Week beginning 27.04.2020

English and Topic resources

Hello Team 6!

The layout of the page is slightly different this week. Instead of having all of the resources on one page, I've decided to try a new system! You can find links in the navigation bar that will take you to a page for each day. Hopefully, this will be less confusing and stop you from having to scroll all of the way down the page as the week progresses.

I have aslo included a feedback form on this page. If there is anything that you would like to let me know about the website, use the form to let me know and I will see what I can do!

For spelling this week, we will be learning words using the Step 2 Challenge words on Spelling Shed. You can find your logins in the T6 pupillogins pdf. Please use only your own details to log in.

Also, don't forget to look at the class page, where Mrs. Chisnall has put worksheets and links to find the Maths learning.

Team 6 feedback form
T6 pupillogins.pdf