FIRST Robotics, founded by inventor and entrepreneur Dean Kamen in 1989, emerged as a groundbreaking initiative aimed at inspiring young people's interest in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) (FIRST, n.d.). Kamen, concerned by the declining number of students pursuing STEM careers, envisioned a program that combined the excitement of sports competition with the rigor of technological innovation.

The inaugural FIRST Robotics Competition (FRC) season took place in 1992, with a modest event held in a high school gymnasium in New Hampshire. From its humble beginnings, FRC quickly gained momentum, attracting teams of high school students, coaches, and mentors from across the United States and eventually expanding to a global scale (FIRST, n.d.).

Over the years, FIRST Robotics has evolved into a multifaceted program encompassing a range of robotics competitions, including FIRST LEGO League, FIRST Tech Challenge, and FIRST Robotics Competition. Each competition level offers unique challenges and opportunities for students to apply their creativity, critical thinking, and teamwork skills (FIRST, n.d.).

Driven by the values of "Gracious Professionalism" and "Coopertition," FIRST Robotics fosters a supportive and inclusive community where teams collaborate, share knowledge, and celebrate each other's achievements (FIRST, n.d.). The program emphasizes not only technical excellence but also character development, leadership, and innovation.

Through hands-on experiences in designing, building, and programming robots, participants in FIRST Robotics gain practical skills and insights into real-world engineering challenges. Moreover, they develop a passion for STEM fields and become ambassadors for the program, inspiring future generations of innovators and problem solvers (FIRST, n.d.).

As of today, FIRST Robotics continues to thrive, with thousands of teams and hundreds of thousands of students participating in competitions worldwide. The program's impact extends beyond the competition arena, shaping the future of STEM education and empowering young people to make a positive difference in their communities and the world at large (FIRST, n.d.).


FIRST. (n.d.). About FIRST. Retrieved from