Tadika Cherry 27th Annual Concert and Graduation Ceremony, 4 Nov 2023

The Principal delivering her welcome speech at the opening of the ceremony

Tadika Cherry 27th Annual Concert and Graduation Ceremony, 4 Nov 2023

Tadika Cherry had just conducted its 27th Annual Concert and Graduation Ceremony on 4 Nov 2023.   Like before, the students presented a marvelous concert before a big crowd consisting of their family members, relatives and friends.   Applause was almost endless at the end of every show.   Parents were pleasantly surprised by the outstanding performances of their children in the speech delivery, singing and dancing presentations.   It was really not an easy task for both the teachers and children to achieve the high standards set forth.    All teachers and students were truly appreciated for their great efforts.   Proud parents were expressing disbelief at the beautiful performances presented to the excited audiences.   The success of the shows was the rewards to the teachers and students who had practiced diligently for the grand occasion.   It spoke volume to all the audiences.  


In the midst of the concert, the exciting graduation ceremony was held. The elated K2 graduates proudly received their awards and certification of achievement from the Principal who wished them bright future and remarkable achievements.  The student representatives also expressed thanks to their teachers and bid farewell to all teachers and friends as all graduating students will be heading to different primary schools shortly when the current semester ends.   The touching moments drew closeness between the students and all the teachers who have spent the last few years together in teaching and educating them to achieve better academic achievements and better personality development.


Many parents complimented Tadika Cherry for the superb concert shows, the academic achievement and good personality of their children acquired from our kindergarten.    Of course, without the strong support and cooperation from the students, we could not have done that well.   Thank you, parents and children.   All of you make us proud.

Principal with a teacher

The trophies

The medals

Trophies, medals and scrolls

Final touch up before the concert

Final touch up before the concert

Final touch up before the concert

Final touch up before the concert

Final touch up before the concert

Some teachers with a group of students

The audience

The audience

The audience

The audience

Students delivering  welcome speech

Students delivering a speech

Principal addressing the audience

Principal addressing the audience

Teacher delivering speech in Chinese

Program announcing

Students delivering a speech

Welcome  songs by students

Principal delivering scroll and medal to a graduating student

Principal delivering scroll and medal to a graduating student

Principal delivering scroll and medal to a graduating student

Principal delivering scroll and medal to a graduating student

Principal delivering scroll and medal to a graduating student

Principal delivering scroll and medal to a graduating student

Principal delivering scroll and medal to a graduating student

Principal delivering scroll and medal to a graduating student

Principal delivering scroll and medal to a graduating student

Principal delivering scroll and medal to a graduating student

Principal delivering scroll and medal to a graduating student

Principal delivering scroll and medal to a graduating student

Principal delivering scroll and medal to a graduating student

Principal delivering scroll and medal to a graduating student

Principal delivering scroll and medal to a graduating student

Principal delivering scroll and medal to a graduating student