
Conference presentations

37. "Stability of charge density waves in electron-phonon systems",  Himeji Conference on Partial Differential Equations, March 4 --March 6, 2024

36. "Magnetic properties of ground states in many-electron systems ", Mini-Workshop: Mathematics of Many-body Fermionic Systems,  Oberwolfach Workshop ID 2344a, 29 October - 4 November 2023

35. "Magnetic properties of ground states in many-electron systems ",  Oberseminar mathematische physik, Tuebingen University  (2023/04/27)

34. "Magnetic properties of ground states in many-electron systems ",  SNU operator seminar (online) (2023/03/29)

33. "Magnetic properties of ground states in many-electron systems ", Mathematical aspects of quantum fields and related topics (2023/01/16)

32. "金属強磁性のメカニズム解明に向けた関数解析的アプローチ ", 北海道大学数学科談話会(2022/05/25)

31. "Magnetic properties of ground states in many-electron systems ", 東大京大合同オンライン作用素環セミナー (Online) (2021/11/2)

30."近藤格子模型の基底状態における磁気秩序の安定性について", 信州数理物理セミナー(webinar) (2020/10/16)

29. " Stability of ferromagnetism in many electron systems (Part 1)", "Order preserving operator inequalities in many electron systems (Part 2)", T. Miyao, iTHEMS Math Seminar(webinar),  RIKEN (2020/07/31)

28. "Positivity improving property of the Nelson semigroup", Webinar on analysis and mathematical physics, University of Munich (2020/07/10)

27."Extensions of the Nagaoka-Thouless theorem", T. Miyao, Quantissima in the Serenissima III: Mathematical challenges in classical & quantum statistical mechanics, Venice(2019/08/19-23).

26."Stability of ferromagnetism in many electron systems", T. Miyao, Progress in Mathematics of Topological States of Matters, AIMR, Tohoku university (2019/7/29-2019/8/2)

25. "Mathematical analysis of retarded van der Waals potential", T. Miyao, Kanazawa symposium on quantum dynamical systems and related topics, 金沢大学(2019/3/25-3/26)

24."On the renormalized Hamiltonian nets", T. Miyao, スペクトル・散乱理論とその周辺 ,京都大学数理解析研究所(2018/12/19-12/21)

23."磁石と作用素不等式",T. Miyao, 日本数学会秋季総合分科会,特別講演,岡山大学(2018/09/24-09/27)

22."On the semigroup generated by the renormalized Nelson Hamiltonian", T. Miyao, contributed talk, The XIX International Congress in Mathematical Physics Montreal, Centre Mont-Royal, (2018/07/23-07/28)

21."Hubbard模型における普遍性", T. Miyao, 岡山ー広島 解析・確率論セミナー 2018, 岡山大学(2018/03/02-04).

20."Reflection positivity and operator theoretic correlation inequalities", T. Miyao, Reflection positivity, Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, (2017/11/26-2017/12/2)

19. "Stability of magnetism in the Hubbard model", T. Miyao,  Quantissima in the Serenissima II: Mathematical challenges in classical & quantum statistical mechanics, Venice(2017/08/21-26).

18.  “ Existence of the charge density waves in two-dimensional ionic Hubbard model”, T. Miyao, 「量子場の数理とその周辺」, 九州大学 IMI(2016,6/6-8).

17. ” Operator inequalities in condensed matter physics ”, T. Miyao, 第17回北東数学解析研 究会,北海道大学 (2016).

16.  “ Froehlich模型における相関不等式”, T. Miyao, 「量子場の数理とその周辺」,京都大学 数理解析研究所 (2015).

15. “ Correlation inequalities for the quantum rotor model ”,   T. Miyao,   信州数理物理 セミナー,信州大学 (2014).

14. “電子-格子相互作用系における基底状態の性質について”,T. Miyao, 「量子場の数理と その周辺, RIMS(2014).

13.  “多体電子系と作用素不等式”,札幌数理物理セミナー,T. Miyao,北海道大学(2014).

12.  “Motononicity of the polaron energy” , T. Miyao, 「繰り込み群の数理科学での応用」, RIMS(2013).

11.  “フレーリッヒ模型の数学的側面”, T. Miyao, 「量子場の数理とその周辺」, 京都大学数 理解析研究所 (2012).

10.  “Pauli-Fierz 模型のスペクトル解析”,T. Miyao,  談話会,  北海道大学 (2012).

9. “Spectral analysis of the Pauli-Fierz hamiltonian”, T. Miyao, 月曜解析セミナー,  北 海道大学 (2012).

8.  “Spectral analysis of the semi-relativistic Pauli-Fierz hamiltonian”, T. Miyao, 繰り込み 群の数理科学での応用, 京都大学数理解析研究所, (2009).

7.  “Spectral analysis of the semi-relativistic Pauli-Fierz hamiltonian”, T. Miyao, Obersem- inar Analysis und Numerik, Ludwig Maximilians Universit¨ate Mu¨nchen, (2008).

6.  “The bipolaron in the strong coupling limit”, T. Miyao, 作用素論セミナー, 岡山大学, (2007).

5.  “Lowest energy states in nonrelativistic QED: atoms and ions in motion”, T. Miyao, Com- plex Quantum and Classical Systems and Effective Equations, The Erwin Schro¨dinger International Institute for Mathematical Physics (July, 2006).

4.  “Lowest energy states in nonrelativistic QED: atoms and ions in motion”, T. Miyao, At the Interface of PDE, Self-Adjoint Operators and Stochastics, Wolfgang Pauli Institute Vienna (February, 2006)

3.  “Lowest energy states in nonrelativistic QED: atoms and ions in motion”, T. Miyao, Oberseminar zur Mathematischen Physik, Technische Universita¨t Mu¨nchen (November, 2005)

2. “Chevalley tensor product of linear operators”, T. Miyao, 日本数学会秋季関数解析分科 会, 北海道大学,  (2004).

1. “強超可換自己共役作用素”, T. Miyao, 日本数学会秋季関数解析分科会, 北海道大学,   (2004).