriented, no speech or facial deficits. No MSK deficits. She returns later and checks on Joan and she was sleeping. Brooke Fogel charts this at 2:57 pm after they finally came to the room. This is not true. Joans' family was in the room between 11:00 am and 3:00 pm. Per their testimony, Brooke Fogel never came into the room Let alone twice. [Page 7378 - 7379 ]

[Insert The Affidavit from Family]

Insert Affadavit from The Ellis' Family here

12:27 pm - Busby claims he ordered a Cat Scan ?? [Page 366]

1:21 pm - 1:33 pm - Dr. Matthew Peter McCrary says he is doing a cat scan on Joan Ellis. James Ellis, Joans' power of attorney, Beverly Ellis and Amber Ellis were in Joan Ellis' room #0946 from 11:00 am until 3:00 pm. According to their testimony the only nurse that came into the room was the floor nurse and some women to clean the bed sheets because Joans' leg was also bleeding from her intense scratching. (main symptom of an allergic reaction). Dr. McCrary claims Joan Ellis has suffered a subarachnoid hemorrhage. [Page 367]. That is not the type of hemorrhage the family was told Joan had and we will get to the types of hemorrhages they said Joan had a bit later. Just note he says he is doing a cat scan and its a subarachnoid hemorrhage. [Page 367]

2:29 pm - Amber Ellis, Joans youngest daughter, who was 18 yrs old at the time, takes the first picture in our series of media files.

2:30 pm - Third Response from Busby's Nurse:: 2:30 pm - en route [Page 3461]

Brooke documents she she has been to Joans room twice. Once she charts patient says it feels like there is an ax in her head but she was alert with no speech deficits or facial deficits. She claims she returned and Joan was sleeping. That is a lie. Joans family was present and Brooke Fogel never came to the room. Then Dr John Robert Busby and Dr. Matthew Peter McCrary both falsified Joans records and stated Joan was taken for a CT at 1:21 pm [ Page 366 ] . Additional support that this is false is when Jerri Sheffield Gonzalez charted at 2:30 that Joan needs a critical test CT [Page 3461 @ 2:30 pm] She would not have done that if Joan had already had a CT conducted. In fact Joan Ellis and Sharon Ellis were informed by Jerri Sheffield Gonzalez of the 6 hour delay confirming what Busby and McCrary docuemted was a lie. Jerri told Sharon and Joan to look in the records, she documented it and she said not to tell anyone she told us because she would get fired. Now why would she even alert us to that fact if it wasn't true?


12:27 pm

Busby Orders Cat Scan Two Hours after the 2nd call for help and 2 hours before the 3rd call for help ?

Page 366


1:21 pm

McCrary says he is performing a Cat Scan on Joan and she has a subarachnoid hemorrhage ?

Why was she sent back to the 9th floor if her brain has hemorrhaged?

Page 367


2:30 pm

Jerri Sheffield Gonzalez charts Joan needs a cat scan and now they are en route.

Page 3461

2:29 pm February 11, 2017

Joan Ellis has suffered a brain hemorrhage and the doctor won't come. Joan Ellis trying to get out of bed and pointing to things around the room. Something is wrong !

At 3:00 pm on February 11, Busby shows up and Joan is taken for a cat scan. Then a neurosurgeon, Dr. Blake Phillips is brought in on Joan Ellis' case. He begins doing blood work on Joan and discovers Joans' platelets are not working. Per the conversation that Sharon Ellis had with the neurosurgeon, a hematologist, Dr. Rhonda Gentry, was brought in to investigate why Joan would not stop bleeding and he stated Dr. Rhonda Gentry said there was nothing wrong with Joans' liver to produce platelets, and found nothing wrong aside from HOLDING THE ASPIRIN. That is not what they did !! That is not what they did !!

Conversation between Sharon Ellis and Dr. Blake Phillips, neurosurgeon about Joan Ellis brain hemorrhages and the type she had, aspirin, platelets, neurological deficits and the lie he told Sharon Ellis.

(add audio conversation here)

James Ellis left to take his family home when they wheeled Joan Ellis out of the room and on his way home he and his wife Beverly Ellis got a phone call in the car stating Joan Ellis' brain had hemorrhaged.

IF in fact her brain had hemorrhaged and they had already discovered this at 1:21 pm per Dr. Matthew Peter McCrarys' notes, why was James Ellis informed then and not until after he left to take his family home? Because they had not done one at 1:21 pm on Joan Ellis.

Sharon Ellis was then called by her brothers' wife, Beverly Ellis and told Joans' brain hemorrhaged. Sharon started trying to book a flight to Little Rock and she flew into Little Rock on February 13, 2017.


Sharons spread sheet identifying her cell phone records shows she received a call from James and Beverly Ellis at 4:51 pm on February 11, 2017 informing Sharon Ellis Joans' brain had hemorrhaged and they were just informed about it .

Actual Phone Records - Need to Scan and Post

Sharon booked the flight to Little Rock for February 13, 2017



Blood Tests on 2/11/17

Joans wont stop bleeding

Anti-Platelet Effect

Blood Tests on 2/__/17

Aspirin is identified as the culprit

Aspirin-Like Drug Effect

Platelet Function Test 2/12/17

Machine is not working

Joan taken for Brain Surgery on 2/12/17

32 hours after her brain hemorrhaged

Evacuated Hematoma

Picture taken on February 24, 2017

On February 20, 2017 the neurosurgeon okay'd Joan to continue taking aspirin until he could do testing the following week. I assume because the hospitals equipment was still broken? Per Joans' records, Dr. Blake Phillips states in her Op Notes the platelet function machine was not functioning. Later the morning of February 20, 2017, the question was asked by the original surgeons nurse Brooke Fogel, APN , "? okay for aspirin will consult neuro" On this day, Dr. John Robert Busby requested Dr. Cidney Hulett, a pulmonary doctor evaluate Joan Ellis and he put her back on aspirin. The following day Dr. John Robert Busby order aspirin for Joan Ellis for the 21, 22, 23. On February 28, 2017 the day before Joan is to be discharged Dr. Blake Phillips stated Joan was very sensitive to aspirin even after a couple of doses. She was okay every third day for 81 mg. Per the Harvard Medical School Literature, Joan should have never been given another aspirin in her life. Then the following day on March 1, 2017, Brooke Fogel, APN changed the aspirin order from No aspirin, to aspirin DAILY and Dr. John Robert Busby signed off on it sending Joan Ellis out of the hospital on meds she allergic too and roughly 72 hours later Joans brain hemorrhages again. Per Harvard Medical School, aspirin can causes blood vessels to burst and this knowledge was available in 2009, 8 years earlier. This was attempted homicide in my opinion !!

Aspirin February 20-24, 2017

Joan is put back on Aspirin by Cidney Hulett and John Busby

February 20, 2017

Phillips okay'd Joan for Aspirin

Will test later in the week to see if its okay ?

February 20, 2017

? Okay for ASA, Will ask Neuro

Joans' Legs Start Breaking in a Rash Again

Sharon Starts Researching What is Causing Joans' Legs to break out.

February 27, 2017

February 28, 2017

Phillips states she is very sensitive to aspirin even after a couple of doses. She is okay every 3rd day for 81 mg of Aspirin

March 1, 2017

Aspirin Order is modified at discharge from

NO aspirin to

Aspirin DAILY !

March 1, 2017

Cat Scan is cancelled by someone at Baptist Hospital Joan is Discharged

March 4, 2017

Joan is able to speak, use both her arms, beginning to walk by herself

Individual Medical Records Reference on this page and Photos reference on this Page

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