

Use the worksheet to parctice using this weeks words in sentences. Dont forget to use the correct sentence punctuation!

Go on the Spelling Shed Website. Go to the assignment and choose the 'play' option to practice this weeks words.

Step 5 Sentence Writing_


Welcome aboard the ISS. Today, we will have our first tour of the station from Commander Sunni Williams. Pay attention, there will be questions when the tour is finished:

  • How do astronauts sleep?
  • How do they brush their teeth?
  • How does the 'bathroom' work?
  • Why do you think that all of the walls have equipment stuck to them?
  • Why do you think her hair is standing up, even when she brushes her hair?


Space is cool. But so is this dance:

Choose one of these tasks:

  • The song is about Major Yuri Gagarin, the first man in space. Use this video to write a biography or fact file about him.


  • Turn the music up (after you have asked if it's ok to do so) and learn the dance.