Dorothy (Walker) Robbins

Class of 2015

Dorothy (Walker) Robbins began her career as a supervisor in the Physical Education & Recreation Physical Fitness Division of the Nova Scotia Department of Education in 1946.

In 1948, while working at the DOE, she attended the first Maritime APER Conference. That association later turned into the Atlantic Province HPER then formed into today’s TAPHE. Regardless of its name, Dorothy has been involved; even today.

Another major accomplishment early in Dorothy’s career was curriculum work. She was instrumental in curriculum development for Grades Primary to 6 from 1949 to 1950.

After leaving the DOE in 1965, Dorothy joined the faculty at Nova Scotia Teacher’s College. She spent 10 years teaching at the college. During that time, Dorothy won the R. Tait Mackenzie Award at the 1973 CAHPERD National Conference in Calgary, Alberta.

From 1975 until retirement in 1981, Dorothy held the position of Physical Education Consultant with the Kings County Amalgamated School Board. In 1981, Dorothy received the TAPHE Honourary Lifetime Achievement Award. In 1983, Dorothy Walker received an honourary doctorate from Acadia University

Dorothy’s hard work and commitment to the profession has not gone unnoticed. In the year 2000, she was inducted as Charter Fellow in the North American Society of Health, Physical Education, Recreation, Sport and Dance Professionals.

TAPHE even created an award in her honour. Each year The Dorothy G. Walker Award of Merit is presented to a teacher, supervisor, and/or administrator who has made a notable contribution to the development of physical and health education in the province of Nova Scotia.

Dorothy’s work really makes you wonder….where would Physical Education in Nova Scotia be without her?

Dorothy Walker Robbins is a legend among the physical educators in Nova Scotia. If there was such a thing as physical education royalty, Dorothy would be our queen. It is with great pleasure that TAPHE puts her name forward for induction into the TAPHE Hugh A Noble Hall of Honour.