WSDC 大会論題
R1 (Prepared):
This House believes that the World Bank Group should adopt a one-country-one-vote system
R2 (Prepared):
This House supports the use of the nine planetary boundaries framework
R3 (Impromptu):
This House opposes internet gurus* selling their own products and services *For the purposes of this debate, an internet guru is an individual, e.g. a blogger, vlogger, other types of content creator, who claims to be an expert in a field.
R4 (Impromptu):
This House believes that the feminist movement should promote the maximisation of individual development and empowerment over solidarity among women.
R5 (Prepared):
This House believes that African countries should recognise the sovereignty of Somaliland
R6 (Impromptu):
This House regrets the professionalisation of sports.
Info: For the purposes of this debate, professionalisation refers to the process by which organisations, systems, and participation transform from a volunteer driven to an increasingly business-like phenomenon.
R7 (Prepared):
This House would replace agricultural companies with farmers’ cooperatives
R8 (Impromptu):
This House believes that developing countries should drop local languages in favor of a world language* as the primary medium of instruction in schools. *a World Language is a major language that is geographically widespread and has many speakers (e.g. English, Arabic, French, etc.)
PDO (Impromptu):
This House regrets depictions of veganism as trendy
OF (Impromptu):
This House believes that it is against the interest of organized religion to emphasize strict requirements for personal religious commitments (e.g. not being allowed to work on Sabbath, not eating during Ramadan, restraining from premarital relationships, etc.)
QF (Impromptu):
This House believes that offensive art should not be commissioned for public spaces (Museums, Parks, Squares, etc.)
SF (Impromptu):
This House believes that the LGBTQ+ community should actively embrace the nuclear family ideal
Info: A typical nuclear family is composed of two partners with children. In some countries a significant and vocal part of the LGBTQ+ movement are actively advocating settling down and forming nuclear families.
GF (Impromptu):
This House Prefers a world ruled by a benevolent AI programmed to maximize utility by calculating the actions most guaranteed to reduce the greatest global suffering
【2022 (Online)】
R1 (Prepared):
This house believes that the Quadrilateral Security Dialogue should initiate the creation of a regional defence pact (similar to the NATO) in the Asia Pacific Region
R2 (Impromptu):
Eastern division:
This house prefers a world where instead of charging tuition fees to students upfront, universities collect a portion of their income upon graduation.
Western division:
This house prefers industrial unions to workplace unions. (info slide: A workplace union is a union that only involves workers of one specific company. These unions tend to focus on directly negotiating with the management of that individual company. By contrast, an industrial union is a union with workers from an entire industry (e.g. service workers, educators, etc.). Industrial unions, more often, focus on trying to implement industry-wide standards for worker rights rather than negotiate with individual companies.)
R3 (Prepared):
This House would create a global carbon market.
R4 (Impromptu):
Eastern division:
This house would ban free-to-play games. (info slide: Free-to-play (F2P or FtP) video games are games that give players access to a sizeable portion or to the start of their gaming content without paying. However, players have to make in-game financial transactions to access competitive advantages (like power-ups, money, etc.), cosmetic changes (e.g.: a different type of character/look), or in some cases, to continue playing higher levels. This is distinct from games which require payment before using the game or service. It is also separate games which are entirely costless. Free-to-play games include, but are not limited to Fortnite, World of Tanks, Valorant, and League of Legends.)
Western division:
This house regrets the decline of the family as the dominant unit of organisation in society.
R5 (Prepared):
This House would implement fairness doctrines on broadcast news media with significant audience reach.
R6 (Impromptu):
Eastern division:
This house prefers a world where a majority of political fiction is positive and optimistic (e.g. West Wing, Fahrenheit 451) to one where a majority is negative and pessimistic (e.g. House of Cards, 1984, Brave New World).
Western division:
This house would require all elected officials to stand for a recall election if a significant minimum threshold of voters within their constituency demand it.
R7 (Prepared):
This House prefers a world in which postcolonial African states had prioritised achieving economic and land reparations (e.g.: active land redistribution, quotas, cash transfer programmes) over enshrining civil and political rights (e.g.: rights to protest, vote, free speech, form associations, etc.).
