Course Redesign


The past two years have left us all needing a little change! In this learning community, we'll leverage the power of Backward Design to help you completely revision your online course.

Whether you want to include Open Educational Resources to reduce--or even eliminate!--text book costs for your students, sweep out the dusty cobwebs and build new equity-centered content and activities, rethink your course assessments, or prepare for a future cycle of Peer Online Course Review, this learning community will support your redesign.

Rethinking your online course

Learning Community Outcomes

This workshop is designed to support faculty embarking on a major course redesign. In this workshop, you will:

  • create a comprehensive plan for your revision;

  • work with a member of the online learning team to determine which summer workshops best fit your revision plan;

  • revise an online course, and align revisions to the CVC Course Design Rubric;

  • design an accessible online course.

Who should sign up for this LC?

This Learning Community is designed for any and all online faculty who wish to do a major revision of their online course.

What's the time required?

This Learning Community will meet asynchronously in the summer. Approximately 20+ hours of work this summer to revise a Fall course.

What's the compensation?

Full-Time faculty can earn up to 2 units of PGA (1 unit = 18 hours). Part-Time faculty are paid $50 per hour for up to 20 hours.


Faculty will work with the professional development and online learning team to create and implement a revision plan for a fully online or hybrid course. Work will begin with a synchronous online event (TBD with the participants), then continue in an asynchronous Canvas course. Participants will create a custom plan based on their needs, including choosing workshops based on their interest and needs from the Summer offerings.

The work will demonstrate:

  • equity-based teaching and learning practices

  • course design in alignment with the CVC-OEI Course Design Rubric

  • a variety of content to meet the needs of diverse students

  • an accessible, intentionally-designed Canvas site