FT9 | Alpine Rock III

Checkpoint: Belay Escape, Rappel

Demo: Multi-Pitch Routine, Cleaning Pro

Practice: Multi-Pitch Routine, Cleaning Pro, Climbing Technique

FT Logistics

Date: 5/11 or 5/12

Time: TBD

Meeting Location: Mt. Erie (meet-up location TBA)

*Consult Equipment Matrix on Home Page to Reference What to Bring* 

Learning Objectives:

Students will be able to:

1. Execute a belay escape by going hands-free and transferring load to an anchor

2. Rappel safely using an extended ATC device with autoblock backup

3. Describe and/or demonstrate a multi-pitch climbing routine as a follower using proper communication, with some prompting from an instructor

Rough Agenda:

Introductions (10 minutes)

Outdoor and multi-pitch climbing and cleaning pro demo (20 minutes)

Rappel setup demo (10 minutes)

*Belay escape checkpoint (20 minutes)

*Rappel checkpoint (30 minutes)

*Multi-pitch and cleaning pro practice (40 minutes)

*Climbing practice (180 minutes)

Debrief (10 minutes)

* Small group rotation

Multi-Pitch Transitions

 In this course you are expected to do the following on a climb:

Cleaning Pro

Pro is expensive, practice removing gear properly so you don't ruin people's gear (or your own gear)!

Multi-Pitch Routine and Communication

Multi-Pitch Partner Communication

Multi-Pitch Non-Verbal Communication

This video gives you a good idea of the flow of a multi-pitch climb.