Dr Amsalu Tolessa Mossissa, Department of Chemical Engineering

Faculty of Engineering

A short summary of Amsalu's research:

My current research focuses on quantifying the potential benefits of (bio)-renewable energy for smallholder farmers, with an emphasis on the water-energy-food nexus. I am attempting to quantify resource recovery and the greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions reduction and global warming mitigation potential by anaerobic digestion of bio-wastes. I'm interested in this topic because I want to help smallholder farmers increase production in a climate-smart agriculture context.
I've spent the last few years researching appropriate and applicable technologies for small-scale farming systems in Africa (particularly, South Africa and Madagascar), as well as strategies for facilitating affordable technology uptake and integration into farming systems. I want farms to be able to farm in ways that increase productivity while preserving nutrients in the soil for future generations.


Research for Impact is one of the core strategic themes in SU`s Vision 2040. Can you describe the (potential) impact of your research?

I believe that my research is expected to have an impact since I typically focus on applicable and impactful technologies in addressing real-world problems in order to prompt policy change or changes in treatments that have practical implications 

In the ever-changing environment of academia, what are some of the obstacles postdoctoral researchers are faced with?

Usually, Postdocs work on fixed-term contracts that might span from one to five years commonly. This constant cycle of short-term contracts can lead to a sense of instability,
making it difficult to plan for the future and maintain a steady work-life balance.

What would you regard as the most important aspects to consider to effectively support postdoctoral researchers?

Providing adequate support/funding, including top-ups and incentives, to assist in maintaining a consistent work-life balance

What excites you about your work?

A sense of purpose, prospects for advancement, and knowledge.


When you're not in the lab, library or in the field conducting research, what do you do to unwind?

Performing some physical exercise, like jogging.


How has the postdoctoral researcher programme of SU contributed to your research career?


Connect with Amsalu and his work:

Google Scholar citations: ‪https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=LzFPkiEAAAAJ
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/amsalu-tolessa-15725344/
ORCID iD: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-3042-7569
ResearchGate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Amsalu-Tolessa-2