The Investigation of

The Death of Joan Ellis

November 2008 Drew Memorial Hospital

Joan Ellis complains of abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, rash, edema, anxiety, BP fluctuations, a headache and post-op she shows signs of prolonged bleeding all symptoms of an allergy to aspirin.

In November of 2008 Joan Ellis had a rash on her legs, she was complaining of upper abdominal pain, and she is scheduled to have Laprascropic Cholecystectomy Surgery. Joan undergoes the surgery and the umbilical incision was made larger to remove her gall bladder and gall stone. Upon being returned to her room between 12:20 and 19:30 Joan reported to the Nurse her incision at umbilical site was bleeding and it kept bleeding for 7 hours. Her records do not state Joan had coronary artery disease nor does it state she had vein stripping. These two entries were added to her record later.

Joan has named three of the symptoms of an allergy to aspirin. Abdominal pain, headache, a rash and now she is exhibiting prolonged bleeding which makes a fourth symptom. Her WBC is up and her BP is spiking which are also symptoms of an allergic reaction according the the medical literature from various institutions, including Harvard Medical School.

Drew Memorial Hospital

November 2008 Medical Records

Rash, Abdominal Pain, Anxiety, Prolonged Bleeding, Elevated WBC, Spikes in Blood Pressure, Headache are symptoms of a reaction to aspirin.




Severe Epigastric

Upper Right Abdominal Pain

Nervous / Anxiety

Blood Pressure is UP

Rash - Poison Ivy

Edema - right leg


Chest X-Ray: Normal

EKG Normal

Normal Sinus Rhythm

WBC - Up

  • Diverticulosis - Not On Autopsy
  • CardioMegaly since 2007 - but later in her record(s) it says her heart is NOT enlarged


Appendix, C-section, Tubal, Endarterectomy

Family: No diabetes, No high blood pressure, No Heart Disease, No Lung Disease

Father - Prostate Cancer


Incision at umbilical is oozing blood for 7 hours - prolonged bleeding


Blood Pressure is great post op

regular heart rhythm

strong pulses


No Vein Stripping Noted

No Stent in Coronary Artery

No CAD Noted


Admitting Physician: Jeff Reinhart, MD

Referring Physician: Michael Faukori, MD

Surgeon: Sidney Collins, MD

Medical Record November 2008

Page # - nervous

Page # - BP is up.

Page # - BP is down


  • Page 1 Normal Sinus Rhythm
  • Page 1 Normal EKG
  • Page 6 - EKG Normal
  • Page 6 Chest X-Ray Normal
  • Page 18 CT of Abdomen and Pelvis
  • Page 18 Heart is NOT Grossly Enlarge
  • Page 19 - Heart is Enlarged pre-op

Skin / Edema

  • Page 7 - Edema right lower leg
  • Page 11 - No Edema to extremities
  • Page # - Rash / Poison Ivy ??
  • Page # - Skin Warm / Dry

Respiratory System

  • Page 7 - Lungs clear to auscultation
  • Page 19 - Bilateral Hilar Fullness likely pulmonary vascular presence ??


  • Page # Abdominal Pain
  • Page 15 Headache

Lab / Chemistry

  • Page # WBC UP

Page 73 - oozing blood for 7 hours post-op

November 2008 at Drew Memorial Hospital Medical Record


Electrocardiogram (ECG or EKG) are used to assess the heart rate and rhythm. This test can often detect heart disease, heart attack, an enlarged heart, or abnormal heart rhythms that may cause heart failure. Chest X-rays can see if the heart is enlarged and if the lungs are congested with fluid.

Englarged Heart Diagnosis

Xrays, Echocardiograms and Electrocardiograms are used to diagnose an enlarged heart so why are they saying Joans' heart is enlarged in the record when the Tests do not indicate she has any problems? EKG Normal / Chest X-ray Normal / Sinus Rhythm Normal.

Diverticulosis does not show up on Joan Ellis' Autopsy Report

Joan Ellis' Autopsy does not indicate that she has any signs of Diverticulosis marble-sized pouches to protrude through the colon wall. Jason Morris, MD says in this record that Joan has this condition. The autopsy says Joan has no abnormalities to her small or large intestines.

Diverticula are small, bulging pouches that can form in the lining of your digestive system. They are found most often in the lower part of the large intestine (colon). Diverticula are common, especially after age 40, and seldom cause problems. Sometimes, however, one or more of the pouches become inflamed or infected. That condition is known as diverticulitis (die-vur-tik-yoo-LIE-tis).

Diverticulitis can cause severe abdominal pain, fever, nausea and a marked change in your bowel habits. (So can an allergic reaction to aspirin)

Joans' Symptoms and Complaints 2008 - 2017

Nasal Polyps - Loss of Sense of Smell - Abdominal Pain - Rash / Hives - Itching - Prolonged Bleeding - Chest Pain - High PT Test - Fatigue - Sweating - Palpitations - Angina / Tightness in the Chest - Edema / Swelling - Headache - Seizures - Weakness - Dizzy - Shortness of Breath - Belching / Flatuance - Vomiting - Hyponatremia - Epigastric - Nausea - Diarrhea - Wheezing - Joint Pain - Anxiety - Low Blood Pressure - Trachcardia - Skin Flushing, Chronic idiopathic urticaria, Spikes in Blood Pressure