
PDA 大会論題

【PDA2024 世界交流大会】

R1: Living in rural areas is better than living in urban areas.

R2: Zoos should be banned.

R3: Disaster-affected marginal villages should move to other cities rather than rebuild.

Info: A marginal village is a village with over half the residents over the age of 65.

R4: African countries should prioritize environmental protection over economic development.

SF: Politics is better done by AI than by humans.

GF: STEM education is more important than language education for high school students.

【PDA2023 冬 全国大会】

R1: Japan should make university tuition free. 

R2: Being fashionable brings more benefit than harm.

R3: To change Japan, it is better to be a business person than a politician.

R4: The U.S. should stop supporting Israel. 

QF: Priority should be put on speed when deliberating on policy/decision making. 

SF: Going to university abroad is better than going to university in Japan. 

GF: The upper limit of income should be 100 million yen and excess income should be redistributed.

【PDA2023 夏合宿・全国大会】

Junior high / Practice-R1: After-school club activities in schools should be abolished. 

Junior high / Practice-R2: The number of AI-equipped surveillance cameras should be increased. 

Practice-R3: Volunteer work in schools should be mandatory. 

R1: Japan should privatize prizons.

R2: Patriotism should be emphasized in compulsory education.

R3: Scholarships should be granted based only on financial situation, not on academic performance.

SF: In elections, only those who pass aptitude tests should be eligible to vote.

GF: In university entrance examinations, the ratio of comprehensive type selections (AO examinations) should be increased. 

【PDA2023 中学全国大会】

R1: Japan should ban pet sales.

R2: Spending weekends with friends is better than with family.

R3: Japan should prioritize child raising support over defense spending.

GF: Brain Machine Interface (BMI), which allows people to interact just by thinking by implanting electrodes in the brain, will do more good than harm.

【PDA2023 世界交流大会】

R1:  Having pets should be banned.

R2: High school students should have part-time jobs.

R3:  Economic sanctions against Russia do more harm than good.

R4:  Degrowth should be supported rather than SDGs.

SF: All universities should give students the option to graduate online only.

GF: Universities involved in STEM should select students based on diversity rather than academics.

【PDA2022 全国大会(冬)

R1: Being single is better than getting married in the modern world.

R2: Japan should increase defense spending.

R3: Online education should be introduced in junior high and high schools, and school districts should be abolished.

R4: Students should be instructed in debate by Al rather than by teachers.

QF: Consumer behavior (ownership and use of things) should be limited to achieve carbon neutrality.

SF: Entrepreneurship should be pursued rather than employment at a big company.

GF: Living in the U.S. will be better than living in Japan in the future.

【PDA2022 夏合宿・全国大会】

Practice R1: Ranking children in sport events at kindergartens and elementary schools should be abolished.

Practice R2: As pets, robot dogs are better than real dogs.

Practice R3: We should abolish the death penalty.

R1: STEAM education should be prioritized over English education.

R2: Footage of shooting incidents should not be reported.

R3: Public policies should be based on public opinion polls, rather than a few experts or bureaucrats.

SF: NATO should deploy its troops to Ukraine.

GF: Japan should promote the use of nuclear power plants.

【PDA2022 中学全国大会】

R1: We should prohibit cosmetic surgery.

R2: High school students should study abroad during high school years.

R3: Space exploration spending should be increased.

GF: Economic sanctions against Russia does more good than harm to the world.

【PDA 2022 世界交流大会

R1: Parents should have the right to access their children’s SNS.

R2: Homework should be abolished.

R3: The development of AI weapons for military purposes should be banned.

R4: Companies should not do business with countries where there are human rights violations.

SF: Developing countries should take the same responsibilities as developed countries on global warming.

GF:Space travel by the wealthy should be criticized.

【PDA 2021 冬 全国大会】

R1: Plastic products should be taxed.

R2:  Parents of children who bully other children should face criminal charges.

R3:  Japan should impose a diplomatic boycott of the Beijing Olympics.

R4:  COVID-19 vaccination should be mandatory.

QF:  Wild fish catch should be prohibited and fish should be farmed.

SF: Debate competitions should be held online rather than face-to-face regardless of the COVID-19 situation.

GF:  The U.S. military should not have withdrawn from Afghanistan.

【PDA 2021 夏合宿・全国大会】

Practice 1: Cosmetic surgery should be banned. 

Practice 2: It is better to be single for life than to have a family. 

Practice 3: China should abolish its restriction on the number of births.

