

Challenge yourself on Spelling shed. Go on the 'Buzz' game and record your highest score on the google form.


Listen to the extarct from Oliver Twist. This is the same scene that was in yesterday's video. Follow along with the reading using the text.

Please si.mp3

Definitions for the words in yellow are at the end of the text. Your task is to use the internet to define the meanings of the words in green.

Oliver Twist


Oliver was living in a workhouse which was a place where poor adults and children were sent to live in Victorian times. Part of the reason why Dickens set the story there was so that he could show his readers at the time how terrible conditions were there. He was trying to persaude people that they should be abolished.

workhose planning.pdf

Look at this PDF about workhouses and use the information in it to plan a non-chronological report about workhouses.