R8 (Impromptu):
Eastern division:
This house believes that developing countries should privatise their State-Owned Enterprises (such as airlines, railways, utility companies).
Western division:
This house would allow ex-convicts to apply to join the police force.
Partial Double Octofinals (impromptu)
Time slot 1: not utilized
Time slot 2: This house would ban gated communities. (info slide: A gated community (or walled community) is a form of residential community or housing estate containing strictly controlled entrances and often characterised by a closed perimeter of walls and fences. Gated communities usually include various shared amenities.)
Time slot 3: This house believes that the LGBTQIA+ movement should centre reinterpreting religions in its public agenda.
Octofinals (impromptu)
Time slot 1: not utilized
Time slot 2: This house supports the rise of the use of cryptocurrencies (e.g. Bitcoin, Ethereum, USDT) in financial transactions.
Time slot 3: This house prefers a world in which success and failure are seen as a consequence of random factors, rather than personal actions.
Quarterfinals (impromptu)
Time slot 1: not utilized
Time slot 2: This house would overstate the impact of minority forces (Japanese American 442nd Battalion during WW2, Russia's Women's Battalion of Death during WW1, 4th Indian Infantry Division during WW2) in wars, even at the cost of historical accuracy.
Time slot 3: This house prefers a world in which juries/judges can use a "not proven" verdict in criminal courts, in addition to "guilty" and "not guilty" verdicts. (info slide: Criminal trials typically end in one of two verdicts - "guilty" or "not guilty". Under Scots law there exists a third verdict -"not proven". This is typically used to indicate the jury or judge believe the defendant could potentially be guilty, but there is not sufficient evidence to convict. In a "not proven" verdict, the prosecutor has the option to retry a case, while this is not possible in a "not guilty" decision.)
Semifinals (impromptu)
Time slot 1: This house prefers parenting models that adultify teenagers (i.e. giving them more responsibilities and autonomy, assuming higher capacity for independence) to those which emphasize their status and treatment as teenagers (i.e. refraining from giving them adult responsibilities, emphasizing they are legal minors).
Time slot 2: This house opposes academic activism. (info slide: "Academic activism" refers to a phenomenon where academics take an explicitly political standpoint in their work and outside it with the aim of bringing about social change. Activist academics openly associate with different social and political groups or movements. The scope of academic activism entails being involved in policy debates, advising politicians, writing opinion pieces, etc. It also entails activism taking place within academic work, i.e. when performing research or teaching at the university. Examples include Judith Butler (American philosopher and gender theorist, and active in the Occupy movement), Taimur Rahman (Professor at the Lahore University of Management Sciences, and Secretary-General of the Mazdoor Kisan Party - a communist political party), Jordan Peterson (Now Professor Emeritus at the University of Toronto, and conservative public intellectual).)
Grand Final (impromptu)
This house would not allow any individual shareholders to own a controlling interest in large, publicly traded social media companies. (info slide: The term “controlling interest” refers to a situation that arises when a shareholder (or a group acting in kind) holds the majority of a company's voting stock. Having a controlling interest gives the holding entity(s) significant influence over any corporate actions. Shareholders who have a controlling interest are often able to direct the course of a company and make key strategic and operational decisions.)
【2021 (Online) 】
R1 (Prepared):
TH regrets the commercialisation of space.
R2 Panda (Impromptu):
THBT the International Olympic Committee should recognise an athlete’s right to protest
R2 Hegel (Impromptu):
THW ban the production and consumption of meat
R3 (Prepared): THBT the African Union should attempt to contain growing Gulf* influence in the horn of Africa.**
* Gulf States refer to Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates.
** States in the horn of Africa include Djibouti, Ethiopia, Somalia, Eritrea.
R4 Panda (Impromptu):
THW significantly reduce income tax rates for women
R6 Hegel (Impromptu):
THBT “cop shows” do more harm than good
Info: “Cop shows” are fictional television shows that often follow pairs or groups of police officers as they solve crimes and put criminals behind bars. These shows often focus on the cops’ perspective of crime and criminals. Examples include Law & Order, Flikken Maastricht, CSI, The Wire, C.I.D., Line of Duty, Brooklyn 99 (Escouade 99), and Stranger (Secret Forest)
R5 (Prepared): TH prefers leaderless social justice movements.
