Goals of Miyao Group


There are still many unknown phenomena in the world. You may immediately think of things like "elementary particles," "dark matter," or "biological processes." However, please wait. How much do we truly understand about the substances that surround us? Do we have a complete understanding of magnets? What about the properties of water, ice, and water vapor? Unfortunately, we cannot claim to have a full grasp even on such fundamental matters. 

The field of condensed matter physics, which elucidates the properties of macroscopic substances based on the interactions of numerous microscopic particles, has made significant advancements. It has successfully unveiled the characteristics of various materials. There is no doubt regarding the success of this discipline. However, on the other hand, the mathematical underpinnings of the theoretical aspects of condensed matter physics are not yet fully established. 

One of the primary objectives of the Miyao Group is to provide a mathematically rigorous foundation for the theory of condensed matter physics. Specifically, we aim to mathematically formalize problems in condensed matter physics and solve them using precise methodologies. Throughout the problem-solving process, our group also focuses on contributing to mathematics by fostering the creation of new mathematical concepts and refining existing techniques.

The second objective is more ambitious. To describe hitherto unknown and intriguing physical phenomena, new concepts may need to be introduced. Precisely expressing these concepts requires the creation of novel mathematics or the innovative application of existing mathematical principles. In other words, enigmatic physical phenomena hold the potential to stimulate the emergence of new mathematical ideas. (In fact, what is being discussed here is historically well-established. For instance, you may be aware that Newton created the rudimentary ideas of calculus to describe universal gravitation.) Our group aims to unravel the hidden mathematics underlying various phenomena in condensed matter physics and strive to create innovative and original theories that have not been seen before. 



