8th Workshop on Learning Analytics (LA) Technologies & Practices for Evidence-based Education

held in conjunction with International Conference on Computers in Education (ICCE 2021)

23 November 2021, Online Virtual Conference 


23 November 2021 (Tuesday) - click here for time zone convertor 

Zoom link: To be announced by ICCE committee


Full Paper Presentation: 20 minutes for presentation and 5 minutes for discussion.

Short Paper Presentation: 15 minutes for presentation and 5 minutes for discussion.

Selected papers

Access the final version of the Workshop papers

Full papers

Identifying Students’ Stuck Points Using Self-Explanations and Pen Stroke Data in a Mathematics Quiz
Ryosuke Nakamoto, Brendan Flanagan, Kyosuke Takami, Yiling Dai, and Hiroaki Ogata.

BEKT: Deep Knowledge Tracing with Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers 

Zejie Tian, Guangcong Zheng, Brendan Flanagan, Jiazhi Mi, and Hiroaki Ogata.

Designing Nudges for Self-directed Learning in a Data-rich Environment
Kinnari Gatare, Prajish Prasad, Aditi Kothiyal, Pratiti Sarkar, Ashutosh Raina, and Rwitajit Majumdar.

Short papers

Short Answer Questions Generation by Fine-Tuning BERT and GPT-2
Danny C.L. Tsai, Willy J.W. Chang, and Stephen J.H. Yang.

Exploring the Correlation between Students’ Attention and Learning Performance
Xin-Ping Huang, Chung-Kai Yu, and Stephen J.H. Yang.

Toward Educational Explainable Recommender System: Explanation Generation based on Bayesian Knowledge Tracing Parameters
Kyosuke Takami, Brendan Flanagan, Yiling Dai, and Hiroaki Ogata.

Performance prediction and importance analysis using Transformer
Akiyoshi Satake, Hironobu Fujiyoshi, Takayoshi Yamashita, Tsubasa Hirakawa, and Atsushi Shimada.

Organizing Committee

Program Committee