R6 Panda (Impromptu):
THR the dominant belief that the customer’s needs and desires should always come first
R6 Hegel (Impromptu):
TH, as this athlete, would accept the offer and move to the new country
Info: You are an athlete who has been identified as having huge potential in your sport. Unfortunately, you are a citizen of a country that cannot afford to provide the training and facilities you’d need to achieve your potential. Another country has offered you the training and facilities that could make you an Olympian, and potentially an Olympic Champion. The only condition is that you must renounce your current citizenship and become a citizen of this new country.
R7 (Prepared):
THBT developing countries should prioritise import substitution industrialisation over export oriented industrialisation.
R8 Panda (Impromptu):
THBT Indigenous people charged with crimes should be tried and sentenced in accordance with the customs of their Indigenous justice system (i.e. state/federal/provincial courts)
R8 Hegel (Impromptu):
THW prioritize government funding for Indigenous art & artisans working in contemporary artistic disciplines (ex: electronic music, performance art) instead of those Indigenous artisans practicing more “traditional” disciplines (ex: beadwork, carvings)
Info: Many countries around the world provide funding targeted to Indigenous art and artists so that they can both preserve and develop Indigenous culture. These financial supports can take the form of bursaries, grants, program funding, or direct financial support of the artist. However, Indigenous artists working in more contemporary music, art, theatre, etc. complain that they’re overlooked in funding allocations in favour of artisans who create works of art seen as more “traditionally/stereotypically Indigenous.”
In times of economic crises, THBT the government should withhold information that is likely to damage market confidence.
THS Rainbow Capitalism
Info: Rainbow Capitalism (or Pink Capitalism) refers to the incorporation of LGBTQ+ content by businesses into their products so as to capitalize off the purchasing power that Queer people have. Examples include: Adidas ‘pride’ sneakers, Apple Watch ‘pride’ bands, H&M rainbow socks, etc.
THS a uniform standard for animal welfare, regardless of the animal’s perceived utility (e.g. how cute they are, how useful they are in service to humans, etc.)
THS periodic, fixed-date constitutional conventions in constitutional democracies
Info: Unlike amendments which amend specific clauses in a constitution on an ad-hoc basis, a constitutional convention is the gathering of delegates for the purpose of writing, rewriting, or maintaining the entire constitution of a nation.
THW ban users from selling their data to companies in exchange for financial returns (i.e. receiving fixed monthly rates, dividends, etc., for the use of their data by companies)
THR the Westernization of the elites in post-colonial countries
Info: During and after colonization, local elites preferred to be educated in European languages and/or in European universities/cities. As part of this education, western culture and etiquette became the dominant norm in the institutions of the country (civil service, government, education system, etc.).
TH objects to the giving of international military aid
TH supports the implementation of carbon credits for individuals
Info: A carbon credit is a permit, that allows the holder to consume a certain quantity of Green-house gases. Both direct actions (e.g. burning natural gas for heating) and indirect actions (flying, buying specific products) count. Generally, carbon credits were issued to companies.
This House would nationalise* the research, development, and distribution of pharmaceuticals
Info: To nationalise means to transfer from private or regional ownership and control to state/government ownership and control.
In the instance where a revolution has overturned a previous system, TH prefers technocratic governments* to democractic governments
Info: *A technocratic government is one whereby individuals residing in those countries are appointed on the basis of their technical expertise in particular fields ie. health, education, transport.
【2020 (Online) 】
R1 (Prepared) :
[Maya/Aztec] THW designate specific non-residential areas in which drug users and dealers are legally allowed to buy, use, and sell drugs.
Round 2 (Impromptu) :
[Maya] THW pay additional benefits to families on welfare according to whose children perform well in school.
[Aztec] THBT opposition parties should boycott elections, rather than contest them, when the electoral process is believed not to be free and fair.
R3 (Prepared) :
[Maya/Aztec] THW replace human judgment with computer algorithms in criminal sentencing decisions.
R4 (Impromptu) :
[Maya] THW ban political parties and require all candidates for national public office to seek election as independents.
[Aztec] THBT multinational companies should be liable for human rights abuses that occur anywhere in their supply chain.
