Color and Brain

SU Vision Lab.

About us

Saitama University (SU) Vision Lab. was established on 1st. April, 2021 in the Department of Information & Computer Sciences, Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Saitama University, Japan.
Saitama University is one of the National Universities of Japan with a compact "all-in-one" campus, located near the north border of Tokyo Metropolis (one hour by train and bus from Tokyo Sta.). It has a wide variety of graduate programs including the Graduate School (G.S.) of Humanities, G.S. of Social Sciences, and G.S. of Education, in addition to the G.S. of Science and Engineering.

Our goal is to understand the mechanisms of visual information processing in human brains and its application for engineering.

We particularly study how we see colors by using various methods to approach; psychophysics, neuroscience (functional brain imaging; fMRI, EEG), and numerical models including deep neural networks. Color is a very unique sensation of human vision, which has no reference in other sensory modality. We usually consider that everyone's experiences are more or less similar, but we often encounter huge individual differences in color perception (e.g., the color perception of #TheDress image). What are common and what are not, and why? These are our main research questions.

Also see our web page about on-going research project, supported by JSPS KAKENHI class A (科研費 基盤A).Please contact me (, if interested in collaborating with us.

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