MS Excel

Time Format

  1. Select the cell to change.

  2. Right click.

  3. Select Format Cells from the dropdown menu.

  4. In the Category list, select Time, and choose format.

Merge Cells

  1. Select the cells to merge.

  2. Within the Home tab, select the "Merge & Center" down arrow.

  3. Select merge option from dropdown menu.

Unmerge Cells

  1. Select the cells to unmerge.

  2. Within the Home tab, select the "Merge & Center" down arrow.

  3. Select "Unmerge Cells".

Create a List of Sequential Dates/Time

  1. Select Dates.

  2. Left-Click and drag the selection box down the column.

Format Tables

  1. Insert a table in your spreadsheet.

  2. Select a cell within your data.

  3. Select Home.

  4. Left click "Format as Table".

  5. Choose a style for your table.

  6. Set your table range within "Format as Table".