R5 (Prepared) :
[Maya/Aztec] TH prefers a world where all land was held in government trust and leased out on limited-term contracts.
R6 (Impromptu):
[Maya] THBT mainstream search engines should refuse to list results with sexist, racist or otherwise offensive content.
[Aztec] THW ban corporate sponsorship of research within academic or educational institutions.
TH opposes the narrative of sacrifice as a description of the work performed by essential workers during a crisis (for example, during pandemics, wars, natural disasters).
THBT large international institutions (e.g. UN & World Bank) should only accept female country delegates.
THW allocate the majority of government sports funding to encourage grass roots participation (e.g. amateurs sports clubs, after school sports clubs, etc.) rather than invest in achieving success in prestigious competitions (e.g. intensive coaching academies).
TH prefers a world where each believer established their own connection to God, rather than establishing one through organized religion.
THBT social movements should actively use anger to mobilize support for their cause.
THW impose criminal liability on individuals who fail to assist a person in danger, when doing so would not place them at serious risk.
THW not distribute emergency and humanitarian aid through non state groups linked to terrorism.
THBT the west should withdraw military cooperation from India until they restore special privileges to Kashmiri residents in the J&K region.
(Info: There is an ongoing dispute between India, Pakistan, and China over territory in the former federal unit of Jammu and Kashmir (J&K).J&K was the only state in India to have a majority Muslim population, and there has been a longstanding secessionist movement in this state. The Government of India has consistently responded to this with brutal military repression. Formerly, J&K also enjoyed 'special status'. They had a separate constitution, flag, and autonomy over internal administration of the state. Only designated permanent residents of J&K could own property, obtain government jobs in the state, receive government scholarships, etc. In late 2019, the Government of India placed major political leaders under house arrest, revoked its special status, and partitioned the state into two territories that the Government of India has direct and complete control over. Non Kashmiris now can buy land and own property, access government positions, etc, effectively ending any special protections for Kashmiris.)
THBT states should reclaim a large proportion of all donations to charities and redistribute it across charities on the basis of their effectiveness.
You are a talented, middle-class person in your early twenties about to start your career. You have the choice between a job in which you will make a lot of money and work long hours (e.g. investment banker, corporate lawyer, etc.) and a job which pays less but that you are more passionate about (e.g. social worker, chef, teacher, small business owner, etc).
THW choose the job they are passionate about.
R1: THBT governments should actively prevent gentrification.
R2: This House believes that the US National Security Agency should notify software manufacturers of all zero-day vulnerabilities in order for them to patch the defect
R3: In art and popular culture, THBT creating new lead characters for minorities (eg Hancock, Black Panther) is better than recasting them in existing roles already played by other actors/communities (eg Ghostbusters, The Little Mermaid).
R4: This House would break up Amazon Inc.
R5: In post conflict societies, THW grant amnesty to perpetrators of crimes rather than seeking prosecutions.
R6: THW ban payday loans.
R7: THW reserve seats in parliament for candidates under 30.
R8: THW ban the practice of "importing brides".
PDO: TH supports the right of indigenous peoples to have publicly funded schools with autonomy over curriculum, operations & educational philosophy.
OF: TH prefers a world where adult children take in their elderly parents rather than support them to live separately.
QF: TH supports china's attempts to become a global dominant power (eg. Establishing its own global financial / development institutions; increased FDI in Africa, South America, Asia; Increased military spending).
SF: THBT charities and humanitarian aid organization should not use images of graphic suffering in their advertising campaigns.
GF: TH regrets the glorification of soldiers as heroes.
R1: THW require professional sports teams to be owned by their local communities instead of individuals or corporations.
R2: TH opposes the development of lethal autonomous weapons.
R3: TH regrets the widespread belief that motherhood is a rewarding experience.
R4: THBT states should allow non-citizen migrant workers to vote in local and national elections.
R5: TH supports a school voucher system.
R6: THW not allow sellers and services providers to advertise their products beyond showing information and images that reveal technical product details.
R7: TH regrets the Bell and Road Initiative.
R8: "Info Slide: Call-out culture is a term used to describe the social trend of expressing outrage and publicly shaming people or groups who have said or done things seen as offensive, often against minorities. TH regrets the rise of call-out culture."
