Adobe Illustrator

Illustrator Workspace

Vector Based Programs

  • Images are mathematically derived

  • Used for simple shapes and designs

Raster-Based Programs

  • Images are composed of pixels (tiny squares)

  • Used for photography and organic images

Shapes Tool

  • Rectangle Tool (M)

  • Ellipse Tool (L)

  • Polygon Tool

  1. Select Shape Tool you would like to use.

  2. Click and drag cursor across artboard (To constrain shape proportions hold Shift key down while you drag the cursor.

Adding Text

  1. Select the Type Tool from the Toolbar.

  2. Click where you would like the textbox to be placed.

  3. Use the selection tool to resize the textbox.

  4. Use the properties tab for the type tool to change the formatting, size, color, font, etc.