Dr Nto Johnson Nto, Department of Biomedical Science

Faculty of Medicine & Health Sciences 

A short summary of Nto's research:

I am a neuroscientist specializing in the study of the gut microbiome and its impact on mental health disorders. As a member of the Neuropsychiatric Genetics Group led by Prof Sian Hemmings, our research is dedicated to unravelling the intricate relationship between the diverse community of microorganisms in the gastrointestinal tract and the brain, and how they influence various aspects of mental health, including mood, cognition, and behavior.

Our current research endeavours are part of the South African Microbiome Initiative in Neuroscience, focusing on elucidating the mechanisms by which gut microbiota contribute to the pathophysiology of mental health disorders such as PTSD, depression, and anxiety. We are exploring several key areas, including microbiome composition and mental health, gut-brain communication pathways, microbiota-derived metabolites, and therapeutic interventions.

My interest in this field was ignited during my early academic career when I first encountered emerging research on the gut-brain axis by my host, Prof Sian Hemmings. The concept that the microbiome could exert influence over brain function and behaviour was profoundly intriguing, as it represented a paradigm shift in our understanding of mental health. The traditional notion that mental health disorders are solely brain-based conditions is being challenged by mounting evidence implicating the gut microbiome. Moreover, the interdisciplinary nature of the field, which intersects neuroscience, microbiology, immunology, and psychiatry, allows for a holistic approach to understanding complex mental health disorders and offers innovative avenues for research and therapy. This interdisciplinary aspect further fuels my passion for this research area.


Research for Impact is one of the core strategic themes in SU`s Vision 2040. Can you describe the (potential) impact of your research?

The potential impact of microbiome research on mental health is profound and far-reaching. By illuminating the intricate interplay between the gut microbiome and the brain, this research has the power to transform our understanding of mental illness and revolutionize approaches to diagnosis, treatment, and prevention. As we embark on this journey towards a deeper understanding of the gut-brain connection, we hold the key to unlocking new frontiers in mental health care and improving the lives of millions affected by mental health disorders.


In the ever-changing environment of academia, what are some of the obstacles postdoctoral researchers are faced with?

Postdoctoral researchers encounter numerous challenges in academia, including limited job security, fierce competition for faculty positions, funding uncertainties, work-life balance issues, and a lack of mentorship and career development opportunities. Publishing pressure, isolation, and career transition challenges further compound these obstacles. Despite these challenges, postdocs possess resilience and determination.


What would you regard as the most important aspects to consider to effectively support postdoctoral researchers?

Institutions and funding agencies can support postdocs by providing mentorship, career development resources, funding opportunities, and fostering a supportive research environment.

What excites you about your work?

What excites me most about my work is the opportunity to contribute to groundbreaking discoveries and innovations in the field of neuroscience. Every day, I am driven by the prospect of unraveling the mysteries of the brain and understanding how its complex networks give rise to cognition, behavior, and consciousness. The dynamic and interdisciplinary nature of neuroscience research allows me to continually explore new avenues of inquiry, from studying the neural mechanisms underlying mental health disorders to investigating the impact of novel therapeutic interventions. Moreover, collaborating with diverse teams of scientists and clinicians fuels my passion for discovery and fosters an environment of creativity and innovation. Ultimately, the potential to make meaningful contributions to improving human health and well-being through advancements in neuroscience is what motivates and excites me the most about my work.


When you're not in the lab, library or in the field conducting research, what do you do to unwind?

When I'm not immersed in research, I enjoy engaging in activities that help me unwind and recharge. One of my favorite ways to relax is by spending time outdoors, whether it's hiking through nature trails or simply taking leisurely walks in the park. Being surrounded by nature allows me to clear my mind, appreciate the beauty of the natural world, and find solace in the tranquility of outdoor spaces


How has the postdoctoral researcher programme of SU contributed to your research career? 

The postdoctoral researcher program at SU has significantly contributed to my research career by providing access to diverse opportunities, mentorship, professional development resources, networking and collaboration opportunities, funding support, and recognition within the academic community. Through this program, I have been able to expand my research portfolio, enhance my skills, build professional connections, and prepare for the next stage of my academic journey. Overall, the program has played a pivotal role in shaping and advancing my research career at SU.


What advice, if any, would you look to impart to future postdoctoral researchers?

For future postdoctoral researchers, I advise: define clear career goals and align research accordingly, seek mentorship for guidance and support, actively network for collaborations and opportunities, balance research with professional development, publish strategically for impact, take ownership of career trajectory and advocate for needs, prioritize self-care and seek support when needed and, cultivate resilience and flexibility to navigate challenges

Connect with Nto and his work: 

Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/nto-nto-6516972a?utm_source=share&utm_campaign=share_via&utm_content=profile&utm_medium=android_app