PDO: THBT democratic states should not own or run media organizations.
OF: TH prefers a world with no belief in the afterlife.
QF: This House believes that foreigners should not be allowed to own land in developing countries
SF: THBT rehabilitation should be the only consideration in criminal sentencing.
GF: THBT the West should end all arms sales and military corporation with Saudi Arabia.
R1: THW ban for-profit universities and colleges.
R2: THW impose restrictions the opening of stores operated by large retail chains in order to protect local businesses.
R3: THW deny tax-exempt status to religious institutions that refuse to appoint female leaders.
R4: THBT states should not erect natures or memorials which commemorate or glorify military companies or the service of soldiers in war.
R5: THW make labor union membership compulsory in large industries.
R6: THBT when working to preserve rare and endangered species, private entities are more effective than the state.
R7: THBT the NATO Enhanced Forward Presence in Eastern Europe does more harm than good.
R8: THBT states should be able to prioritize asylum seekers on the basis of cultural similarity with the existing population.
PDO: THW legalize surrogate motherhood for profit.
OF: THW support military retaliation against cyber attacks.
QF: TH would impose additional taxes on employers who use automation to replace human workers.
SF: This House prefers a benevolent dictatorship better than a weak democracy.
GF: THS restrictions of free speech to combat the rise of right wings populism.
R1: This house believes that, after meeting their basic needs, individuals have a moral responsibility to donate their wealth towards poverty alleviation.
R2: THBT major film and television awards shows should abolish awards categories separated by gender.
R3: THW require democratic states to hold a national referendum to ratify free trade agreements.
R4: THW televise criminal trials.
R5: THBT technology companies with significant market shares should not be eligible for patent protection.
R6: THBT it should be a criminal offence to make comments which could promote hatred against people of particular races, religions, disabilities, sexualities or gender identities.
R7: THBT Obama’s administration has done more harm than good.
R8: THW require individuals to pass a political general knowledge test in order to vote.
PDO: THW abolish religious primary and secondary schools.
OF: THBT large tech companies should refuse to provide data on their customers to governments, even if it involves refusing to comply with a law which compels them to do so.
QF: THBT governments should ban their citizens from joining overseas groups fighting against terrorism which are not official military forces.
SF: THBT versions of history taught by states through the education system should not be designed to promote national pride.
GF: THBT states should be allowed to pay other states to relocate and settle refugees.
R1: THW ban the use of zero-hour contracts.
R2: THW require defendants in criminal trials to be represented exclusively by public defenders.
R3: TH supports academic tracking in primary and secondary education.
R4: THW not consume art created by people who have committed deeply immoral acts.
R5: THBT cities with significant immigrant populations should actively break up ethnic enclaves.
R6: THW ban political opinion polls.
R7: TH supports a right to die.
R8: THW forgive Greece's debt.
OF: THW require members of the clergy to report all crimes to authorities including those made in confession.
QF: THBT the military struggle against ISIS should be conducted solely by Middle East nations.
SF: TH regrets the media focus on the personal lives of politicians.
SF: THBT governments should provide a guaranteed universal basic income.
GF: THBT, after meeting their basic needs, individuals have a moral responsibility to donate their wealth towards poverty alleviation.
R1: THW ban unpaid Internships.
R2: THBT only liberal democracies should host international sporting events.
R3: THW allow prisoners to volunteer for drug trials in exchange for a lighter sentence
R4: THBT post-revolution states should delegate trials of former rulers and high ranking officials to the ICC.
R5: THBT slum tourism does more than good.
R6: THW disallow unvaccinated children from attending public schools.
R7: THW lift tax exemptions from religious institutions that refuse to recognize marriage equality.
R8: THW remove all patents on Green technology.
OF: THW not prosecute defamation.
QF: THBT labour unions are becoming obsolete.
SF: THBT drone strikes are a legitimate tool of foreign policy.
GF: THBT an ASEAN political union is an impossible dream.
R1: THBT important decisions about children’s health should be made by medical professionals and not by their parents.
R2: THBT the media should be prevented by law from intruding the lives of public figures.
R3: TH supports greater US military presence in East Asia.
R4: THW allow prisoners to choose death over life sentence
R5: THW cease the exploitation of resources in the Arctic Region.
