Dr Sam McCarren

Faculty of Science 

A short summary of Sam's research:.

I have always loved nature and started my career as a biologist studying birds, but when working on bird-pollination I was so smitten with pollination ecology as a field that I never looked back.


Research for Impact is one of the core strategic themes in SU`s Vision 2040. Can you describe the (potential) impact of your research?

Pollination is an essential ecosystem service. Without pollinators, humans would not be able to survive as almost 80% of crop species rely on animals for pollination.


In the ever-changing environment of academia, what are some of the obstacles postdoctoral researchers are faced with?

The biggest hurdles are funding shortages and short contracts which leave postdoctoral researchers with much uncertainty for the next years.


What would you regard as the most important aspects to consider to effectively support postdoctoral researchers?

The most important support for me is a principal investigator who takes an active interest and advocates for my interests, including funding or visa issues.


What excites you about your work?

I am an inherently curious person. I love asking questions, and being a researcher allows me to come up with interesting questions but also to answer them myself.


When you're not in the lab, library or in the field conducting research, what do you do to unwind?

I have two dogs and I love taking them for walks through the fynbos.


How has the postdoctoral researcher programme of SU contributed to your research career?

I am working with some really exciting new methods and have been able to apply them to variety of different study systems.

What advice, if any, would you look to impart to future postdoctoral researchers?

Enjoy this time. You will never have so much time to just do research again.

Connect with Sam and his work: 

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/sam-m-4963b7128/
Twitter: https://x.com/z_mccarren
Research Gate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Sam-Mccarren
Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=YlOu6ZoAAAAJ&hl=en
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/zam.osa/