Call for paper

We had welcome submissions on some of the following topics (though not restrictive):

Foundations for Technology-Enhanced & Evidence-Based Education & Learning 

o Technology Design Framework, Architecture and Platform 

o Evidence Data format in evidence record store

Methodologies for Technology-Enhanced & Evidence-Based Education & Learning

o Extraction of evidences from educational and learning log data

o Meta-analysis of log data-driven evidences

o  Similarity measures of log data-driven evidence

o  Evaluation of evidences

Utilizing for Technology-Enhanced & Evidence-Based Education & Learning

o  Technological support for adaption of evidences in practice

o  Context-aware recommendation of evidence

o  Case studies of current instantiations

o  Privacy and Ethical issues


Important Dates


Submit papers: (submission closed)

All submissions to the workshop must follow the format of the Companion Proceedings Template 
