TEEL @ T4E 2019

Technology-enhanced and evidence based education

Experience sharing and the road forward

T4E2019-TEEL preso

TEEL workshop session was organized in IEEE T4E 2019 hosted at Goa University. http://t4e2019.unigoa.ac.in 

Date and Time: 9 December, 04:30 p.m.

Interested participants, please fill in the pre-survey!


1. Introducing Learning Evidence Analytics Framework. (LEAF) [10 minutes]

2. Exploring recommendation components in BookRoll [20 minutes]

3. Discussions regarding evidence collection from log data [20 minutes]

4. Voices from the field: Experience sharing by the teachers using TEEL platform [30 minutes]

5. Exit survey for reflection [10 minutes]

Total time: 1.5 hours