R6: THW require government schools to teach religious studies.
R7: TH supports sovereign debt default as a legitimate economic strategy for countries.
R8: THW require university students to work in their country of origin for a number of years after graduation.
OF: THW cut welfare support on compulsive gamblers.
QF: THBT social movements in democratic countries should drive social change through the courts rather than the legislature.
SF: THBT the government should pay house wives and house husbands for their work.
GF: THBT Turkey is better off outside the EU.
R1: THW ban alcohol.
R2: THBT newly democratised Arab nations should not allow religious parties to participate in elections.
R3: THW allow single parents to raise their children behind bars.
R4: THBT developing nations should place limits on internal rural-urban migration.
R5: THBT the police should use racial profiling to fight crime.
R6: THBT the feminist movement should seek a ban on pornography.
R7: THW make voting compulsory.
R8: THBT states should enshrine legally actionable socio-economic rights.
OF: THBT governments should create schools which teach in indigenous languages.
QF: THBT gay rights organisations should out gay public figures
SF: TH supports 100% inheritance tax.
GF: TH regrets South Africa's decision to use the Truth and Reconciliation Commission rather than prosecuting perpetrators of crimes committed under Apartheid.
R1: THW offer dictators immunity in return for leaving power.
R2: THW allow free distribution of music on the Internet.
R3: THBT Universal Primary Education is a misallocation of resources for the developing world.
R4: THW make voting in national elections mandatory.
R5: THW legalise the sale of human organs.
R6: THW stop sending humans into space.
R7: THBT women can only achieve equality under a secular system of government.
R8: THW penalise sporting teams for the poor behaviour of their fans.
OF: THW abandon nuclear energy.
QF: TH supports free immigration.
SF: THBT every region should have the right to independent statehood if a majority of its members wish.
GF: THBT autocracy is doomed in the age of Facebook.
R1: THBT we should support military intervention in Somalia.
R2: THBT we should make physical education compulsory in schools.
R3: THBT every country should have the right to possess nuclear weapons.
R4: THBT we should support quotas for women in high government positions.
R5: THBT doctors should report evidence of marital abuse to the police.
R6: THBT developing nations should have the right to give priority to development ahead of the environment.
R7: THBT terrorist suspects should have the right to a trial in civilian courts.
R8: THBT we should legalise performance-enhancing drugs in sport.
OF: THBT we should have no law restricting freedom of speech.
QF: THBT compensation should be paid for the injustices committed by past generations.
SF: THBT the United States should withdraw from the Middle East.
GF: THBT governments should never bail out big companies.
R1: THBT cultural treasures should be returned to their areas of origin.
R2: THW not eat meat.
R3: THW encourage the expanded use of civilian nuclear energy.
R4: THBT terrorism can never be justified.
R5: THW legalise current technologies for choosing human embryos on the basis of their genetic characteristics.
R6: THW ban smoking in public places.
R7: THBT public services are best run by private companies.
R8: THBT minor crimes should be pursued with the same vigour as serious crimes.
OF: THW require people to work in return for welfare payments.
QF: THW lower the voting age.
SF: THW cut off all development aid to non-democratic countries.
GF: THBT governments should grant amnesty to all illegal immigrants.
R1: TH supports military intervention to deliver emergency aid in humanitarian crises.
R2: THW ban strikes by those working in essential state services.
R3: THW ban the use of unethically obtained data in scientific research.
R4: THBT humanities courses should be part of every undergraduate programme.
R5: THW make the directors of multinational companies personally liable for environmental abuses committed by their companies in the developing world.
R6: THW cease the use of detention without trial in the war on terror.
R7: THBT governments have a duty to bail out failing financial institutions.
R8: THW ban government funding of the arts.
OF: THBT heads of government should be required to have a parliamentary majority to govern.
QF: TH regrets the hosting of the 2008 Beijing Olympics.
SF: THW drop all US sanctions on Cuba.
GF: THW expand the permanent membership of the UN Security Council.
R1: THW make the development of clean industry a condition for receiving non-emergency aid.
R2: THW ban the use of models who are below a healthy weight.
R3: THBT Holocaust denial should be a crime.
R4: THBT governments should not place limits in the areas which scientists may research.
