Conceptual Art


I- Feedback on the second homework

Colleagues exchange texts among themselves and evaluate them from the same grid as the previous week;

The teacher delivers an individual written feedback on the first topic and a general feedback orally. 

Warm up

II- Back to the chairs

Compare works of two colleagues. Are these chairs?

What is similar and different between these chairs and the one seen in the last class?

A classmate should show their chair to the class and they should try to guess who it was designed for.

Look at a chair in the classroom and discuss the differences between the chair in the classroom and the chairs designed by students. 

Conceptual Art

III- Joseph Kosuth

Do you know conceptual art? Can you imagine what it is?

See Joseph Kosuth's One, Three Chairs. What do you think of it?

What do you think it means? Work out a response in small groups and then share.

How does this work of art differ from work like that of the Chokwe peoples we saw in the last class?

Share experiences with conceptual art: performance, installation, video or in another modality. 


IV- Homework 3

Write a short paragraph about why the chair you sit on at home is not a work of art and why the ones we saw in class are. What elements that we studied give this status to art?