
Personal testimonies from our Deming High School administration 

Mr. Lozano 

Robotics is beneficial because we have diverse students, allowing them to figure out activities they like and allowing them to grow. Locally you don't see a lot of engineering software, coding, introduces new technologies. Having access for students to learn computer science, 3D software, and much more. Robotics doesn't just open students' minds mentally but also shows them different places and environments due to the competition you guys get to go on to compete with other schools and expand knowledge. We all know sports are very known in schools rather than other extracurricular activities, robotics brings you guys an opportunity to showcase how intelligent and creative you can be. There are certain students who want to pursue an engineering career after highschool, clubs like robotics open students eyes and lets them figure out what exact department in the engineering world they are good at and want to do for their life. Our school is trying to bring more classes throughout the day that contain the skills that are used in robotics and other clubs so students have a foundation.   

Mr. Apodaca 

Robotics has many components involved such as building, contrasting, calculating, measuring, and programming. Programming is basically learning a new language and converting it into English. Testing the hypothesis is the key component because you won't get the results you want in one try; it takes multiple efforts, fixing, reorganizing, and patients to ensure the robot is efficient. Math is used quite a bit in this industry, engineering is an example because they use it every single day. As many things in life, robotics is an example of something that is time consuming, you aren't going to achieve the goal of the competition in a matter of days, everyday you have to be willing to put in the effort and time to complete it. It would be easy especially when you are new to it, but you will learn along with way from your teacher, teammates, and yourself. Teamwork is something very important, you have to work together. 

Mr. Apodaca on the left 

Mr. Lozano on the right