Course Design for New Faculty


Whether you are teaching on campus, online, or a mix of both, great student experiences begin with course design. In this learning community, we'll introduce you to Backward Design--an approach to course design that starts by closely examining the learning outcomes you wish to achieve. You'll work with your peers to develop meaningful assessments that measure how much your students have learned, and to design content and activities to help students develop the knowledge, skills, and attitudes they will need to succeed in your course.

In addition, we'll help you design a Canvas course to either support an on-campus class, a hybrid course, or fully online delivery.

Most importantly, this work will be grounded in effective equity practices, ensuring that the work you're doing contributes to the mission and goals of Foothill College.

Course Design for all modalities

Learning Community Outcomes

This workshop supports the year one new faculty onboarding and Canvas Certification. By the end of the workshop, you will:

  • apply equity practices across your course design;

  • design assessments that reflect student learning outcomes;

  • create activities that allow students to test their knowledge and skills and receive warm and supportive feedback on their progress;

  • design lecture content to support learning outcomes;

  • design a Canvas course to support your students' learning, regardless of modality.

Who should sign up for this LC?

This Learning Community is designed for new faculty. Those hired for Fall 2022 have first priority, with some spots available for faculty who have been hired since August 2021.

What's the time required?

This Learning Community will meet on campus on July 14th and 18th for a 2-day live kick-off workshop, then will work asynchronously in the summer. Approximately 20+ hours of work this summer to prep your Fall courses.

What's the compensation?

Full-Time faculty are compensated with PGA as part of the new faculty on-boarding package. Part-Time faculty are paid $50 per hour.


New faculty will work with the professional development and online learning team to create an equity-rich course plan which will then be developed in a Canvas site. Participants will meet in-person at the start of the learning community (July 14th & 18th), then will work asynchronously in an online Canvas course, and will choose from the list of synchronous workshops offered this summer. Choices will depend on each participants interests and skills.

The work will demonstrate:

  • equity-based teaching and learning practices

  • summative assessments aligned to learning outcomes

  • formative assessments designed with opportunity to provide meaningful feedback to students

  • a variety of content to meet the needs of diverse students

  • an accessible, intentionally-designed Canvas site