Welcome to HP of Takuya Maeda

I am Takuya Maeda, PhD (前田拓也 in Japanese), an Junior Associate Professor (Lecture/講師) in the Department of Electronic Engineering and Information Systems (EEIS), The University of Tokyo, Japan. 

I am enjoying research on wide-bandgap semiconductors (GaN, SiC, Ga2O3 and AlN), the new nitride electronic materials and their application to future electronic devices such as high power and high frequency devices.

Please feel free to browse around my HP and/or contact me if anything interests you.

Brief Bio and CV , Publication List, Research, etc.

New!! 東京大学3年生へのメッセージ 

New!! 研究紹介動画

Email: tmaeda"at"g.ecc.u-tokyo.ac.jp