7th Workshop on Learning Analytics (LA) Technologies & Practices for Evidence-based Education.

The increasing amount of data generated in digital learning contexts provides opportunities to benefit from learning analytics as well as challenges related to interoperability, privacy, and pedagogical and organizational models. As a consequence, new methodologies and technological tools are necessary to analyze and make sense of these data and provide personalized scaffolding and services to stakeholders including students, faculty/teachers and administrators, as well as parents. Pedagogical and organizational models must also be incorporated in order to take advantage of the personalized scaffolding and services to ensure productive learning and teaching. In addition, access to data from different sources raises a number of concerns related to data sharing and interoperability, and protection of privacy for individuals and business interests for institutions. The objective of the proposed workshop is to gather researchers as well as stakeholders, including educational technologists, researchers, and practitioners who are involved in the analysis and deployment process and to discuss the challenges and approaches for scaling up evidence- based institutional LA practices and integrating LA into STEAM education. 

Analyzing evidence on the effectiveness of learning analytics can be carried out at a number of different levels within educational institutions. To conceptualize a framework of analyzing evidence of improvement in the teaching-learning practices through learning analytics, we look at three different levels as illustrated from an institutional perspective. 

The three levels of implementation and adoption (macro-meso-micro) of learning analytics each present unique problem, and therefore the evidence to be examined may be very different. This impacts the generalization of evidence, with many issues that need to be overcome as analysis is scaled up to include multiple institutions across different facets of education, such as: K-12, Higher Education, and corporate education in enterprises. 

Participants are encouraged to share their research as a paper on either analyzing evidence on effective LA, or relating their contribution from the perspective of the three levels of implementation and adoption of LA. We also call for papers that cover technical, theoretical, pedagogical, as well as organizational issues in learning analytics. We also welcome submissions on some of the topics concerning LA from the following (though not restrictive) list:


Important Dates


All submissions to the workshop must follow the format of the Proceedings Template

Submission Categories

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Organizing Committee