Peer Online Course Review


Peer Online Course Review (POCR) allows you to assess and improve your online course by sharing effective design with your peers. In POCR, colleagues who have been through the CVC-OEI's peer reviewer training will assess the strengths of your course design using the CVC's Course Design Rubric, and then you'll work with a cohort of your peers to redesign your course. The final outcome is a course aligned to tried and true online course quality guidelines.

Come see why past participants of POCR believe this is the best professional development they have ever experienced. And, if you need a little more evidence to get you motivated, check out the amazing examples and testimonials from your peers in the POCR Showcase.

Peer Review for Course Improvement

Learning Community Outcomes

Refine your online course using research-based practices. In POCR you will work collaboratively with colleagues to:

  • Learn how to present content to increase student success

  • Explore why students learn more with increased interaction

  • See how assessment can be authentic & equitable

  • Discover how to make your course accessible to all students.

Check out the POCR Timeline. Please contact Sally Baldwin if you have any questions.

Who should sign up for this LC?

Instructors of any level interested in refining their fully online (asynchronous) course. You must have taught the online course for at least one semester.

What's the time required?

This Learning Community will meet remotely via Zoom every Monday 1:00-1:45 pm for 10 weeks, plus there are three 45 minute remote review meetings. You will also need additional time to individually refine your course.

What's the compensation?

Full-time faculty earn two PGA credits for completing the POCR program and aligning their course to the CVC-OEI Rubric, or a stipend of $1500.

Part-time faculty will be compensated $1500 for successful completion of the Summer PD cohort program and aligning their course to the CVC-OEI Rubric.


In this learning community, you will design a course aligned to the CVC-OEI Rubric and the Foothill Online Equity Affirmation plus a 2-3 minute reflection video sharing your experience/reflection/favorite part of peer review.

As a result of POCR you will develop a:

  • Welcome letter

  • Welcome video

  • Home Page

  • Orientation module

  • Individual modules/assignments mapped to your course objectives

  • Opportunities for informal student engagement

  • Fully accessible, engaging, effective course

Sounds like a lot, right? The good news is that you will have excellent support the entire way to ensure your success.