Chair or throne?


I- Questions for visualising

Analyze the chair and answer:

What do you notice?

Many figures are part of the chair's design;

what role can these figures have in the community? What do you see that supports your idea?

What do you notice about the activities represented?

How did the artist organize the composition? What can this tell us?

Who can sit on a chair like that?

Do you think a leader's chair or throne could include scenes from everyday life and rituals? Why yes/no?

Ngumdja (Chair), Chokwe peoples 

(19th-20th century)


II- Activity

Design a chair for a leader you admire. Create a list of special qualities and ceremonies associated with that person. Identify the items you consider most important and think of ways to express them visually. What scenes or symbols (eg animals, plants, special objects) can you include? As you develop your plan, think about how arranging the images can reinforce meaning — for example, a figure supporting a chair leg can symbolize strength. Turn your sketch into a three-dimensional design using cardboard to modify an existing chair. Once you're happy with the overall shape, use paint to add detail to the surface. When finished, fill in the question form.



III- Oral practise

In pairs, practise orally the questions of the chart with a classmate.