R5: THBT the United States should withdraw from its military bases in Asia.
R6: THW legalise all drugs.
R7: THBT free trade harms the developing world.
R8: THW limit media reporting of terrorist atrocities.
OF: THW force organizations to place more women in senior positions.
QF: THW privatize public utilities companies.
SF: THW partition Iraq.
GF: THW abolish the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty.
R1: THW place a worldwide ban on the use of civil nuclear energy.”
R2: THBT full-time students should take part in compulsory charity work.
R3: THBT captured terrorists should be treated as prisoners of war.
R4: THW place a worldwide ban on tobacco advertising.
R5: TH supports the international trading of pollution quotas.
R6: THW ban abortion except in cases where the mother’s health is at risk.
R7: THBT Internet search engines should boycott China until it allows its citizens unrestricted access to the Web.
R8: THBT the War on Terror has been counter-productive.
OF: THBT governments should subsidise the traditional arts of minority cultures.
QF: THBT governments should subsidise the traditional arts of minority cultures.
SF: THBT first-time offenders who commit non-violent crimes should not be sent to jail.
GF: THBT democracy is the best system of government for every nation.
R1: THBT the costs of space exploration outweigh the benefits.
R2: THBT censorship does more harm than good.
R3: THBT political parties should receive state funding.
R4: THBT civil marriage should be open to homosexual couples.
R5: THW use affirmative action in response to historical injustice.
R6: THW not give development aid to non-democratic governments.
R7: THBT education policy should be the responsibility of local authorities.
R8: THW not give development aid to non-democratic governments.
OF: THBT national security should take precedence over individual rights.
QF: THBT the first priority of criminal justice should be rehabilitation, not retribution.
SF: TH believes in regional trading blocs rather than global free trade.
GF: THBT the permanent members of the United Nations Security Council should not have veto power.
R1: THBT Turkey should join the European Union.
R2: THBT fast food companies should pay people compensation for damaging their health.
R3: THW make use of genetically modified crops to feed the world.
R4: THW prosecute teenagers as adults for criminal offences.
R5: THBT trade unions impede progress.
R6: THBT governments should protect their native languages.
R7: THBT religion has no place in state schools.
R8: TH condemns the influence of the music industry on today’s youth.
OF: THBT the welfare state should be scrapped.
QF: THBT political parties have too much influence on democratic elections.
SF: THBT globalisation perpetuates social inequity.
GF: THBT the world is facing a clash of civilisations.
R1: THW advertise prescription medicines.
R2: THBT voting in national elections should be compulsory.
R3: THBT current intellectual property laws are a brake on progress.
R4: THBT sporting boycotts are a legitimate political tool.
R5: THBT cultural treasures belong at home.
R6: TH supports voluntary euthanasia.
R7: THBT the sovereignty of nation states is an outdated concept.
R8: TH supports quotas for women in national parliaments.
OF: THW pay development aid direct to governments.
QF: THW legalise prostitution.
SF: THBT political decisions should not be dictated by religious beliefs.
GF: THW end the war on drugs.
R1: THBT professionalism has ruined the Olympic Games.
R2: THBT politicians should only be allowed to serve in office for a limited period of time.
R3: THW maintain United States military bases in Asia.
R4: THBT low taxes are preferable to extensive government services.
R5: THBT free trade is the way forward.
R6: THBT gambling of all forms should be illegal.
R7: TH supports missile defence.
R8: THW make tobacco companies pay compensation to the individual.
OF: THW ban genetic screening.
QF: TH supports the international trading of pollution permits.
SF: THW compromise civil liberties in the interests of security.
GF: THBT the media has become too powerful.
R1: THBT affluent nations should accept more refugees.
R2: THW ban all handguns.
R3: THW waive patent rights for AIDS drugs for under-developed countries.
R4: TH supports the use of the death penalty.
R5: THBT gay couples should be allowed to adopt children.
R6: TH disapproves of cloning.
R7: THW cancel third world debt.
R8: THBT international sport is warfare without weapons.
OF: THW impose democracy.
QF: TH refuses to negotiate with terrorists.
SF: THW give parents the final say in medical treatment of their children.
GF: THBT compensation should be paid for the injustices committed by previous generations.