10.1 Our Courses

Our courses

a) Montessori education:

1. Daily life education - including basic movements, taking care of oneself, taking care of the environment, life etiquette, etc., cultivating self-care ability in daily life, as well as good habits such as mutual help and love.

2. Sensory education - cultivate keen senses cultivate the habits and abilities of observation, comparison, and judgment.

3. Language Teaching - promote the development of language expression ability through the description of objects, and at the same time infiltrate text activities, cultivate reading ability, and prepare for writing.

4. Mathematics Education - Mathematical visual aids enable the understanding of the relationship between number and quantity and the development of interest in arithmetic.

5. Cultural education - In a classroom fully equipped with teaching aids on animals, plants, astronomy, geography, history, geology, etc., children can explore the mysteries of science while playing, and cultivate their interest in science from the macro to the micro.

b) Conventional Course:

Languages, phonics/pinyin pronunciation, grammar, comprehension, mathematics, morals, science, speech and drama (Australian readers), computer, abacus, mental arithmetic, physical exercise, music/computer music, art, crafts and other activities.

We accept students from age 3 to 6 years.

Afternoon Enrichment Couse is also available.