

I- Homework assessment

Exchange homework with a peer and give them feedback according to the Evaluation Sheet.

Rewrite your text according to your peer's feedback. 

Deliver your text to the teacher.


II- Interpreting

What is to interpret a text?

Is there a correct way to interpret a story? Which one would it be?

Have you ever interpreted something wrong? Tell your classmates.

Which elements do you think are important to interpret a story?


III- Spelling

Do you remember the alphabet in English? Each student say a letter.

In which contexts do we use it in the day to day life? 

Do we write as we speak? Explain examples like honour, hospital, queue, getting

Watch David Lynch's short film. It uses the alphabet as its central object to convey the main idea. Lynch is known for his oniric and surreal art. While watching, fill in the information below. What is the short film's:







IV- Arguing   

Discuss and take notes:

How did you feel watching it? Did your classmates feel the same? What brought those feelings?

Watch the short film again thinking about at least two possible interpretations. Are there classmates who think the same? 

Which elements support your theses? 

What in the video evokes those feelings? 

After talking to classmates, can you perceive new possible interpretations? What are them? 

Advertisement and journalistc articles also use audiovisual resources. Do you remember any piece of advertisement or article in which images play a fundamental role in its interpretation? Share with the class. 

Making Sense

V- Watch to some of the interview with the director of the previous short film and answer:

What is the question asked to him? Why do you think it was asked? 

Summarize his answer:

What does he mean by abstraction? Do you agree with him?

How does he define cinema? What's special about cinema?

What are the two parts of interpreting according to the American director?

Do you know any story with a murky interpretation? Talk to classmates about differing points of view you have.


VI- Homework 2 

Write a paragraph about:

one artwork (song, film, book, series, theatre, dance) that you interpret differently than other people. 

if you don't, write the reasons why there can't be other interpretations for that work.