
Sponsor Benefits

$100 - $250 | Company name will be displayed on website, public displays and t-shirts.

Bronze: $251 - $500 | All recognition listed above plus name on sponsorship poster displayed at events and in Fab Lab with recognition in videos sent to FIRST robotics.

Silver: $501 - $1000 | All recognition listed above plus a banner with your organization’s logo displayed at events, name listed in our competition booth with comments about your company’s participation and logo displayed on our robot.

Gold: $1001 - $2500 | All recognition listed above plus a large logo listing on t-shirts.

Platinum: $2501 and up | All recognition listed above plus, upon permission of your organization, company will be prominently displayed on any promotional items we give away and a large logo on robot, and you will be invited to our end-of-the-season banquet.