Microsoft Word

New Document

  1. Open Microsoft Word.

  2. Click File in the top left corner.

  3. Select New.

  4. Click Blank Document.

Hanging Indent in Microsoft Word

  1. Highlight your citation.

  2. Right click.

  3. Select Paragraph from the dropdown menu.

  4. Under Indentation, choose Hanging.

Page Breaks vs. Section Breaks in Microsoft Word

Page Break

  1. Press Enter to go to the line under your text.

  2. Open the Layout tab.

  3. Click Breaks.

  4. Select Page from the dropdown menu.

*Page Break starts the user on a new page.

Section Break

  1. Press Enter to go to the line under your text.

  2. Open the Layout tab.

  3. Click Breaks.

  4. Select “Next Page” from the dropdown menu.

*Section Breaks are used for pages that need a different header and page numbering style than the rest of the pages in a document.

Changing Page Numbers to Lowercase Roman Numerals Guide

  1. Double-click into the top margin of the page to open the header.

  2. Open the Header and Footer Tools: Design tab.

  3. Click Page Number > Current Position > Plain Number.

  4. Click Page Number > Format Page Numbers.

  5. Change the Number format to roman numerals, which look like ‘i’s in the dropdown.

  6. Click OK.

Putting a Shape or Picture into a Margin

  1. Insert your picture.

  2. Make sure it is selected.

  3. Click the Layout Options icon to the right of the photo.

  4. Under With Text Wrapping, choose the option you want.

  5. Select Fix Position on Page.

  6. Click and drag the picture into the margin.

Fixing the Page Number

  1. Open Hide/show tool.

  2. Check the page breaks.

  3. Double click in to the header.

  4. Make sure that the number are not manually written.

  5. Open page number drop down menu > Format page numbers,

  6. Ensure start at is set up to the number you want.