Text & Image


I- Homework 3

Colleagues exchange texts among themselves and evaluate them from the same grid as the previous week.

KRUGER, Barbara. Untitled (Know nothing, Believe anything, Forget everything). 1987/2014. Digital or vinyl. United States of America, National Gallery of Art.


II- Look at the image, discuss and take notes:

How would you describe the use of Kruger imagery?

Why do you think the artist uses text next to the images?

How does the text change or relate to the image in question?

How do visual media, such as those seen in print and advertising, influence our perception and behavior?

How can art be a vehicle for social criticism?


III- Read some quotes from the artist and a little about her history. Then watch her autobiographical short, Barbara Kruger in Her Own Words.

When watching, write down words that relate to Art and words that relate to language.

Compare the words you wrote down with classmates. How can those elements contribute to interpreting?

Watch again and check. Pay attention to the works that pass in the background.

Get together with colleagues who have chosen the same work as you and describe it. What is the relationship between language and image in it?

Share perceptions and ideas with other groups.


IV- In pairs:

Students brainstorm general topics or social issues they have an interest on or point of view in, discussing important concepts such as propaganda and media distortion.

Draft some initial ideas to explore on a poster that combines language and image and, in pairs, receive feedback on which idea to pursue and guidelines. Students will use their materials to build the idea and write a short explanation of their works, covering pretension, challenges and achievements in their artwork.

Materials: images from magazines and newspapers, stamps, colored paper, pens, glue, scissors, poster or brown paper, rulers, EVA.

Artist examples: Tissue Paper Flowers (1987/2014).