R1: Vaccination against COVID-19 should become mandatory. 

R2: Male Employees should be forced to take parental leave.

R3: School rule regarding appearances should be abolished.

SF: The Tokyo Olympics should have been cancelled. 

GF: Teleworking makes people happy.

【PDA2021 中学全国大会】

R1: Japan should abolish zoos.

R2: Hosting the Tokyo Olympics in the summer of 2021 will do more good than harm.

R3: Children should choose foster parents over biological parents who cannot provide adequate food, clothing and shelter.

GF: Online learning should be introduced in junior high schools, and students go to school only three days a week. 

【PDA2021 世界交流大会】

R1: High school students should have part-time jobs.

R2: The death penalty should be abolished.

R3: Government should force people to take a COVID-19 vaccine.

R4: The permanent ban of Donald Trump’s Twitter account should be removed. 

SF: Combat sports should be banned.

GF: Development aid does more harm than good in developing countries.

【PDA2020 冬全国大会】

R1: Wearing a mask should be mandatory.

R2: The media should not report on suicide. 

R3: Infertility treatment should be for free.

R4: Class-size reduction in elementary schools does more good than harm. 

QF: Tuition fees for university STEM departments should be free. 

SF: Prevention of COVID-19 should be prioritized over boosting economy in developing countries.

GF: Japan should introduce a basic income. 

【PDA 2020 夏合宿・全国大会】

Practice1: A grade should be decided based on learning outcomes.

Practice2: A fat tax should be introduced.

Practice3: Persons who spread a virus on purpose should be sentenced to death.

R1: Japan should accept more foreign refugees.

R2: Japan should legalize euthanasia.

R3: A pet tax should be introduced.

SF: Authoritarianism is better than democracy during the COVID-19 pandemic.

GF: A life imprisonment should be imposed on a person who lead others to commit suicide with slander.

【PDA 2020 中学全国大会】

R1: Bringing snacks and soft drink to junior high school should be allowed.

R2: Closing schools to combat the COVID-19 has brought more benefits than harm. 

R3: Recreating the dead in VR does more benefits than harm.

【PDA 2020 世界交流大会】

R1: Parental leave should be made mandatory for both parents.

R2: A maximum number of terms for parliament members should be established.

R3: In primary and secondary school years, students should be grouped by competency and intelligence instead of age.

QF: The Olympics Games should be abolished.

SF: The United State should remove all sanctions against Iran.

GF: Government should oblige companies to allow their employees to telework.

【PDA2019 全国大会(冬)】

R1: Club activity should have three days off a week.

R2: Children should be prohibited from posting on video hosting websites.

R3: The postponement of introducing private English tests into national university entrance examinations has brought more benefits than harm.

R4: Social media (e.g. twitter) causes only division of society.

QF: Disaster forecasts should be issued from a single source. 

SF: Japan should pay the full cost of US military bases in Japan.

GF: Parents should be banned from corporal punishment of children for discipline. 

【PDA 2019 全国大会・合宿(夏)】

Practice1 : All P.E. classes should be outsourced at elementary and junior high school. 

Practice 2: The number of classes taught by teachers should be reduced by half at high schools and universities, by introducing e-learning.

Practice 3: Mandatory paternity leave should be introduced.

R1: NHK should be scrambled.

R2: Gender and age should be removed in school application forms.

R3: Companies should encourage employees to wear a skirt at work.

SF: People should have a microchip implant in their own bodies.

GF: Companies should introduce the four-day-workweek system.

【PDA 2019 世界交流大会】

R1: Anonymous writing on the Internet should be prohibited. 

R2: As a form of welfare for the poor, providing basic goods and services(e.g. food stamp, job training and so on) is better than providing cash. 

R2: In aging societies, the young should be given more votes. 

QF: Exclusive schools for LGBT should be established. 

SF: Private ownership of guns should be prohibited in United States. 

GF: "Parents/educators should encourage children to choose start-up rather than traditional path. 

Context Slide: When children pursue their future career in business world, parents and educators currently tend to promote the traditional path (i.e. employee in a company.) "

【PDA 2018 全国大会(冬)】

R1: Using private homes as hotels for school trips should be banned.

R2: Japan should raise the pension age to 70 years old.

R3: Affirmative action  should be taken for female students with science and engineering background.

R4: Accepting more foreign workers will give Japan benefit than harm.

QF: Sale of potatoes with no poison produced through genome editing technology should be prohibited. 

