Making the Most of Discussion Boards

Why We Use Discussion Boards

Discussion boards are an effective tool in reaching students and building
class community.

Harness the pwer of LMS discussion boards to make the classroom a more impactful place to learn.

Instructors are rethinking their discussion boards emphasizing taking active role to get students talking.

Ways to Use Discussion Boards

Step-by-Step instructions for all tools in the discussion area of Brightspace

Faculty share ideas of having students self-grade discussion posts and use the quiz tool for assessment.

Strategies for creating online discussions where students are both eager and comfortable with contributing. 

Activities for Discussion Boards

Reimagine the Discussion area as an "interactive space" for meaningful asynchronous learning.

Discussion prompt types that are beyond the common "reply" structure. 

Gamify discussion boards to motivate and engage students as "heroes" and "villains" and earn points.