SF: Centralization in urban areas bring more good than harm.

GF: US protectionism does more harm than good to the US.

【PDA 2018 中学生全国大会】

R1: Junior high school students should be allowed to bring smartphones to school.

R2: High schools should introduce eSports as a regular course. 

GF: Production of plastic bags should be banned.

【PDA 2018 全国大会・合宿(夏)】

R1: All schools should be coeducation 

R2: Corporal punishment should be allowed in schools.

R3: We should impose a tax on the usage of SNS.

R4: Japan should legalize active euthanasia. 

R5: School lawyers should be set to all schools.

R6: Casinos in Japan will give us more benefit than harm.

QF: Overtime regulations will enrich Japan.

SF: We should ease the reception of foreign caregivers considerably.

GF: Plea bargaining will do more good than harm.

【PDA 2018 世界交流大会】

R1: Corporal punishment should be legalized.

R2: Stricter sanction on North Korea for its aggressive behavior does more harm than good. 

R3: Preventive evacuation from meteorological disaster has to be obligation. 

QF: Government should punish individuals who write Fake news. 

SF: Government should subsidize prenatal diagnosis.

GF: Countries with aging populations should prioritize policies enhancing productivity over population increase. 

【PDA 2017 全国大会(冬)】

R1: Universities in Tokyo’s 23 wards should limit the number of new students. 

R2: Reporting real names of crime victims should be prohibited. 

R3: Grade-skipping should be introduced in compulsory education. 

R4: Government should restrict the time spent on online games. 

QF: Promoting studying abroad for Japanese students will save Japan. 

SF: Automatic driving cars does more harm than good. 

GF: Development of AI weapons should be banned. 

【PDA 2017 中学生全国大会】

R1: Corporal punishment should be admitted in schools. 

R2: Domestic travel is better than traveling abroad for a school trip. 

GF: Japan should accept more refugees.

【PDA 2017 全国大会・合宿(夏)】

R1: Online shopping is better than going shopping.

R2: The assassination of dictators should be justified.

R3: Economic growth should be given priority over environmental protection.

R4: Having a boyfriend or girlfriend is a waste of time for high school students.  

R5: We should accept more foreign workers.

R6: We should make it mandatory for elderly citizens to return their driver's license.

QF: The declining birth rate is not a bad thing.

SF: Polygamy should be legalized.

GF: Idols (pop stars) should be prohibited from having romantic relationships.  

【PDA 2017 世界交流大会】

R1: Cosmetic surgery should be banned. 

R2: We should build expensive disaster prevention facilities to prepare for a massive once-in-a-thousand-years disaster even if we end up destroying the environment in the process.

R3: President Trump brings more benefits than harm to the world. 

SF: Euthanasia should be legalized. 

GF1: Countries around the world should actively promote immigration policies. 

GF2: Artificial intelligence is our enemy.

【PDA 2016 全国大会(冬)】

R1: Priority seats on trains should be abolished.

R2: Genetically modified organism brings us more benefits than harm. 

R3: We should welcome the rent subsidies for female students of University of Tokyo. 

R4: Japan should have nuclear weapons. 

QF: Japan should raise its consumption tax rate. 

SF: Media should broadcast Tsunami Warnings in a slightly exaggerated manner. 

GF: Having casinos in Japan does more good than harm. 

【PDA 2016 全国大会・合宿(夏)】

R1: We should introduce compulsory voting.

R2(1): We should raise consumption tax rate.

R2(2): When it comes to high school years, living in rural areas is better than living in urban areas.

R3: Intimate relationships between teachers and students should be acceptable.

SF: Celebrities who got accused of drug scandals should not be allowed to be back on mass media.

GF: We should introduce female quota in the Diet.

【PDA 2016 世界交流大会】







【PDA 2015 全国大会(冬)】

R1: We should outsource coaching of club activities.

R2: Reduced tax rate should be applied to newspapers. 

R3: Pictures of the ex-boyfriend/girlfriend should be thrown away.

R4: Same-sex marriage should be legalized.

QF: Genetically modified food brings more benefits than harm.

SF: Court trials should be broadcast live.

GF ???

【PDA 2015 全国大会(夏)】

R1: High school students should have the right to vote.

R2: Using a selfie stick in public space should be banned.

R3: Marrying at older age is better than marrying young.

SF: We should prohibit cosmetic surgery.

GF: Homeroom teachers should be criminally charged for bullying.